Assaulted by Racist Karen Mom and Son duo for working while black

In a situation like this you sure as fuck better listen to me, otherwise im calling the cops and reporting you to your employer. Im sure his boss is sick of him always showing up late to work anyway.
You can call whoever you want to, I am still going to tell you to GTFO my face. The rest of that is just your usual racist babble.
Oh none, but as they were unable to identify him as a legit Inspector they had every right to phone those WITH the Authority; the POLICE!!!

Which they did. I can't wait for the Court Cases!!!! no; not a local court; THE BIG ONES!!!

I can't wait either. The punk ass son is lucky he didn't end up in the hospital or morgue.
Negroes commit the majority of crimes in this country way out of proportion to their demographics. It was very reasonable for the Mom to think he was trying to steal something or try to rape her or whatever.
Yea that's what the Michaels and Roddy Bryan thought and you see where their racist asses are.
So if you see a black man working call the police, smfh.

Nothing other than being an arrogant, entitled white woman

If the black man would have pulled a gun and shot him, would he have been justified in his actions?
Point by point, the woman found a stranger in her parking garage and challenged him to identify himself

Did he?

Apparently not and all the trouble stemmed from that

The son however acted stupidly and broke the law himself

Btw: she had every right to find out what the black guy was doing there

So he is partially to blame for what happened
Point by point, the woman found a stranger in her parking garage and challenged him to identify himself

Did he?
He didn't need to, who is she?
Apparently not and all the trouble stemmed from that

The son however acted stupidly and broke the law himself

Btw: she had every right to find out what the black guy was doing there

So he is partially to blame for what happened
He is not to blame at all, he had NO obligation to answer to her. If she wanted to know what he was doing go call the Mgmt Company. How did he know who the hell she was? Why didn't she show her ID?
He didn't need to, who is she?
She lives on the building and her car is parked on the garage so she had every right to ask

If you are just a poor innocent black guy working at a low wage job to put food on the table for your baby momma’s starving kids the proper procedure is to identify yourself and explain what you are doing
She lives on the building and her car is parked on the garage so she had every right to ask
She had a right to go and ask the Mgmt Company.
If you are just a poor innocent black guy working at a low wage job to put food on the table for your baby momma’s starving kids the proper procedure is to identify yourself and explain what you are doing.
Take that racist bullshit, turn it sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass. Being white doesn't give you authority over black folks, show me the law that says he had to answer her.
You can call whoever you want to, I am still going to tell you to GTFO my face. The rest of that is just your usual racist babble.
...and I will tell you "no, im not getting out of your face until the cops arrive". You can whine about racism all you want, but you will be dealing with me until the authorities arrive. If you try to flee, i will simply follow you.
...and I will tell you "no, im not getting out of your face until the cops arrive". You can whine about racism all you want, but you will be dealing with me until the authorities arrive. If you try to flee, i will simply follow you.
You do what you gotta do, as long as, you are not bothering me. Cause after the cops show up and nothing comes of it the next stop is going to be in court.
It’s also reasonable to say - “Lady I don’t know you. You may not have my ID.”

He is supposedly working, correct? In my world, postal carriers, meter readers, UPS drivers, etc etc, are clearly ID'd.
Not sure why you don't get this, and I don't understand why he is so resistance to identifying himself. Must be a black thing, and other people with huge chips on their shoulders.
He is supposedly working, correct? In my world, postal carriers, meter readers, UPS drivers, etc etc, are clearly ID'd.
Not sure why you don't get this, and I don't understand why he is so resistance to identifying himself. Must be a black thing, and other people with huge chips on their shoulders.
Hey, if stupid white racists want to put themselves on blast and let us trigger them into showing their asses so we can't take their livelihoods and shame them and their culture in public I'm all for it. Carry on Karens. Lol.
The guy was smart to video the whole thing, otherwise they could have claimed he attacked the son first and it would have been their word against his.
Couldn't get through this whole thread.
So'll respond to just a couple of the posts I read. If I'm repeating what someone else says later in the thread....well, I regret that.

Literally tens of millions of interactions between blacks and whites on any given day, and this is the crap you find.
I quite agree with the prolific poster Crusader about all those interactions.
However, very very few of those "tens of millions of interactions" devolve like this one did.
Hence, it is news.
I'm mildly sure Crusader would acknowledge that.

Seems reasonable to ask someone to identify themselves if you believe they may be up to something.
It's called common courtesy.
I'm not sure why he would have a problem being asked to identify himself.
These three posts above are of a kind, so I will respond to all as sort of a three-fer: It all depends, poster Digital, on how the question was asked.

As you undoubtedly know, demeanor, demonstrated attitude, assertiveness,.... ...all go into the calculus when two strangers meet. The vast majority of those times, as the good poster Crusader above suggests, are simple human exchanges, meet & greets, polite acknowledgements, if any acknowledgement at all... but 'common courtesy' abounds.

But, some slide sideways promptly. And it would be my suggestion that some mean-spirited signals were perceived to be sent between these three strangers that set up more than assertiveness..... it begat hostility and violence.

A resident. Just like if you were in a gated community and someone there didn't recognize you. You can have to prove you live there or the cops can be called

And did that resident wear an identifying badge, hat, sign.......that she was, indeed, a "resident"?
How was the attendant to know who she was? Who her son was?
Or could he think that they were merely, some aggressive busy bodies sticking their nose into the gainful employment of a stranger who was authorized to be doing what he was doing.

I could be persuaded that the "common courtesy" the poster Digital references above......was not abundant in that parking garage.

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