Assimilate or go home!

Did you miss my link?

Why would I care about your link? You didn't cut'n'paste.
Because you're dancing around the fact that you claimed Muhammed didn't say that and you were WRONG. He did say it, and lots of other awful things. And putting on your silly little mod hat while you do your dance fails to distract us from that fact.

He didn't, per my quote.

And cut and paste's need to be linked - as I have done with mine. Why is that such a problem with you? Hell, I even tried to be nice about it.
Good. Now be a total doll and admit Muhammed did indeed make that statement and BRYNMR isn't an idiot.

Did you read my quote? I'm not going to repeat myself over a quote that is deliberately mistranslated to terrorism.

The fact that you and Brynmr both think it's perfectly acceptable to deport wholesale American citizens is pretty reprehensible.
It isn't possible to deport Americans. There's no country to deport them to. A person can only be deported to their home country which for American citizens is the United States. So wtf are you talking about ?
Just heard an interview on NPR early this a.m. with an Aussie politician--only caught the tail end, and don't know the details--who was mentioning that the Australians will NOT accept the "boat people" into their country and the ones that will not accept transport back to where they came from are being kept on an island! It is to discourage boat people because so many of the boat people die on the way. It has worked, as far as that goes, but they've got a bunch of people in limbo on an island, and they won't leave. Australia is firmly refusing to take them in.

Good for Australia.

At least someone in Govt. has a few brains. Don't allow them into your country and don't worry about what happens to them. I sure wouldn't.

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