As Wisconsin recall looms...

I fully support, and have donated money toward, the removal of Governor Walker from office. The hogs have to be pushed off the trough.

Let us know how that worked out for you when Walker wins on Tuesday. :lol:

Yes, I can feel it.

One of the many things I like about Walker is that I believe him when he has said repeatedly, that he wanted the job, to do what he thought best for his state, and it was worth being recalled, if that should happen. He put people and the economy before poltical sustained ambitions....:clap2:
OK, fine. I shall start calling you a coon. After all, I will only be referring to these...

Would that be a 'broad' coon?
I fully support, and have donated money toward, the removal of Governor Walker from office. The hogs have to be pushed off the trough.

Do you live in Wisconsin?

2/3 rds of Walkers money is not from Wis

So the f what?

Is it illegal to send campaign contributions across state lines?

Is it unethical for Walker to take outside contributions? If so, why did Barrett take them?

Did the post office shred the Democrats check at the sorting table?

Did Republicans go door to door nationwide and watch liberals 24/7 and beat the crap out of them if they were caught writing a campaign check?

And most importantly...if Barrett had collected more outside money and Ms. myopinionistotallysituational would be the first to argue that that was absolutely irrelevant.
Do you, you wailing banshee?


That's right you dumb, rabid, partisan hack, feel the pain...

California Girl said:
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California Girl

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LoLing at these butthurt RWers. I can do this dance all night chumps...


So much for states rights huh?

you have no clue what that phrase even means.

states' rights - definition of states' rights by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
states' rights also States' rights (stts)
1. All rights not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution nor denied by it to the states.
2. The political position advocating strict interpretation of the Constitution with regard to the limitation of federal powers and the extension of the autonomy of the individual state to the greatest possible degree.
now, explain to us all exactly what Walker did that violates 'states rights', you pathetic turd-burper.

i thought as much.

dumb ass.
how much MONEY has been poured into the state by outside influences?

I just sent $50 to the Walker campaign. I must be this "outside influence" you're referring to. Why is it that union thugs are never considered to be an "outside influence?"
Reports filed with state elections officials Wednesday, May 30, show Walker collected $5.9 million from April 24 to Wednesday. Almost two-thirds of that money -- $3.7 million -- came from contributors who listed an address outside Wisconsin. Another $112,778 came from donors who didn't provide enough information to determine an address.

Wisconsin recall election: Scott Walker raises cash from out of state -

So? Patriotic Americans all over the country want to put those Wisconsin union thugs in their place.

What's wrong with that?
Do you live in Wisconsin?

Do you, you wailing banshee?


Captain Save-A-Hoe to da rescue...


Rat in the Hat said:
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:fu: asshole.

Rat in the Hat

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When you have POWER over strangers online it's fun to watch...
Rat in the Hat said:
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Here\'s the neg I owed you, asshole. :fu:

Rat in the Hat

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how much MONEY has been poured into the state by outside influences?

I just sent $50 to the Walker campaign. I must be this "outside influence" you're referring to. Why is it that union thugs are never considered to be an "outside influence?"

Funny how the liberal turds want everyone to think that all of those bussed-in professional "protestors" sitting in the capitol rotunda in WI sleeping there day after day in 2011 - obviously not with regular jobs or worrying how to put food on the table like the rest of us - were all free perks of being a democrat in this country.

As if these fake "protestors" just appeared out of thin air, and were not paid for by the national Democratic party.
The best revenge will be when Walker not only wins this recall (likely will be significant numbers too), but when he wins another election.
all you people do is lie

All you do is name call and use obscenities while frantically copying and pasting any news article Google regurgitates for you.

You said that no ACORN employees were ever found to have broken the law, citing a years old blog. You were wrong, and in that particular thread I along with countless others provided story after story of ACORN employees being indicted.

I don't believe you purposely lie, I think you are that dense and dumb.
These liberals on this thread that complain that Walker has money coming in from across the country, including my own donation, are purposely overlooking the fact that nearly the entire recall effort has been bankrolled by out of state union funds.

Or that following Walker's legislative victory barring mandatory union participation nearly half of Wisconsin teachers have willingly left the union. Could it be that they were embarrassed at the childlike behavior of union protesters ? Walker

Truthmatters is a perfect example of the immaturity and irrationality of those on the left desperately attempting to explain why a traditional blue state has not only elected a Republican governor and state legislature, but Walker is winning in every single poll.
Do you, you wailing banshee?


Captain Save-A-Hoe to da rescue...


When you have POWER over strangers online it's fun to watch...
Rat in the Hat said:
Hi, you have received -989 reputation points from Rat in the Hat.
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Here\'s the neg I owed you, asshole. :fu:

Rat in the Hat

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Number 1 butthurt poster...
Dr.House said:
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Whining like a schoolgirl again, huh Marcie? Poor baby...


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Do you, you wailing banshee?


Captain Save-A-Hoe to da rescue...


When you have POWER over strangers online it's fun to watch...
Rat in the Hat said:
Hi, you have received -989 reputation points from Rat in the Hat.
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Here\'s the neg I owed you, asshole. :fu:

Rat in the Hat

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These rabid RWers just can't seem to help themselves. When you're hurt, you're hurt...
Conservative said:
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as promised...


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