As Taiwan Watches US Election, It May Need Time to Trust a Biden Administration


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
20 years ago this wouldn't be an issue at all for Taiwan.

At his age and the people behind him, there is division in Taiwan and real deep division

With Hong Kong re-taken early by the Communists due to the great intel successes by the West (*inset laugh here), Taiwan will be the new linchpin, if the battle between communism and capitalism is going to ensure. I'm not so sure it is much of a battle now as much as a slow, grinding, startling victory for the communists, but I digress.

Aussies, Japanese and others are also watching the election results. The key that everyone should take with whom which candidate will support, was the massive sell off of the Yuan at 9pm when Trump was expanding his lead in the Blue Wall states.

There is a real division of nations and who they align with and trust. It may be the division across nations that we never though possible only 15 years ago.

Officially, President Tsai Ing-wen and her ruling government have insisted they feel confident in the future of U.S.-Taiwan relations regardless of whether Democratic candidate Joe Biden defeats President Donald Trump. At the time of publication, Biden holds a razor-thin lead over Trump and has gained ground in crucial swing states, which have not yet counted all ballots.

Public reaction to the election, however, has shown a Biden administration would have work to do before gaining the trust of skeptical Taiwanese who feel jilted by perceived slights by past Democratic administrations.

Many Taiwanese are not overly fond of Trump as a president, but they’ve grown comfortable with his administration’s friendliness toward Taiwan and its cultivation of an image of being tough on China.
i have a lot of friends from the great country of Taiwan and they would never support a spineless orange buffoon for the sake of their own personal agenda...

and they are well aware regardless who the president is, American people are with their legitamate demand of freedom and democracy in their beautiful island...

otherwise trump would already have cut a "deal" with the chinese handing them over Taiwan on a golden plate in exchange of some favors...
Taiwan supports Trump and they should definitely use a shitty smelling shampoo on their kids' hair if Joe ever comes to visit.
20 years ago this wouldn't be an issue at all for Taiwan.

At his age and the people behind him, there is division in Taiwan and real deep division

With Hong Kong re-taken early by the Communists due to the great intel successes by the West (*inset laugh here), Taiwan will be the new linchpin, if the battle between communism and capitalism is going to ensure. I'm not so sure it is much of a battle now as much as a slow, grinding, startling victory for the communists, but I digress.

Aussies, Japanese and others are also watching the election results. The key that everyone should take with whom which candidate will support, was the massive sell off of the Yuan at 9pm when Trump was expanding his lead in the Blue Wall states.

There is a real division of nations and who they align with and trust. It may be the division across nations that we never though possible only 15 years ago.

Officially, President Tsai Ing-wen and her ruling government have insisted they feel confident in the future of U.S.-Taiwan relations regardless of whether Democratic candidate Joe Biden defeats President Donald Trump. At the time of publication, Biden holds a razor-thin lead over Trump and has gained ground in crucial swing states, which have not yet counted all ballots.

Public reaction to the election, however, has shown a Biden administration would have work to do before gaining the trust of skeptical Taiwanese who feel jilted by perceived slights by past Democratic administrations.

Many Taiwanese are not overly fond of Trump as a president, but they’ve grown comfortable with his administration’s friendliness toward Taiwan and its cultivation of an image of being tough on China.

Taiwan???? What the fuck does Taiwan have to do with anything? Taiwan is an fly on an elephant's ass, geopolitically, and politically.
20 years ago this wouldn't be an issue at all for Taiwan.

At his age and the people behind him, there is division in Taiwan and real deep division

With Hong Kong re-taken early by the Communists due to the great intel successes by the West (*inset laugh here), Taiwan will be the new linchpin, if the battle between communism and capitalism is going to ensure. I'm not so sure it is much of a battle now as much as a slow, grinding, startling victory for the communists, but I digress.

Aussies, Japanese and others are also watching the election results. The key that everyone should take with whom which candidate will support, was the massive sell off of the Yuan at 9pm when Trump was expanding his lead in the Blue Wall states.

There is a real division of nations and who they align with and trust. It may be the division across nations that we never though possible only 15 years ago.

Officially, President Tsai Ing-wen and her ruling government have insisted they feel confident in the future of U.S.-Taiwan relations regardless of whether Democratic candidate Joe Biden defeats President Donald Trump. At the time of publication, Biden holds a razor-thin lead over Trump and has gained ground in crucial swing states, which have not yet counted all ballots.

Public reaction to the election, however, has shown a Biden administration would have work to do before gaining the trust of skeptical Taiwanese who feel jilted by perceived slights by past Democratic administrations.

Many Taiwanese are not overly fond of Trump as a president, but they’ve grown comfortable with his administration’s friendliness toward Taiwan and its cultivation of an image of being tough on China.

Taiwan???? What the fuck does Taiwan have to do with anything? Taiwan is an fly on an elephant's ass, geopolitically, and politically.
Someone forgot their medication this morning.
"Trust" a Biden administration after the blatant thievery of the 2020 election and their dishonest far Left agenda?

One of the most ridiculous things ever said on this forum.
"Trust" a Biden administration after the blatant thievery of the 2020 election and their dishonest far Left agenda?

One of the most ridiculous things ever said on this forum.
Yer funny. What did 4 years of Trump get you? Go ahead and quantify it. Please. What?
Im sure if they find a job for Hunter they will get some "trust"

Their real problem is that it appears that China has already bought more "trust"

Taiwan is basically fucked.
"Trust" a Biden administration after the blatant thievery of the 2020 election and their dishonest far Left agenda?

One of the most ridiculous things ever said on this forum.
Yer funny. What did 4 years of Trump get you? Go ahead and quantify it. Please. What?

The only thing eight years of an Obama/Biden Administration got this country was increased poverty, deceased family income, tremendous debt with nothing to show for it, failed health care, increased taxes, weaken military, dismal economic growth and a foreign policy which was an embarrassment to the world.

Trump made America great again until Biden's Chicom buddies fucked the American people with their infection.

You know who the Chicoms are, don't you? They are the ones that made Hunter Biden's cocaine dealer filthy rich.
20 years ago this wouldn't be an issue at all for Taiwan.

At his age and the people behind him, there is division in Taiwan and real deep division

With Hong Kong re-taken early by the Communists due to the great intel successes by the West (*inset laugh here), Taiwan will be the new linchpin, if the battle between communism and capitalism is going to ensure. I'm not so sure it is much of a battle now as much as a slow, grinding, startling victory for the communists, but I digress.

Aussies, Japanese and others are also watching the election results. The key that everyone should take with whom which candidate will support, was the massive sell off of the Yuan at 9pm when Trump was expanding his lead in the Blue Wall states.

There is a real division of nations and who they align with and trust. It may be the division across nations that we never though possible only 15 years ago.

Officially, President Tsai Ing-wen and her ruling government have insisted they feel confident in the future of U.S.-Taiwan relations regardless of whether Democratic candidate Joe Biden defeats President Donald Trump. At the time of publication, Biden holds a razor-thin lead over Trump and has gained ground in crucial swing states, which have not yet counted all ballots.

Public reaction to the election, however, has shown a Biden administration would have work to do before gaining the trust of skeptical Taiwanese who feel jilted by perceived slights by past Democratic administrations.

Many Taiwanese are not overly fond of Trump as a president, but they’ve grown comfortable with his administration’s friendliness toward Taiwan and its cultivation of an image of being tough on China.

Taiwan???? What the fuck does Taiwan have to do with anything? Taiwan is an fly on an elephant's ass, geopolitically, and politically.

This is EXACTLY why the true allies being turned on, aren't the weak Canadians and Brits, who have, if you aren't a government patsy you might know; become warehouses for China, but, the Taiwanese, Aussies, Japanese.

You are clearly to thick to understand geopolitics and how it impacts what we import into Canada, maybe you think Communism is some fake construct from the movies.

Next time you watch Rocky IV, don't cheer for Drago ok?
With Hong Kong re-taken early by the Communists due to the great intel successes by the West (*inset laugh here), Taiwan will be the new linchpin, if the battle between communism and capitalism is going to ensure. I'm not so sure it is much of a battle now as much as a slow, grinding, startling victory for the communists, but I digress.

Uh.. Here's how China took Hong Kong.

It was rightfully theirs by treaty.

There is a real division of nations and who they align with and trust. It may be the division across nations that we never though possible only 15 years ago.

Here's the underlying problem. Why are we spending TRILLIONS of dollars to defend rich countries from a backwards third world one. If the Japanese, Koreans Taiwanese and Aussies were SOOOOO concerned about the PRC, it hasn't stopped them from investing BILLIONS in it developing businesses, building factories, and doing trade.

"Hey, America, we want you to keep order in our region of the world so we can make money!"

"Um, you're rich. Why don't you do that yourself?"

Seriously, Japan has the world's third largest economy, they could EASILY build an effective military force to deter China. Of course, they won't because no one in that region wants a re-militarized Japan.
With Hong Kong re-taken early by the Communists due to the great intel successes by the West (*inset laugh here), Taiwan will be the new linchpin, if the battle between communism and capitalism is going to ensure. I'm not so sure it is much of a battle now as much as a slow, grinding, startling victory for the communists, but I digress.

Uh.. Here's how China took Hong Kong.

It was rightfully theirs by treaty.

There is a real division of nations and who they align with and trust. It may be the division across nations that we never though possible only 15 years ago.

Here's the underlying problem. Why are we spending TRILLIONS of dollars to defend rich countries from a backwards third world one. If the Japanese, Koreans Taiwanese and Aussies were SOOOOO concerned about the PRC, it hasn't stopped them from investing BILLIONS in it developing businesses, building factories, and doing trade.

"Hey, America, we want you to keep order in our region of the world so we can make money!"

"Um, you're rich. Why don't you do that yourself?"

Seriously, Japan has the world's third largest economy, they could EASILY build an effective military force to deter China. Of course, they won't because no one in that region wants a re-militarized Japan.

They took HK by breaking this Treaty, that's the point. It wasn't due until 2047. You starting to get the picture now? They went in, without warning.

Canada has publicly said to it's own citizens there "we cannot assure your safety" this was after the Communists threatened Canadian citizens living there.

As for the wealthy allies in the region, well now, who is the populist again?
Selling, delivering, surrendering, . . .

Not getting involved in something that's not our problem.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Maybe we should stop getting involved in other people's internal affairs.

An Argument between the REPUBLIC OF CHINA and the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA isn't really our problem, is it. Sounds like it's a CHINESE Problem. Just like Islands in the SOUTH CHINA SEA. Sounds like a Chinese problem there, too.

I'm sure that when your white trash neighbors are having an argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best, you don't kick in the door of the Trailer and get involved, do you?

They took HK by breaking this Treaty, that's the point. It wasn't due until 2047. You starting to get the picture now? They went in, without warning.

Canada has publicly said to it's own citizens there "we cannot assure your safety" this was after the Communists threatened Canadian citizens living there.

As for the wealthy allies in the region, well now, who is the populist again?

Hong Kong returned to Chinese Sovereignty in 1997.

Now, I realize this is a hard thing for you to grasp, but look at it from the Chinese point of view of why Hong Kong is a thing.

In 1837, the United Kingdom was selling opium to China, killing millions of people. China's government tried to put a stop to it, and as a result, the UK fought the Opium Wars. Part of that settlement was that China had to "lease" Hong Kong to the UK.

The Chinese refer to the period between 1837 and 1949 as the "Century of Humiliation" where the whole world kind of had it's way with China. It's why China takes these threats to its sovereignty VERY seriously.

Looking at it that way, you have to kind of admire their restraint with the people of Hong Kong.

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