Ask me anything


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Ask me or any other USMBer anything you always wondered about..

Those answering....ask another question to someone else.

Lets see if we can understand what makes each of us tick in POSITIVE ways. And don't rely on mundane questions like "whats your fav color" or "what is your fav food". Ask a deep question that requires an honest but deep answer.
Coyote: Why did you choose the nic Coyote? Do you have an affiliation with them in the animal world?
To everyone:
If you could save just ONE animal/insect (not human) from extermination...which would you choose and why?
This is something I have seen people on both sides do why do you compare people you disagree with politically to Hitler and or the Nazis? These people were some of the worst mass murders in history and as close to pure evil as it gets neither party or it's supporters are anything like them yet some still make the comparsions.
To all: would you donate a kidney to someone not related to you if you were a match?
To everyone:
If you could save just ONE animal/insect (not human) from extermination...which would you choose and why?
Bald eagle not because it's the national bird it's just an amazing bird to see.
For me....bees. Without bees....we have no food.
True but I have been stung by those little bastards far too many times I don't want to wipe them out but when some are on the business end of a can of raid I don't shed any tears for them.
Ask me or any other USMBer anything you always wondered about..

Those answering....ask another question to someone else.

Lets see if we can understand what makes each of us tick in POSITIVE ways. And don't rely on mundane questions like "whats your fav color" or "what is your fav food". Ask a deep question that requires an honest but deep answer.
Using a micrometer what is the thickness of your hair (one strand)
Ask me or any other USMBer anything you always wondered about..

Those answering....ask another question to someone else.

Lets see if we can understand what makes each of us tick in POSITIVE ways. And don't rely on mundane questions like "whats your fav color" or "what is your fav food". Ask a deep question that requires an honest but deep answer.
Using a micrometer what is the thickness of your hair (one strand)
I have a lot of hair still in my old age. Thick. But...I don't know nuttin' about micrometers.
This is something I have seen people on both sides do why do you compare people you disagree with politically to Hitler and or the Nazis? These people were some of the worst mass murders in history and as close to pure evil as it gets neither party or it's supporters are anything like them yet some still make the comparsions.
To all: would you donate a kidney to someone not related to you if you were a match?
To everyone:
If you could save just ONE animal/insect (not human) from extermination...which would you choose and why?
Bald eagle not because it's the national bird it's just an amazing bird to see.
For me....bees. Without bees....we have no food.
True but I have been stung by those little bastards far too many times I don't want to wipe them out but when some are on the business end of a can of raid I don't shed any tears for them.
I jump in swimming pools to rescue bees, lol. None have ever stung me due to anger. I stepped on one...and sat on one. Thats the only time in my life I have been stung. I like when they land on me and I stick my finger out for them to groom themselves then fly off la la la like nothing different. It is to me. I get to sit and look at them up close and have no fear although I am allergic to them.
Coyote: Why did you choose the nic Coyote? Do you have an affiliation with them in the animal world?
I’ve always loved the coyote stories, the mixture of human fallibility with the trickster. And I’v long felt a bond with coyote. He’s managed, despite humanity’s attempts to destroy him, to not only survive but thrive, and I encountered him once, in an almost magical way. Had a similar encounter with owls.
Coyote: Why did you choose the nic Coyote? Do you have an affiliation with them in the animal world?
I’ve always loved the coyote stories, the mixture of human fallibility with the trickster. And I’v long felt a bond with coyote. He’s managed, despite humanity’s attempts to destroy him, to not only survive but thrive, and I encountered him once, in an almost magical way. Had a similar encounter with owls.
I've never seen one in person, but I have the same comraderie with elephants. But one I DID have a magical experience with...more than once...was a raven. For some reason, birds like me. :adoreheart:
Ask me or any other USMBer anything you always wondered about..

Those answering....ask another question to someone else.

Lets see if we can understand what makes each of us tick in POSITIVE ways. And don't rely on mundane questions like "whats your fav color" or "what is your fav food". Ask a deep question that requires an honest but deep answer.

OK Gracie this will be deep. :eek:

I've been wondering about this for a long time and the question is becoming unbearable. I'm not sure I can go on until this is resolved. I'm praying you might know the answer, or anybody might.

I've heard that the Spanish language does not distinguish between "lemon" and "lime". IS THIS TRUE??

I'll click in every six seconds for a resolution to this :cheers2:
Ask me or any other USMBer anything you always wondered about..

Those answering....ask another question to someone else.

Lets see if we can understand what makes each of us tick in POSITIVE ways. And don't rely on mundane questions like "whats your fav color" or "what is your fav food". Ask a deep question that requires an honest but deep answer.

OK Gracie this will be deep. :eek:

I've been wondering about this for a long time and the question is becoming unbearable. I'm not sure I can go on until this is resolved. I'm praying you might know the answer, or anybody might.

I've heard that the Spanish language does not distinguish between "lemon" and "lime". IS THIS TRUE??

I'll click in every six seconds for a resolution to this :cheers2:

Are lemon and lime the same in Spanish?
In Spanish, the word for lemon is the same as the word for lime: “limón.” One way to distinguish between the two citrus fruits would be to call limes “limones verdes” and lemons “limones amarillos.” However this can cause a very coincidental misunderstanding. ;)

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