As the Covid lockdown fizzles out, here is the next attack on the US economy: Global Warming Lockdowns.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
I don’t see them getting anywhere near the amount of people to go along with that.
But i do encourage them to try it, and to do so forcefully.
Id like the tyrants in our government to expose themselves. This way when people rise up (because they will if they tried this shit) it will be easier to identify who we hang.
Don't laugh...they are talking about global climate saving shutdowns all over the world....the libs found their magic hammer to beat us into submission...there will be war inside our borders...better prepare for it....
And as long as the Progs control the narrative, it will last forever. Here will be their excuse to take away our liberty and right to earn a living.
I think you're right. They tried preaching a new normal to us until Trump stomped on it.

They'll keep trying to force their new normal until it sticks. One of these days, we may have to "mask up" for cold and flu seasons.
Global warming is an excuse to redistribute our wealth to whom ever wants it. Feel free to listen to the man who distributes our wealth:
IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer, speaking in November 2010, advised that: “…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth...”

Please America, please stop with the stupidity they require to pull this shit off.
And as long as the Progs control the narrative, it will last forever. Here will be their excuse to take away our liberty and right to earn a living.

We're smarter than that. Unless they go show all the bodies that died from GW last week -- the joke is on them.. BUT THEY WILL TRY !!! :auiqs.jpg:
And as long as the Progs control the narrative, it will last forever. Here will be their excuse to take away our liberty and right to earn a living.

We're smarter than that. Unless they go show all the bodies that died from GW last week -- the joke is on them.. BUT THEY WILL TRY !!! :auiqs.jpg:
/——/ They will switch the count from Covid deaths to GW deaths. And the media will go along.
You cannot drive your car today because you owe it to others well being not to.
That’s up next Hoax consumers and endorsers.
Global warming?? What a crock of shit. Let us all know when someone can harness the sun and the moon to control climate. We'll all be waiting. LMAO
And as long as the Progs control the narrative, it will last forever. Here will be their excuse to take away our liberty and right to earn a living.

Oh relax. Nothing of the sort is about to happen. Chill dude - CHILL
/——/ Were you asleep when the Progs said the lockdown would only be for two weeks and then stretched it out to 8 + months and still running? You azz wipes found your new tool to destroy our economy.
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And as long as the Progs control the narrative, it will last forever. Here will be their excuse to take away our liberty and right to earn a living.

Oh relax. Nothing of the sort is about to happen. Chill dude - CHILL
/——/ Were ypu asleep when the Progs said the lockdown would only be for two weeks and then stretched it out to 8 + months and still running? You azz wipes found your new tool to destroy our economy.

That's an even better conspiracy theory than election fraud.
Tell ya what Rufus - You follow #Rump and I'll follow #Fauci - Sound good?
And as long as the Progs control the narrative, it will last forever. Here will be their excuse to take away our liberty and right to earn a living.

Oh relax. Nothing of the sort is about to happen. Chill dude - CHILL
/——/ Were ypu asleep when the Progs said the lockdown would only be for two weeks and then stretched it out to 8 + months and still running? You azz wipes found your new tool to destroy our economy.

That's an even better conspiracy theory than election fraud.
Tell ya what Rufus - You follow #Rump and I'll follow #Fauci - Sound good?
/----/ " I'll follow #Fauci - Sound good? "
That will be a challenge since Fauci changes his position about every other week. At least Trump is consistant.
And as long as the Progs control the narrative, it will last forever. Here will be their excuse to take away our liberty and right to earn a living.

Oh relax. Nothing of the sort is about to happen. Chill dude - CHILL
/——/ Were ypu asleep when the Progs said the lockdown would only be for two weeks and then stretched it out to 8 + months and still running? You azz wipes found your new tool to destroy our economy.

That's an even better conspiracy theory than election fraud.
Tell ya what Rufus - You follow #Rump and I'll follow #Fauci - Sound good?
/----/ " I'll follow #Fauci - Sound good? "
That will be a challenge since Fauci changes his position about every other week. At least Trump is consistant.

You live in a parallel universe. Let ol' Doc know when you're ready for reality and I'll try and lend ya a hand.
That's me - Give Give Give ... Never Take, Always Give!
Lockdown may not fizzle out now. The C-19 N501Y strain has been reported on Colorado.

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