Tommy Tuberville admits he went to NYC to help trump break his gag order.

What do you expect in NY?

It is of course quite unconstitutional.

Will have to keep going up until it hits some REAL JUDGES.
The only judges that are REAL judges to you, are the judges that agree with you/Trump... We know your M/O!

You ain't fooling anyone! ;)
The only judges that are REAL judges to you, are the judges that agree with you/Trump... We know your M/O!

You ain't fooling anyone! ;)
If you say so ..... To date I have seen only partisan practices in the NYS legal proceedings.
Doesn't mean Trump is innocent. In fact to the law.... everyone is guilty to some degree.
Unless of course it can be shown that they did so at Trump’s behest. :rolleyes:
Doesn't matter one bit. First of all that can never be proved. Secondly there is no legal limit to the amount of people who can choose to do the same thing. This is what happens when you twist the law and use it the way it's not supposed to be used.
Irrelevant. Threats have specific legal definitions. The judge can't just make shit up as he goes.
Hilariously out of touch.

Trump’s Gag Order Upheld In Hush Money Case After Appeal Is Rejected​

Prove it then, Simp.

And show us in the order Trump is forbidden from asking others to speak on his behalf.

Page 4 under “Orders”, dupe.

If this is real (and I hope it isn't) Merchon should be thrown off the bench for having the writing skills of a retarded first grader. 21 errors in a single section.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Also, nobody has violated anything in this, if I have been able to decipher the dumbassery correctly.

Holy shit you just jumped on a rake with both feet, Simp.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

ORDERED, that the Court's Order of N{arch 26, 2024, is amended as indicated below. Defendant is directed to refiain tiom: a. b. c. Nlakrng or diiccting others to make public statements about knorvn or teasonably foreseeable witnesses concerning thet potential parucipation rn the rnvestigation or in this criminal proceedrng; Making or dirsgdng c-rthers to make public statements about (1) counsel in the case other than the District Attorney, (2) members of the court's staff and the District Attorney's staff, or (3) the fanrily members of any counsel, staff member, the Court or the District Attorney, if those statements are made with the intcnt to rnateriall), interfere with, or to cause others to materiallv interfere wtth, counsel's or staffs work in this crimrnal case, or with the knowledge that such interference is likcly to result; and l\faking or dtrecung others to make public s)tatements about any prospective juror or any juror in this crimrnal proceeding.
If this is real (and I hope it isn't) Merchon should be thrown off the bench for having the writing skills of a retarded first grader. 21 errors in a single section.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Also, nobody has violated anything in this, if I have been able to decipher the dumbassery correctly.

Holy shit you just jumped on a rake with both feet, Simp.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

ORDERED, that the Court's Order of N{arch 26, 2024, is amended as indicated below. Defendant is directed to refiain tiom: a. b. c. Nlakrng or diiccting others to make public statements about knorvn or teasonably foreseeable witnesses concerning thet potential parucipation rn the rnvestigation or in this criminal proceedrng; Making or dirsgdng c-rthers to make public statements about (1) counsel in the case other than the District Attorney, (2) members of the court's staff and the District Attorney's staff, or (3) the fanrily members of any counsel, staff member, the Court or the District Attorney, if those statements are made with the intcnt to rnateriall), interfere with, or to cause others to materiallv interfere wtth, counsel's or staffs work in this crimrnal case, or with the knowledge that such interference is likcly to result; and l\faking or dtrecung others to make public s)tatements about any prospective juror or any juror in this crimrnal proceeding.
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