Ask Joe (a new advice column just for USMB members)

Dear Joe:

I got laid

I know it's not a question, but as little as it often I thought I'd brag a bit

Yours truly

Pooped Pop in Pittsburgh
Dear Pop,

As statements go, 'I got laid' is one of my favorites, and 'I pooped' is on my top ten list.

:thup: Kudos!​

And it ain't bragging if it's true ;)

Average American Joe, USA
Much as I love the 1st Amendment, online sites are not bound to it. Do we really need certain posters as members here? Thinking of the guy with funny stache...:)
Oh Joe!

What would you say to butthurt liberal Democrats to soothe their angst over their election day ass whoopin'?
Oh Joe!

What would you say to butthurt liberal Democrats to soothe their angst over their election day ass whoopin'?

That I still have faith in Momma's Little Bastards.

The Stars await, Kids.

First generation to learn how to share the planet gets to watch their grand kids head for the stars.

True Story! :thup:
Oh Joe!

What would you say to butthurt liberal Democrats to soothe their angst over their election day ass whoopin'?
At least we didn't leave en masse like your side did in 2012. :lol: We can take it.
Oh Joe!

What would you say to butthurt liberal Democrats to soothe their angst over their election day ass whoopin'?
At least we didn't leave en masse like your side did in 2012. :lol: We can take it.

Nice fantasy. Bu, of course, back in the realm of reality Nobody left en masse in 2012.

But I still wonder what Joe might recommend for the present day real world undeniably massive liberal Democrat butthurt.
Time, Brother. Time.

The republicans will probably win The Presidency in 2016 as We, The Peeps, continue our sweeping removal of the bums in charge.

They'll have the house and if they keep the senate, they'll quickly borrow the money required to dismantle the shenanigans wrought upon the nation during the Obama years and replace them with their own bought and paid for shenanigans like Regan putting The Whitehouse back on oil and electricity after the misguided investment in solar made by the Carter Administration.

The wars will continue, the rich will keep getting richer, and the middle class will continue to stagnate as 2020 approaches and the voters look once again for their broom.

Hopefully the census of 2020 will result in a new map of the districts with a whole lot less Gerrymandering, and the extremism which that practice has foisted on this nation since efforts in perfecting that craft began in earnest in the late 1960's. With waning extremism in both the congress and the state houses, moderates in both parties might finally begin the work of dismantling the Military Industrial and Medical Industrial Complexes that became the US spending problem over the last 60 years, and true tax reform with a goal of 'Fair & Simple' can ensue.

Fair and Simple Taxes in 2022!! :party:
Dear Joe,

Two part question:

1) I brought you a gift back fom Hawaii. Is it appropriate to still give it to you even if the hula skirt fell off?

2) The zinc oxcide didn't work on my nose, when I wasn't wearing it. I got burned very bad, Any suggestions?

Have a great Thanksgiving!
1. Hell yeah! Some of my most favorite gifts EVER were sans the skirt.

2. Raw Aloe Vera plant goo and a hat :thup:
Dear Joe, when I make a prediction in writing does it come true?

Refer to Area 51, which isn't really there, for answers :)

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