They aren't stopping. The media claims the China flu is now OUT OF CONTROL

COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.


But I thought it was all going to magically disappear after November 3rd

That was only if Biden won. Did you watch his speech last night? The Wuhan Flu was standing right there next to him on the stage, whispering cues right in Biden's ear.

The whole speech was total fear-mongering and how it was necessary for the Democrats to win, otherwise we'd all die of the China Plague.
The full of Hoax right wing believes the pandemic is a hoax. Coincidence or Russian tool conspiracy?

Cut the "Russian" crap already. That shit didn't unseat President Trump after four years and it won't work now either.

COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.

i thought this would immediately stop as soon as trump lost? another conspiracy tale down the drain. that's a shame.

When did that happen? I don't see a "270" next to his name yet.


So not official.

Try another emote.

When did that happen? I don't see a "270" next to his name yet.


So not official.

Try another emote.


COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.

i thought this would immediately stop as soon as trump lost? another conspiracy tale down the drain. that's a shame.

That's what he meant. After he lost, Fox would start reporting on the massive communist lockdown. Then CNN would start reporting on the quick of cases and deaths. Then it would magically disappear.

When did that happen? I don't see a "270" next to his name yet.


So not official.

Try another emote.


COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.


But I thought it was all going to magically disappear after November 3rd

Regardless of who is victorious, it will.

The moderate line for Biden camp would have been to just declare it over and lie that he cured it. However, the far left line would be to take away every right of Americans they can using to pandemic, and then declare it over along with declaring American values toxic and a sign of white supremacy.

You can guess which route Biden would take.

The far left line is also to completely destroy the economy and create as many losers as possible. Losers and dependent people vote for hard left.

When did that happen? I don't see a "270" next to his name yet.


So not official.

Try another emote.

So you are not being serious, just trolling.

Got it.

COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.


But I thought it was all going to magically disappear after November 3rd
It magically got quiet for the last few days though.

When did that happen? I don't see a "270" next to his name yet.


So not official.

Try another emote.

So you are not being serious, just trolling.

Got it.
He is pathetic hypocritical mod. Quite common here.

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