Asian Americans are wealthier than white people...that would be impossible if America was racist

1. There is no united oligarchy controlling the world's resources.
All the resources in the world or certainly the majority of them are controlled by the white supremacist and every problem in this world is the fault of white surpemacy or has it's roots in white supremacy.

And if I'm wrong. Name me a problem on this planet that affect human beings that has zero to do with white supremacy.

THere are barely 8,000 white supremacist in this country.

THe vast majority of people you call white supremacist are just white people you are smearing with your racism.

And they are not in any unified oligarchy.

3. Khaddifi was bubbling incompetence by our leadership. Don't try to find sense there.
Khaddifi was killed because he was trying to create a central African bank so all the wealth of Africa goes in the pockets of African. So white people killed him.[/QUOTE]

Khaddafi was killed because an incompetent American President and his incompetent sec of state wanted to look tough for domestic political purposes.
THere are barely 8,000 white supremacist in this country.

THe vast majority of people you call white supremacist are just white people you are smearing with your racism.
When I think of a white supremacist I think of a Ellen DeGeneres. I think of Tom Hanks. I think of nicest acting white people you could find.

White supremacy has little to do with emotions and hate. The white media likes push the American History X or Django version of a white supremacist. But they are so cartoonish, that's it's hard to take them seriously. Sure they exist, but white supremacists are normal people.

All white people understand that they have a duty to uphold white supremacy and they do that in their thought, speech and action.
THere are barely 8,000 white supremacist in this country.

THe vast majority of people you call white supremacist are just white people you are smearing with your racism.
When I think of a white supremacist I think of a Ellen DeGeneres. I think of Tom Hanks. I think of nicest acting white people you could find.

White supremacy has little to do with emotions and hate. The white media likes push the American History X or Django version of a white supremacist. But they are so cartoonish, that's it's hard to take them seriously. Sure they exist, but white supremacists are normal people.

All white people understand that they have a duty to uphold white supremacy and they do that in their thought, speech and action.

I made a point about how tiny white supremacist are in this country. That is the reality.

You make the point that you consider more white people to be racist.

YOu don't offer reasons, or anything to support that, other than your racist assumptions about white people.

Do you understand the concept of circular reasoning?
You make the point that you consider more white people to be racist.
YOu don't offer reason, or anything to support that, other than your racist assumptions about white people.
Because racism exists. That's my reason. Now that's either True or False. Either I'm lying
  • And so are the millions of black people who talk about racism are lying.
  • And all the books written on racism are lying
  • And all the studies and surveys about racism are lying
  • And all the speakers who speak about racism are lying
  • And all the songs about racism are lying
  • And all the videos about racism are lying
  • And all the groups set up to tackle racism are lying
Stop being stupid or are you being stupid on purpose ? Racism is very well understood at an academic level

Now you can accept that as the truth or you can do what most whites do in the face of the evidence, that is, say it's black people's fault and come with the usual arguments
  • "Black have a high violent crime rate"
  • "black have a low IQ"
  • "Blacks need to stop whining"
  • "White are great. Look at their inventions"
  • "Blacks are fked up. Look at Africa !!"
  • "It's not racism. Look at Asian"
  • "Africans sold there own into slavery"

The choice is yours
You make the point that you consider more white people to be racist.
YOu don't offer reason, or anything to support that, other than your racist assumptions about white people.
Because racism exists. That's my reason. Now that's either True or False. Either I'm lying
  • And so are the millions of black people who talk about racism are lying.
  • And all the books written on racism are lying
  • And all the studies and surveys about racism are lying
  • And all the speakers who speak about racism are lying
  • And all the songs about racism are lying
  • And all the videos about racism are lying
  • And all the groups set up to tackle racism are lying
being stupid or are you being stupid on purpose ? Racism is very well understood at an academic level

Do you realize that none of that supports your claim that racism "exists"?

At best what you did there was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Popularity.

Now you can accept that as the truth or you can do what most whites do in the face of the evidence, that is, say it's black people's fault and come with the usual arguments
  • "Black have a high violent crime rate"
  • "black have a low IQ"
  • "Blacks need to stop whining"
  • "White are great. Look at their inventions"
  • "Blacks are fked up. Look at Africa !!"
  • "It's not racism. Look at Asian"
  • "Africans sold there own into slavery"

The choice is yours

I'm not sure what you are referring to, when you say, "it" is black people's fault.

THe OP is that the success of asians is proof that America is not racist.
What is so great about modern civilization.
43 million impoverished Americans probably don't share your sentiments.
Aside from a few homeless people and drug addicts nobody in America lives in poverty
You need to get out more and look around.
The sheltered world you live in shields you from the skid row experience. An experience that would open your eyes should you visit Appalachia and the back alleys of Urbania.

Excuse me, jack hole, but I've seen poverty up front and close. I've been to third world countries. I've stood in a village where people were living in shacks made out of thin strips of sheet metal, no plumbing, children running around in bare feet, and goats and chickens standing in the middle of the only the dirt path in and out of the village they consider to be a "road," so when you see conditions like that here in the States let me know. Sheltered, privileged people such as yourself have no fucking idea what poverty is.
You make the point that you consider more white people to be racist.
YOu don't offer reason, or anything to support that, other than your racist assumptions about white people.
Because racism exists. That's my reason. Now that's either True or False. Either I'm lying
  • And so are the millions of black people who talk about racism are lying.
  • And all the books written on racism are lying
  • And all the studies and surveys about racism are lying
  • And all the speakers who speak about racism are lying
  • And all the songs about racism are lying
  • And all the videos about racism are lying
  • And all the groups set up to tackle racism are lying
being stupid or are you being stupid on purpose ? Racism is very well understood at an academic level
Do you realize that none of that supports your claim that racism "exists"?
At best what you did there was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Popularity.
Now you can accept that as the truth or you can do what most whites do in the face of the evidence, that is, say it's black people's fault and come with the usual arguments
  • "Black have a high violent crime rate"
  • "black have a low IQ"
  • "Blacks need to stop whining"
  • "White are great. Look at their inventions"
  • "Blacks are fked up. Look at Africa !!"
  • "It's not racism. Look at Asian"
  • "Africans sold there own into slavery
The choice is yours
I'm not sure what you are referring to, when you say, "it" is black people's fault.
THe OP is that the success of asians is proof that America is not racist.
As you can see, Essien (and friends) are Not even capable of debate.
They deal/'reply' in goofy and illogical generalizations/deflections/non sequiturs. Let's call them 'sub-Saharanisms.'

Thus, unwittingly and ironically, settling one of the very issues being debated in the string.

Last edited:
What is so great about modern civilization.
43 million impoverished Americans probably don't share your sentiments.
Aside from a few homeless people and drug addicts nobody in America lives in poverty
You need to get out more and look around.
The sheltered world you live in shields you from the skid row experience. An experience that would open your eyes should you visit Appalachia and the back alleys of Urbania.

Excuse me, jack hole, but I've seen poverty up front and close. I've been to third world countries. I've stood in a village where people were living in shacks made out of thin strips of sheet metal, no plumbing, children running around in bare feet, and goats and chickens standing in the middle of the only the dirt path in and out of the village they consider to be a "road," so when you see conditions like that here in the States let me know. Sheltered, privileged people such as yourself have no fucking idea what poverty is.
He knows. That's why he stays in a white country while whining about whitey.
What is so great about modern civilization.
43 million impoverished Americans probably don't share your sentiments.
Aside from a few homeless people and drug addicts nobody in America lives in poverty
You need to get out more and look around.
The sheltered world you live in shields you from the skid row experience. An experience that would open your eyes should you visit Appalachia and the back alleys of Urbania.

Excuse me, jack hole, but I've seen poverty up front and close. I've been to third world countries. I've stood in a village where people were living in shacks made out of thin strips of sheet metal, no plumbing, children running around in bare feet, and goats and chickens standing in the middle of the only the dirt path in and out of the village they consider to be a "road," so when you see conditions like that here in the States let me know. Sheltered, privileged people such as yourself have no fucking idea what poverty is.

There are be varying degrees of poverty around the world; but, in America, income level determines who is or who is not impoverished. You may choose to be dismissive of poverty in the USA because of worse conditions you've seen elsewhere... but no one cares. Any problems caused by the poverty here need to be addressed before we go traipsing off on a global crusade elsewhere.
What is so great about modern civilization.
43 million impoverished Americans probably don't share your sentiments.
Aside from a few homeless people and drug addicts nobody in America lives in poverty
You need to get out more and look around.
The sheltered world you live in shields you from the skid row experience. An experience that would open your eyes should you visit Appalachia and the back alleys of Urbania.

Excuse me, jack hole, but I've seen poverty up front and close. I've been to third world countries. I've stood in a village where people were living in shacks made out of thin strips of sheet metal, no plumbing, children running around in bare feet, and goats and chickens standing in the middle of the only the dirt path in and out of the village they consider to be a "road," so when you see conditions like that here in the States let me know. Sheltered, privileged people such as yourself have no fucking idea what poverty is.
He knows. That's why he stays in a white country while whining about whitey.

Whitey is a fictional character. Pinkie is real. Thats YOU! Now that I have corrected your lie there...let's move on to the next one. I stay in the country of my birth working with all Americans who wish to uphold the egalitarian guarantees of the Constitution for everyone... not just RW Cauc males. Now do you understand>????
As you can see, Essien (and friends) are Not even capable of debate.
They deal/'reply' in goofy and illogical generalizations/deflections/non sequiturs. Let's call them 'sub-Saharanisms.'

Thus, unwittingly and ironically, settling one of the very issues being debated in the string.

Is this you ?

You know what's funny ?

Even though white guys convinced women around the women that Asian men are the world’s Least Fuckable Man.

You still wanna hate on black people ?
  • It's not black people that have convinced women to not want Asian men for anything except the occasional help on a computer or numbers-related problem.
  • It's not black people who are making your own Asian females are producing half-white babies at a spiraling rate.
  • It's not black people who have created names about Asians like “yellow people,” and “Chinks” and “gooks”
  • It's not black people who always make sure that Asian couples are never portrayed as the most socially desirable couples in white movies and TV shows. In fact, they don’t even exist.
  • It's not black people who make sure Asian women are seldom if ever lifted above the white female in movies and televisions as the most beautiful.
  • It's not black people who make sure that “Asian” nations are still colonized by European nations, like South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, etc.
  • It's not black people, who do what white people do that is, have many private white clubs and golf courses where Asians are not allowed to join or play on.
White people still elevate other white people above all Asians when it comes to the best paying jobs and positions of power and political offices.

If whites believed Asians were superior, they would put Asians in charge of everything.

Sure white people (white supremacists) may say Asian have high IQ's but they still type-cast Asian males as nerdy and effeminate. So that’s one way to get around the Asian IQ roadblock and maintain white supremacist ideology.

Plus Asian culture is really just a borrowed and stolen African culture. Martials arts, cuisine, music, philosophy and religion are just a few things that Asian got from Africa .

The Chinese are also moving back to South Africa in droves because that is where many of them are from. If you look at the Mandarin language or even Japanese dialects you will see the similarity between them and African language.

When you looked at Nelson Mandela (R.I.P) you can clearly see the Chinese in him


It's not black people in the US who have told Japan that they can’t build anything (even a convenience store) in the U.S. without permission from US government.

Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to remove them.

Japan has good reasons to want those bases to leave. They know if or when a nuclear war breaks out between Russia and the U.S. that those military bases in Japan puts the Japanese right in the cross-hairs of the Russian military.

More evidence that racism/white supremacy is a global system, not a bunch of prejudiced kooks running around “hating” people. It is a SYSTEM that in no way whatsoever can ever be compared to what so-called “racist” black individuals could even dream of doing.

You don't know who your dealing with.

Chinese Army ? Japanese Army ?


The white supremacist looks and says "Been there. Seen it. Done it"


When it comes to blacks and Asians, to compare a people whose identity and nation and culture have been intact for over a 1000 yrs and is still intact with a people who were enslaved for 500 years and in the process were robbed of their identity, culture, nation, land, religion, and ability to govern their own lives under their own national banner, flag, and land is just plain stupid.

Especially when those same (black) people are still under attack by white supremacists who seem to devote the majority of their time and energies to making sure black people stay inferior via inferior living environments, education, healthcare, food quality, water quality, unemployment, endless promotion of destructive programming and stereotyping via the white mainstream media (TV and films and music they control), deliberate drug infestations,and police terror tactics, and excessive and unjust incarcerations,

You come at me and IM2, JQPublic1 and Asclepias with fake unapologetic pride. Look !!! II'm Asian. Look at our high IQ"


But you and I know better. You and I know that behind the veil it’s all just overcompensation for the feelings of worthlessness and self-hate engulfing you as a whole.
Last edited:
You make the point that you consider more white people to be racist.
YOu don't offer reason, or anything to support that, other than your racist assumptions about white people.
Because racism exists. That's my reason. Now that's either True or False. Either I'm lying
  • And so are the millions of black people who talk about racism are lying.
  • And all the books written on racism are lying
  • And all the studies and surveys about racism are lying
  • And all the speakers who speak about racism are lying
  • And all the songs about racism are lying
  • And all the videos about racism are lying
  • And all the groups set up to tackle racism are lying
being stupid or are you being stupid on purpose ? Racism is very well understood at an academic level

Do you realize that none of that supports your claim that racism "exists"?

At best what you did there was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Popularity.

Now you can accept that as the truth or you can do what most whites do in the face of the evidence, that is, say it's black people's fault and come with the usual arguments
  • "Black have a high violent crime rate"
  • "black have a low IQ"
  • "Blacks need to stop whining"
  • "White are great. Look at their inventions"
  • "Blacks are fked up. Look at Africa !!"
  • "It's not racism. Look at Asian"
  • "Africans sold there own into slavery"

The choice is yours

I'm not sure what you are referring to, when you say, "it" is black people's fault.

THe OP is that the success of asians is proof that America is not racist.
No its just proof that whites are more racist against Blacks. If they had enslaved any other race for 310 years and legalized Jim Crow for another 90 you would have a point.
THe OP is that the success of asians is proof that America is not racist.
OK then if what you say is correct then
  • Asians should be the norm against which everyone else is judged. We should all want to be like Asians and copy them.
  • Asians should design the IQ tests by which the world is measured.
  • Asian governments should overthrow the governments of non-Asian countries for their own good. Asians know best.
  • We should get all of our ideas about other races and the world in general from Asian media.
  • World history and world news should be mainly Asian history and Asian news.
  • Hollywood films, which are seen worldwide, should have mostly Asian heroes. They should be Asian even in cases where the original character was non-Asian, because that is what sells.
  • For the same reason, they should make feel-good Asian Saviour films where a nice Asian person saves helpless White people. It is not racist, it is just business.
  • Fashion models should be mainly Asian.
  • Asian Americans should hold most of the top positions in US society: business, banking, government, media, education. Whites who do not like it can go back to Europe.
  • The Asian quota at top US universities should end, though maybe some non-Asians can be admitted for the sake of “diversity”
  • Non-Asian people should be looked down on, feared, laughed at, stereotyped, if not hated, shot, locked up
  • If Asians should kill or wipe out Whites, it is not a big deal: Whites kill each other all the time. Look at Hitler and Stalin and all those creepy White American serial killers.
Almost no White person seriously makes this sort of argument, even though it follows from the “facts” and style of reasoning that White racists themselves use all the time.

That is because deep down racism is not about fact but feeling.

If anti-Black racism came from IQ tests or crime statistics or affirmative action or Black pathologies or ill-mannered Black people, Whites would be racist against themselves Because all those arguments can be used against them too.

The irony is black people are so resilient that the system is afraid to let up its efforts. Black people are so ingenious in those areas we are allowed to compete that people all over the world mimic us.

Black people are so inspired that without our courage and determination there would be NO CIVIL RIGHTS for any non-white group, including Asians and that's what guys like abu afak seems to ignore and that includes admissions to universities, and the ability to eat at any restaurant or book a room at any hotel.

We are the ones who fought and died so that ALL non-white people would benefit. ,
You make the point that you consider more white people to be racist.
YOu don't offer reason, or anything to support that, other than your racist assumptions about white people.
Because racism exists. That's my reason. Now that's either True or False. Either I'm lying
  • And so are the millions of black people who talk about racism are lying.
  • And all the books written on racism are lying
  • And all the studies and surveys about racism are lying
  • And all the speakers who speak about racism are lying
  • And all the songs about racism are lying
  • And all the videos about racism are lying
  • And all the groups set up to tackle racism are lying
being stupid or are you being stupid on purpose ? Racism is very well understood at an academic level

Do you realize that none of that supports your claim that racism "exists"?

At best what you did there was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Popularity.

Now you can accept that as the truth or you can do what most whites do in the face of the evidence, that is, say it's black people's fault and come with the usual arguments
  • "Black have a high violent crime rate"
  • "black have a low IQ"
  • "Blacks need to stop whining"
  • "White are great. Look at their inventions"
  • "Blacks are fked up. Look at Africa !!"
  • "It's not racism. Look at Asian"
  • "Africans sold there own into slavery"

The choice is yours

I'm not sure what you are referring to, when you say, "it" is black people's fault.

THe OP is that the success of asians is proof that America is not racist.
What he's saying is perfectly clear. When one of your buddies says "it is black people's fault, " they are blaming the victim for not overcoming obstacles Caucs have specifically designed to inhibit Black progress collectively. The truth be told, Asians piggy backed off the Civil Rights initiatives started by blacks. Before that time, Cauc males dominated all of academia, enjoyed universal suffrage, and held all the good jobs and positions of authority. Asians were quietly ensconced in their coloful little communities
Just as blacks were. But, admittedly, I'm not sure that Plessy vs Ferguson affected Asians
as much as it did blacks...yet the echoes of Cauc jingoism rang in their ears too. On the eve of the Civil Right era the Vietnam war was raging and Asians were rarely seen beyond their Metropolitan enclaves. Then came the battering ram of Affirmative Action to knock down the door of suppression in hiring and educational opportunities.. Well...Asians and White women stepped through that door in greater numbers than Blacks did . Why, you will surely ask, did that happen? One quick answer would be that those two groups were targeted from the onset and that Blacks were simply useful tools for attaining that goal.

Blacks took the heat and were confronted with ubiquitous charges of being less qualified than Cauc competitors. Meanwhile, Asians and Cauc women satisfied the defining criierion of "underrepresented minority" and filled University seats and good paying jobs while blacks and real White people fought the battle in court and in the streets.. Asians were
no where to be seern in the Civil Rights struggle but when anti discrimination laws were passed they capitalized on the work done by MlK and White sympathizers who fought, bled and died right beside their blsck brothers. That kind of Caucasian is the ONLY kind I recognize as WHITE.
Last edited:
You make the point that you consider more white people to be racist.
YOu don't offer reason, or anything to support that, other than your racist assumptions about white people.
Because racism exists. That's my reason. Now that's either True or False. Either I'm lying
  • And so are the millions of black people who talk about racism are lying.
  • And all the books written on racism are lying
  • And all the studies and surveys about racism are lying
  • And all the speakers who speak about racism are lying
  • And all the songs about racism are lying
  • And all the videos about racism are lying
  • And all the groups set up to tackle racism are lying
being stupid or are you being stupid on purpose ? Racism is very well understood at an academic level

Do you realize that none of that supports your claim that racism "exists"?

At best what you did there was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Popularity.

Now you can accept that as the truth or you can do what most whites do in the face of the evidence, that is, say it's black people's fault and come with the usual arguments
  • "Black have a high violent crime rate"
  • "black have a low IQ"
  • "Blacks need to stop whining"
  • "White are great. Look at their inventions"
  • "Blacks are fked up. Look at Africa !!"
  • "It's not racism. Look at Asian"
  • "Africans sold there own into slavery"

The choice is yours

I'm not sure what you are referring to, when you say, "it" is black people's fault.

THe OP is that the success of asians is proof that America is not racist.
What he's saying is perfectly clear. When one of your buddies says "it" is black people's fault, " they are blaming the victim for not overcoming obstacles Caucs have specifically designed to inhibit Black progress collectively. The truth be told, Asians piggy backed off the Civil Rights initiatives started by blacks. Before that time, Cauc males dominated all of academia, enjoyed universal suffrage, and held all the good jobs and positions of authority. Asians were quietly ensconced in their coloful little communities
Just as blacks were. But, admittedly, I'm not sure that Plessy vs Ferguson affected Asians
as much as it did blacks...but the echoes of Cauc jingoism rang in their ears too. On the eve of the Civil Right.era the Vietnam war was raging and Asians were rarely seen beyond their Metropolitan enclaves. Then came the battering ram of Affirmative Action to knock down the door of suppression in hiring and educational opportunities.. Well...Asians and White women stepped through that door in greater numbers than Blacks did . Why, you will surely ask, did that happen? One quick answer would be that those two groups were targeted from the onset and that Blacks were simply useful tools for attaining that goal.

They took the heat and were confronted with
Ubiquitous charges of being less qualified than Cauc competitors. Meanwhile Asians and Cauc women satisfied the defining criierion of "underrepresented minority" and filled University seats and good paying jobs
while blacks and real White people, fought the battle in court and in the streets.. Asians were
no where to be seern in the Civil Rights struggle.
Asians as a group were not in the Civil Rights struggle but they did have some that were not afraid to speak up.

Not Just A 'Black Thing': An Asian-American's Bond With Malcolm X

What is so great about modern civilization.
43 million impoverished Americans probably don't share your sentiments.
Aside from a few homeless people and drug addicts nobody in America lives in poverty
You need to get out more and look around.
The sheltered world you live in shields you from the skid row experience. An experience that would open your eyes should you visit Appalachia and the back alleys of Urbania.

Excuse me, jack hole, but I've seen poverty up front and close. I've been to third world countries. I've stood in a village where people were living in shacks made out of thin strips of sheet metal, no plumbing, children running around in bare feet, and goats and chickens standing in the middle of the only the dirt path in and out of the village they consider to be a "road," so when you see conditions like that here in the States let me know. Sheltered, privileged people such as yourself have no fucking idea what poverty is.

There are be varying degrees of poverty around the world; but, in America, income level determines who is or who is not impoverished. You may choose to be dismissive of poverty in the USA because of worse conditions you've seen elsewhere... but no one cares. Any problems caused by the poverty here need to be addressed before we go traipsing off on a global crusade elsewhere.

As I said, there is no real poverty here. Even the homeless and the crack addicts have shelters and government assistance they could get if they really wanted it.
I'm not sure what you are referring to, when you say, "it" is black people's fault.
I make my points very clear but all of sudden you act dumb with comments like this "I'm not sure what you"

I'll explain again

When the subject of racism comes, you shift the blame onto black people
  1. Blacks are racist too.
  2. You are the racist one.
  3. I was beaten up/robbed/called names by blacks.
  4. Blacks have a high crime rate.
  5. Blacks have a low IQ
  6. Blacks are to blame for their own troubles.
  7. Blacks like to “blame whitey”.
  8. Black parents do not care about education
You move the argument from what white people do to what you think other black people do. It's just a cheap attempt to change the subject, to draw attention away from what whites do.

You know perfectly well that whites benefit and blacks get screwed.

You either fight against that inequality – or make up excuses. Making up excuses is way easier.

If you can blame blacks, then racism is OK because those guys are just inferior. Right ? So that's where all your arguments stem from

So in the end we know all about what is wrong with blacks, because that raises your self esteem, but very little is said about what is wrong with white people and the white racism built into society.
What is so great about modern civilization.
43 million impoverished Americans probably don't share your sentiments.
Aside from a few homeless people and drug addicts nobody in America lives in poverty
You need to get out more and look around.
The sheltered world you live in shields you from the skid row experience. An experience that would open your eyes should you visit Appalachia and the back alleys of Urbania.

Excuse me, jack hole, but I've seen poverty up front and close. I've been to third world countries. I've stood in a village where people were living in shacks made out of thin strips of sheet metal, no plumbing, children running around in bare feet, and goats and chickens standing in the middle of the only the dirt path in and out of the village they consider to be a "road," so when you see conditions like that here in the States let me know. Sheltered, privileged people such as yourself have no fucking idea what poverty is.

There are be varying degrees of poverty around the world; but, in America, income level determines who is or who is not impoverished. You may choose to be dismissive of poverty in the USA because of worse conditions you've seen elsewhere... but no one cares. Any problems caused by the poverty here need to be addressed before we go traipsing off on a global crusade elsewhere.

As I said, there is no real poverty here. Even the homeless and the crack addicts have shelters and government assistance they could get if they really wanted it.
I've heard that homeless shelters are hotbeds of violence and perversion. Many homeless persons feel safer living on the streets.

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