Ask me anything

If you won 1000 bucks, and there were only two stores to spend it in (ALL of it at once), which two stores would you choose? A book store...or a hardware store?
To everyone:
If you could save just ONE animal/insect (not human) from extermination...which would you choose and why?
Polar bears, we NEED to save this majestic animal. Better actor, Dustin Hoffman or Jack Nicholson?
Thanks, Gracie. I USED to believe Dustin was the better actor of the two. I've changed my opinion of this in the last couple years. I now believe Jack is the better of the two, albeit VERY slightly.:cool:
If you won 1000 bucks, and there were only two stores to spend it in (ALL of it at once), which two stores would you choose? A book store...or a hardware store?
A BOOKSTORE, no question. I absolutely LOVE books, I'm an unabashed bibliophile to the core. I own over 2,000 books, probably closer to 2,500. Libraries are my favorite buildings to be in. I thank my mother for instilling in me a love of books and reading, from when I was a very young age. She passed away a little over seven years ago, I think of her nearly every day. She was a kind and gentle woman.:) Next question - Do you prefer reading Science Fiction or Horror Fiction? Or just General Fiction?
Ask me or any other USMBer anything you always wondered about..

Those answering....ask another question to someone else.

Lets see if we can understand what makes each of us tick in POSITIVE ways. And don't rely on mundane questions like "whats your fav color" or "what is your fav food". Ask a deep question that requires an honest but deep answer.

OK Gracie this will be deep. :eek:

I've been wondering about this for a long time and the question is becoming unbearable. I'm not sure I can go on until this is resolved. I'm praying you might know the answer, or anybody might.

I've heard that the Spanish language does not distinguish between "lemon" and "lime". IS THIS TRUE??

I'll click in every six seconds for a resolution to this :cheers2:

Are lemon and lime the same in Spanish?
In Spanish, the word for lemon is the same as the word for lime: “limón.” One way to distinguish between the two citrus fruits would be to call limes “limones verdes” and lemons “limones amarillos.” However this can cause a very coincidental misunderstanding. ;)

Muchas gracias Gracie. Now I can troll the waiters at the Mexican restaurant. :eusa_shifty:

It's always struck me as strange that two fruits that are so obviously different wouldn't have their own terms.
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To everyone:
If you could save just ONE animal/insect (not human) from extermination...which would you choose and why?
Polar bears, we NEED to save this majestic animal. Better actor, Dustin Hoffman or Jack Nicholson?

Oh hell no. :eusa_snooty:

When you can sit and watch an entire movie and never realize that the main character was played by someone you know and you didn't recognize him --- that's acting. Can't see Nicholson doing that.
If you won 1000 bucks, and there were only two stores to spend it in (ALL of it at once), which two stores would you choose? A book store...or a hardware store?
A BOOKSTORE, no question. I absolutely LOVE books, I'm an unabashed bibliophile to the core. I own over 2,000 books, probably closer to 2,500. Libraries are my favorite buildings to be in. I thank my mother for instilling in me a love of books and reading, from when I was a very young age. She passed away a little over seven years ago, I think of her nearly every day. She was a kind and gentle woman.:) Next question - Do you prefer reading Science Fiction or Horror Fiction? Or just General Fiction?

Fully agree. You get a ton more out of books. In fact without a book you'll never figure out the hardware.
I had to think on it for Dustin or Jack. BOTH are good. I chose Jack because Here He Comes!
Actually..I wanna change my mind. My fav movie of all time...ALL Little Big Man. So...not jack. Dustin! SSSSNAKE EYESSSSS!!!!

Ask me or any other USMBer anything you always wondered about..

Those answering....ask another question to someone else.

Lets see if we can understand what makes each of us tick in POSITIVE ways. And don't rely on mundane questions like "whats your fav color" or "what is your fav food". Ask a deep question that requires an honest but deep answer.
Have you ever pulled a long string of spaghetti from your mouth into your nose and back, then eaten it

Spaghetti Noodle Up The Nose And Out The Mouth - YouTube
Ask me or any other USMBer anything you always wondered about..

Those answering....ask another question to someone else.

Lets see if we can understand what makes each of us tick in POSITIVE ways. And don't rely on mundane questions like "whats your fav color" or "what is your fav food". Ask a deep question that requires an honest but deep answer.
Have you ever pulled a long string of spaghetti from your mouth into your nose and back, then eaten it

Spaghetti Noodle Up The Nose And Out The Mouth - YouTube

To the other old guard here:

Do you miss anyone not here any more, and who is it?
To answer my own question....Tiny Dancer. But y'all can name living...or dead.
Ask me or any other USMBer anything you always wondered about..

Those answering....ask another question to someone else.

Lets see if we can understand what makes each of us tick in POSITIVE ways. And don't rely on mundane questions like "whats your fav color" or "what is your fav food". Ask a deep question that requires an honest but deep answer.
Have you ever pulled a long string of spaghetti from your mouth into your nose and back, then eaten it

Spaghetti Noodle Up The Nose And Out The Mouth - YouTube

To the other old guard here:

Do you miss anyone not here any more, and who is it?
I haven't seen the wonderful Lucy Hamilton, from Austria, on here in quite some time. I have a feeling she MAY have gotten a permanent ban from here. She was VERY adamant about her hatred towards pedophilia, and wasn't afraid to voice her opinion about it. I have an inkling this COULD be a reason she has possibly received a permanent ban. I miss her sense of humor AND her intelligence. Hopefully she'll be back.

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