"Asian" sex trafficking


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Rotherham sex abuse scandal 1 400 children exploited by Asian gangs while authorities turned a blind eye - Telegraph

In England it seems that some 1,400 children were sex slaves for a Muslim sex ring. That's right, the press is so politically correct in England that they not only chose to over look these horrific sex crimes against Muslims in fear of being called racist, they can't even bring themselves to call them Muslim, preferring instead to call them Asian.

Mo would be proud of these men. After all, they are slowly conquering the infidel and turning their women into sex slaves, which Mo did himself.
Rotherham sex abuse scandal 1 400 children exploited by Asian gangs while authorities turned a blind eye - Telegraph

In England it seems that some 1,400 children were sex slaves for a Muslim sex ring. That's right, the press is so politically correct in England that they not only chose to over look these horrific sex crimes against Muslims in fear of being called racist, they can't even bring themselves to call them Muslim, preferring instead to call them Asian.

Mo would be proud of these men. After all, they are slowly conquering the infidel and turning their women into sex slaves, which Mo did himself.

And this ties-in to US politics how?
Rotherham sex abuse scandal 1 400 children exploited by Asian gangs while authorities turned a blind eye - Telegraph

In England it seems that some 1,400 children were sex slaves for a Muslim sex ring. That's right, the press is so politically correct in England that they not only chose to over look these horrific sex crimes against Muslims in fear of being called racist, they can't even bring themselves to call them Muslim, preferring instead to call them Asian.

Mo would be proud of these men. After all, they are slowly conquering the infidel and turning their women into sex slaves, which Mo did himself.

And this ties-in to US politics how?

The US is becoming increasingly like this as PC runs rampant in the US.

It's only a matter of time before children start getting gang raped by Muslims in the US by the thousands.
China outlaws sex with underage prostitutes...

Sex with underage prostitutes declared rape in China
Aug 29, 2015, Chinese legislature has reclassified sex with minor girls including child prostitutes as rape. The move comes after decades of child abuse and abusers getting away with lighter sentences.
The National People's Congress Standing Committee, which is the highest law making body, repealed an existing law concerning the crime of sex with underage prostitutes because it resulted in lighter sentences, and reclassified the crime as rape. Chinese officials have often been accused of hiring underage prostitutes. Many businessmen and officials are also known to travel to Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar looking for underage prostitutes.

At present, sex with underage prostitutes attracts jail sentences from five to 15 years. After being regarded as rape, offenders will get much tougher sentences, officials said. Officials pointed out that some men hire underage girls because of a mistaken belief that sex with minors bring good luck resulting in health benefits and job promotions. This has given rise to a widespread industry filled with pimps who procure underage girls.

School teachers and principals have also been caught spending nights in hotels with underage school girls resulting in nationwide outcries. In another move, the legislature amended a judicial procedure concerning corrupt officials, who receive suspended death sentence with a two-year reprieve. Under the changed law, they will face life imprisonment after the two-year reprieve is over.

The purpose of the law amendment is to "safeguard judicial fairness" and prevent "the most corrupt criminals from serving shorter prison terms through commutation," according to the top legislature. The amendment targets officials who seek commutation, parole or non-prison sentences in dubious ways, Ruan Qilin, a professor of the China University of Political Science and Law was quoted in the official media as saying.

Sex with underage prostitutes declared rape in China - The Times of India
My life as a sex-trafficking victim...

Shandra Woworuntu: My life as a sex-trafficking victim
Tue, 29 Mar 2016 - I applied for a job in the US - and was forced to do sex work
Shandra Woworuntu arrived in the US hoping to start a new career in the hotel industry. Instead, she found she had been trafficked into a world of prostitution and sexual slavery, forced drug-taking and violence. It was months before she was able to turn the tables on her persecutors. Some readers may find her account of the ordeal upsetting.

I arrived in the United States in the first week of June, 2001. To me, America was a place of promise and opportunity. As I moved through immigration I felt excited to be in a new country, albeit one that felt strangely familiar from movies and TV.

In the arrivals hall I heard my name, and turned to see a man holding a sign with my picture. It wasn't a photo I cared for very much. The recruitment agency in Indonesia had dressed me up in a revealing tank top. But the man holding it smiled at me warmly. His name was Johnny, and I was expecting him to drive me to the hotel I would be working in.


The fact that this hotel was in Chicago, and I had arrived at JFK airport in New York nearly 800 miles away, shows how naive I was. I was 24 and had no idea what I was getting into. After graduating with a degree in finance, I had worked for an international bank in Indonesia as an analyst and trader. But in 1998, Indonesia was hit by the Asian financial crisis, and the following year the country was thrown into political turmoil. I lost my job.

So to support my three-year-old daughter I started to look for work overseas. That was when I saw an ad in a newspaper for work in the hospitality industry in big hotels in the US, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. I picked the US, and applied.

The requirement was that I could speak a little English and pay a fee of 30m Indonesian rupiahs (in 2001, about $2,700). There was a lengthy recruitment process, with lots of interviews. Among other things they asked me to walk up and down and smile. "Customer service is the key to this job," I was told.


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