Assault weapons not the real problem, Mental ilness is.

The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.

It's white culture. Giving kids vanilla names like Connor guarantees they have no future anyway. If your son doesn't have an apostrophe in his name, you have just about doomed him. Black folks don't shoot up walmart because most of them are already banned from their racist ass places.
Trump says, "Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun." So he will do absolutely nothing about the gun crisis.
And by that logic, I should be able to own a nuclear missile. Nuclear missiles don't blow people up, people who like to push buttons do.

When gun murder goes down 49%, gun crime down 75%, and violent crime goes down 72% as more Americans not only own guns but carry them for self defense...we do not have a gun crisis...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
All that right after we got background checks.
Trump says, "Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun." So he will do absolutely nothing about the gun crisis.
And by that logic, I should be able to own a nuclear missile. Nuclear missiles don't blow people up, people who like to push buttons do.

When gun murder goes down 49%, gun crime down 75%, and violent crime goes down 72% as more Americans not only own guns but carry them for self defense...we do not have a gun crisis...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
All that right after we got background checks.

You can never show how backgrounds checks actually work.....

Criminals use straw buyers...who can pass background checks...or they steal their guns.

Mass shooters can pass any backgound check.....

So....your background check theory is pretty stupid......


Your theory...

The anti-gun theory and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

So your argument wasn't that crime goes up, crime goes down....your theory, your argument is More Guns (regardless of any other factors) = More Gun Crime

Whatever the crime rate more Americans owned more guns the crime rate did not go again...

The exact opposite of your theory science that means your theory is wrong.
More Guns = More Gun Crime
Britain had access to guns before they banned them.....they had low gun crime, low gun murder.
They banned guns, the gun murder rate spiked for 10 years then returned to the same level...
Your Theory again....
More guns = More Gun Crime
Guns Banned creates no change? That means banning guns for law abiding gun owners had no effect on gun crime.
When your theory states one thing, and you implement your theory, and nothing science, that means your theory is wrong...
Trump says, "Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun." So he will do absolutely nothing about the gun crisis.
And by that logic, I should be able to own a nuclear missile. Nuclear missiles don't blow people up, people who like to push buttons do.

What is the problem with a nuclear weapon if it is never used except to secure our liberty from a corrupt government?
Trump says, "Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun." So he will do absolutely nothing about the gun crisis.
And by that logic, I should be able to own a nuclear missile. Nuclear missiles don't blow people up, people who like to push buttons do.

You're a fucking idiot.
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts
This president has personal experience with mental illness, but there's little indication he has any understanding of its consequences. In the case of El Paso, a white supremacist drove ten hours from his home to kill Mexicans in a Walmart. Put the blame where it belongs: white-skinned gun pussies and their pussy-grabbing enablers.

The First White President

The El Paso shooter stated Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs....and he was an environmental extremist who attacked in defense of the matter how many times you guys lie about what happened, the truth will come out...

The Ohio Shooter was a left wing democrat who supported Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.....he also supported gun control....
The El Paso shooter stated Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs....and he was an environmental extremist who attacked in defense of the matter how many times you guys lie about what happened, the truth will come out...
Where did he state Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs?
Patrick Crusius drove six hundred miles from his home to murder Mexicans. He didn't do that to protect the environment.
Trump regularly spews hate from on high and a certain percentage of his lunatic white supremacist base are taking that as a license to kill those they see as "invaders".
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts
This president has personal experience with mental illness, but there's little indication he has any understanding of its consequences. In the case of El Paso, a white supremacist drove ten hours from his home to kill Mexicans in a Walmart. Put the blame where it belongs: white-skinned gun pussies and their pussy-grabbing enablers.

The First White President

The El Paso shooter stated Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs....and he was an environmental extremist who attacked in defense of the matter how many times you guys lie about what happened, the truth will come out...

The Ohio Shooter was a left wing democrat who supported Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.....he also supported gun control....
The El Paso shooter stated Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs....and he was an environmental extremist who attacked in defense of the matter how many times you guys lie about what happened, the truth will come out...
Where did he state Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs?
Patrick Crusius drove six hundred miles from his home to murder Mexicans. He didn't do that to protect the environment.
Trump regularly spews hate from on high and a certain percentage of his lunatic white supremacist base are taking that as a license to kill those they see as "invaders".

Yes...he did.....he was an environmental extremist.....he wanted less people on earth to save the environment.....probably sided with the left wing hero in the Avengers movie, Thanos.....

Trump doesn't spew hate....he doesn't have a supremacist base.....

The democrat party? Their core groups are all openly and proudly racist...from La Raza...hispanic racists, to al sharpton, louis farakhan, and jeremiah racists......

openly and proudly racist...
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts
This president has personal experience with mental illness, but there's little indication he has any understanding of its consequences. In the case of El Paso, a white supremacist drove ten hours from his home to kill Mexicans in a Walmart. Put the blame where it belongs: white-skinned gun pussies and their pussy-grabbing enablers.

The First White President

The El Paso shooter stated Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs....and he was an environmental extremist who attacked in defense of the matter how many times you guys lie about what happened, the truth will come out...

The Ohio Shooter was a left wing democrat who supported Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.....he also supported gun control....
The El Paso shooter stated Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs....and he was an environmental extremist who attacked in defense of the matter how many times you guys lie about what happened, the truth will come out...
Where did he state Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs?
Patrick Crusius drove six hundred miles from his home to murder Mexicans. He didn't do that to protect the environment.
Trump regularly spews hate from on high and a certain percentage of his lunatic white supremacist base are taking that as a license to kill those they see as "invaders".

Yes...he did.....he was an environmental extremist.....he wanted less people on earth to save the environment.....probably sided with the left wing hero in the Avengers movie, Thanos.....

Trump doesn't spew hate....he doesn't have a supremacist base.....

The democrat party? Their core groups are all openly and proudly racist...from La Raza...hispanic racists, to al sharpton, louis farakhan, and jeremiah racists......

openly and proudly racist...
Yes...he did.....he was an environmental extremist.....he wanted less people on earth to save the environment.....probably sided with the left wing hero in the Avengers movie, Thanos.....
Maybe he was a fan of Kanye?

Patrick Crusius: The El Paso shooting suspect wrote a 'manifesto,' police say. It was filled with anti-immigrant rhetoric - CNN

"A Twitter account linked to the suspect shared and retweeted President Trump's tweets, posted about the border wall and liked memes disparaging Sen. Bernie Sanders and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

"The account has seen little activity in the past two years.

"On February 13, 2017, the Twitter account liked a post from an anonymous account showing Trump's name spelled out with guns. Just a couple days before, the account posted a tweet saying, '#BuildTheWall is the best way @POTUS has worked to secure our country so far!'"

Chickens come home to roost?
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.

Has the guy been diagnosed as being mentally ill?
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.
Trump is wrong.

And the tragic fact is that the right’s unwarranted opposition to comprehensive healthcare coverage prevents millions of Americans from accessing affordable mental healthcare.

Trump can’t blame ‘mental illness’ on the one hand and with the other prevent citizens from obtaining the mental health treatment they need.
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.

If true we need proof. Why does the Dickey Amendment prevent research to prove your claim, or disprove it?

See: Dickey Amendment - Wikipedia

You need proof that an inanimate object is incapable of pre-meditated murder....gotcha
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.

Trump is wrong as usual. The El Paso shooter was not mentally ill. He was a evil person. He knew exactly what he was doing as he knew exactly where to strike. I can see why Trump and his supporters want to claim mental illness. It sidesteps a lot of embarrassing questions such as what to do about guns. The fact that his manifesto uses a lot of language that Trump and his supporters use.

It clearly shows the need for more thorough background checks. Yet Trump mentioned none of this in what he said. Also a case can be made that there needs to be limits on the size of magazines sold to the public.
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.

If true we need proof. Why does the Dickey Amendment prevent research to prove your claim, or disprove it?

See: Dickey Amendment - Wikipedia

You need proof that an inanimate object is incapable of pre-meditated murder....gotcha

LOL, if you mean I need to provide evidence a gun can't think, I think you're out of your mind.
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.

Trump is wrong as usual. The El Paso shooter was not mentally ill. He was a evil person. He knew exactly what he was doing as he knew exactly where to strike. I can see why Trump and his supporters want to claim mental illness. It sidesteps a lot of embarrassing questions such as what to do about guns. The fact that his manifesto uses a lot of language that Trump and his supporters use.

It clearly shows the need for more thorough background checks. Yet Trump mentioned none of this in what he said. Also a case can be made that there needs to be limits on the size of magazines sold to the public.

Trump once again is ignorant and his writer is too:

M'Naghten rules - Wikipedia
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts
This president has personal experience with mental illness, but there's little indication he has any understanding of its consequences. In the case of El Paso, a white supremacist drove ten hours from his home to kill Mexicans in a Walmart. Put the blame where it belongs: white-skinned gun pussies and their pussy-grabbing enablers.

The First White President

The El Paso shooter stated Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs....and he was an environmental extremist who attacked in defense of the matter how many times you guys lie about what happened, the truth will come out...

The Ohio Shooter was a left wing democrat who supported Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.....he also supported gun control....

His manifesto was anti-Hispanic. He even states his fear that Hispanics could turn the country into a 1 party state if Hispanics flood Texas. He attacked a city that has a high number of Hispanics. He clearly was acting on his hatred of Hispanics as he attacked a city in Texas. The truth is already out despite your attempts to cover it up.
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts.
The President is right when he says Mental illness pulled the trigger, not the gun. The media and the anti gun lobby always try to to blaim Guns and or assault rifles when these shootings occur. What they fail to mention is that mentally ill people are responsible for these attacks.Millions of these assault rifles are already in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they don't go out shooting up malls or Wal marts
This president has personal experience with mental illness, but there's little indication he has any understanding of its consequences. In the case of El Paso, a white supremacist drove ten hours from his home to kill Mexicans in a Walmart. Put the blame where it belongs: white-skinned gun pussies and their pussy-grabbing enablers.

The First White President

The El Paso shooter stated Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs....and he was an environmental extremist who attacked in defense of the matter how many times you guys lie about what happened, the truth will come out...

The Ohio Shooter was a left wing democrat who supported Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.....he also supported gun control....
The El Paso shooter stated Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs....and he was an environmental extremist who attacked in defense of the matter how many times you guys lie about what happened, the truth will come out...
Where did he state Trump had nothing to do with his beliefs?
Patrick Crusius drove six hundred miles from his home to murder Mexicans. He didn't do that to protect the environment.
Trump regularly spews hate from on high and a certain percentage of his lunatic white supremacist base are taking that as a license to kill those they see as "invaders".

Yes...he did.....he was an environmental extremist.....he wanted less people on earth to save the environment.....probably sided with the left wing hero in the Avengers movie, Thanos.....

Trump doesn't spew hate....he doesn't have a supremacist base.....

The democrat party? Their core groups are all openly and proudly racist...from La Raza...hispanic racists, to al sharpton, louis farakhan, and jeremiah racists......

openly and proudly racist...

Quiet lying. This is what he said.

"Due to the death of the baby boomers, the increasingly anti-immigrant rhetoric of the right and the ever increasing Hispanic population, America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election.''

Here Is The El Paso Shooter's Entire Purported Manifesto

If he just wanted fewer people on this earth, he would not have had to drive 10 hours. That is the real that Republicans want fewer Hispanics in the US.
Have you checked reality lately?
All day and over the weekend. You had Elizabeth Warren, Beto O'Rourke and Cory Booker abating the usual lies about Trump.

The Ohio shooter was a democrat supporter of Elizabeth Warren......

Where has Elizabeth Warren encouraged this? Trump uses violent rhetoric such as calling Hispanics invaders.
Warren is torture. The weight of the world is on her shoulders and the Debbie Downer spewage is non stop. She is not positive. She is one of the most negative people around. And then you have Booker and Amy and Nancy and Kamala and others. Many of those running for President are miserable wretches. Its really telling when Biden is the happy one of the major Prog contenders. Anyone who has been around misery knows it.
LOL, if you mean I need to provide evidence a gun can't think, I think you're out of your mind.

Trump is wrong as usual. The El Paso shooter was not mentally ill. He was a evil person. He knew exactly what he was doing as he knew exactly where to strike. I can see why Trump and his supporters want to claim mental illness. It sidesteps a lot of embarrassing questions such as what to do about guns. The fact that his manifesto uses a lot of language that Trump and his supporters use.

It clearly shows the need for more thorough background checks. Yet Trump mentioned none of this in what he said. Also a case can be made that there needs to be limits on the size of magazines sold to the public.

See folks this right here. The left doesn’t think evil is responsible for their actions. They think that if you disarm the populace from the vermin that it will suddenly go away. How did prohibition go? The shooter is evil & the only response from the gun grabbers is to take away the tools people need to defend themselves with.

Yes, this jackass shooter was mentally ill as is all who commit these crimes.
Sleepy Joe must have just woke up from his drunken stooper long enough to trash Trump. Confusion: Biden offers sympathy for the ‘tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan’

Confusion: Biden offers sympathy for the ‘tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan’

Former Vice President Joe Biden misstated the locations of mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, while speaking to donors at a high-dollar fundraiser in San Diego on Sunday night.

Biden, 76, mistakenly referred to the shootings as “the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before," but later corrected himself, according to a pool report. Biden seemingly confused Houston for El Paso and Michigan for Ohio when speaking to donors about the shootings.

The fundraiser for his presidential campaign took place at the home of businessman Mark Arabo, who is an advocate for persecuted Iraqi Christians. Around 75 attendees at the fundraiser received a three-course meal before the vice president's remarks, and listened to Biden speak in a marble-tiled living area with two chandeliers as they sat in rows of white chairs.

Sunday was not the first time that Biden mixed up names on the 2020 campaign trail. In May, Biden confused former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who left office in 1990, with then-Prime Minister Theresa May.

“You know what, the president’s words have meaning, no matter who he or she is. They are the face of America,” Biden said at the Sunday fundraiser. He added that he does not hold President Trump personally responsible for the shooting, but noted that he has influence on the country.

Biden reportedly also mentioned Trump referring to people crossing the southern border as animals. Politifact in April found that a viral tweet claiming that Trump called all asylum-seekers animals was false. Trump was referring to MS-13 gang members when he said, "These aren't people. These are animals."​

Have you checked reality lately?
All day and over the weekend. You had Elizabeth Warren, Beto O'Rourke and Cory Booker abating the usual lies about Trump.

The Ohio shooter was a democrat supporter of Elizabeth Warren......

Where has Elizabeth Warren encouraged this? Trump uses violent rhetoric such as calling Hispanics invaders.
Warren is torture. The weight of the world is on her shoulders and the Debbie Downer spewage is non stop. She is not positive. She is one of the most negative people around. And then you have Booker and Amy and Nancy and Kamala and others. Many of those running for President are miserable wretches. Its really telling when Biden is the happy one of the major Prog contenders. Anyone who has been around misery knows it.

You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. There is nothing wrong with criticism and Trump has them beaten in spades. Trump is a miserable excuse for a human being.

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