Associated Press reports: Ukrainian government is killing its own people and ruining their homes

One day you are going to find out how wrong you are about, Putin, Skye. He is a most evil man and is plotting the destruction of the USA. If I didn't care about you I'd say nothing but I truly believe that you are going to be horrified by what this man does to America in the future. HORRIFIED.

The sickening thing is that people like Stratford know what I'm talking about and they do not care because they think that the Motherland is always right and the USA has it coming. Obama is wicked. No question about it. But so is Putin.

My 2 cents.

Thank you for sharing your feelings. I do not mind at all. I hope that you don't mind that I have shared mine too in this thread.

Of course I don't mind you sharing your feelings.

But whatever you feel about Putin he seems to be a necessary counterforce against the excessive American liberalism and Obama's destructive love of Islam.

The established culture and religions of the US are suffering because of this.

The concept of mutually assured destruction still applies and whatever you think about Putin he is a realist and a nationalist -as opposed to being a globalist- and it is extremely doubtful he would start any unwise conflict with the US.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR, for example surrounding Russia with missiles and the enlisting of previous USSR areas to NATO.

For every action there is an equal counter reaction which has happened in this case.

And have no doubt, it is NATO and the US under Obama , who have started this. Not Putin.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR,

If Russia's neighbors don't want to be under Russia's thumb, too bad, they should go fuck themselves?

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

This is 2016. The Cold War is over.

Or haven't you heard.
Skye and I can say the same thing to you, Jeremiah:

"One day you are going to find out how wrong you are about, Putin," dear Jeremiah.... May be one day, when you're able to brake through your Media huge propaganda machine, which aims not only Putin, but everybody, who dares to stand in Elites/Establishment's way. Like Trump, for example...on.

View attachment 86144

I can't believe you've found a thread from 2015 and given it the second life. Thank you, Jeremiah, once in a while you can be useful :laugh:

You left out imprisoning political rivals and killing journalists.

Ok, if you insist. But make sure you read the links I've provided for you, Toddster. So far providing you with facts you don't like, has been a waste.

Ukraine declared war on journalism:

As corruption and nepotism threaten the hope of Ukraine’s revolution, journalists are being told that they are helping the enemy just by doing their jobs.
The West Suppresses Report on Ukraine’s Suppression of Journalists
Murdered: Lawyer for Russian fighter kidnapped, 'drugged, wired to a bomb' in Ukraine

Can you imagine what would happened if, in Russia, three opposition figures, a well-known writer and two politicians, were killed in the span of two days? We have a vague of idea of what that would look like, after the Western hysteria about Nemtsov.
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina

Putin is allowed to kill journalists, because someone....somewhere else, did the same?
One day you are going to find out how wrong you are about, Putin, Skye. He is a most evil man and is plotting the destruction of the USA. If I didn't care about you I'd say nothing but I truly believe that you are going to be horrified by what this man does to America in the future. HORRIFIED.

The sickening thing is that people like Stratford know what I'm talking about and they do not care because they think that the Motherland is always right and the USA has it coming. Obama is wicked. No question about it. But so is Putin.

My 2 cents.

Thank you for sharing your feelings. I do not mind at all. I hope that you don't mind that I have shared mine too in this thread.

Of course I don't mind you sharing your feelings.

But whatever you feel about Putin he seems to be a necessary counterforce against the excessive American liberalism and Obama's destructive love of Islam.

The established culture and religions of the US are suffering because of this.

The concept of mutually assured destruction still applies and whatever you think about Putin he is a realist and a nationalist -as opposed to being a globalist- and it is extremely doubtful he would start any unwise conflict with the US.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR, for example surrounding Russia with missiles and the enlisting of previous USSR areas to NATO.

For every action there is an equal counter reaction which has happened in this case.

And have no doubt, it is NATO and the US under Obama , who have started this. Not Putin.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR,

If Russia's neighbors don't want to be under Russia's thumb, too bad, they should go fuck themselves?

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

This is 2016. The Cold War is over.

Or haven't you heard.

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

Did you miss the Russian troops in Ukraine? In Georgia?
Skye and I can say the same thing to you, Jeremiah:

"One day you are going to find out how wrong you are about, Putin," dear Jeremiah.... May be one day, when you're able to brake through your Media huge propaganda machine, which aims not only Putin, but everybody, who dares to stand in Elites/Establishment's way. Like Trump, for example...on.

View attachment 86144

I can't believe you've found a thread from 2015 and given it the second life. Thank you, Jeremiah, once in a while you can be useful :laugh:

You left out imprisoning political rivals and killing journalists.

That is true. Then there was his political rival Laventinko who was mercilessly poisoned to death and said that he knew that Putin had been the man who ordered his death. Who can forget that man in his hospital bed? How awful to see a man suffer such a death.
One day you are going to find out how wrong you are about, Putin, Skye. He is a most evil man and is plotting the destruction of the USA. If I didn't care about you I'd say nothing but I truly believe that you are going to be horrified by what this man does to America in the future. HORRIFIED.

The sickening thing is that people like Stratford know what I'm talking about and they do not care because they think that the Motherland is always right and the USA has it coming. Obama is wicked. No question about it. But so is Putin.

My 2 cents.

Thank you for sharing your feelings. I do not mind at all. I hope that you don't mind that I have shared mine too in this thread.

Of course I don't mind you sharing your feelings.

But whatever you feel about Putin he seems to be a necessary counterforce against the excessive American liberalism and Obama's destructive love of Islam.

The established culture and religions of the US are suffering because of this.

The concept of mutually assured destruction still applies and whatever you think about Putin he is a realist and a nationalist -as opposed to being a globalist- and it is extremely doubtful he would start any unwise conflict with the US.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR, for example surrounding Russia with missiles and the enlisting of previous USSR areas to NATO.

For every action there is an equal counter reaction which has happened in this case.

And have no doubt, it is NATO and the US under Obama , who have started this. Not Putin.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR,

If Russia's neighbors don't want to be under Russia's thumb, too bad, they should go fuck themselves?

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

This is 2016. The Cold War is over.

Or haven't you heard.

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

Did you miss the Russian troops in Ukraine? In Georgia?
Todd, you truly are a patriot. I have to tell you that I respect you for your courage to speak the truth about Putin. Many men would not do it. To your credit - you are not a coward. I thought I should tell you that.

(I'm not implying Skye is a coward - I think she believes Putin is as he is trying to present himself to the world - unfortunately that is not the real man)
One day you are going to find out how wrong you are about, Putin, Skye. He is a most evil man and is plotting the destruction of the USA. If I didn't care about you I'd say nothing but I truly believe that you are going to be horrified by what this man does to America in the future. HORRIFIED.

The sickening thing is that people like Stratford know what I'm talking about and they do not care because they think that the Motherland is always right and the USA has it coming. Obama is wicked. No question about it. But so is Putin.

My 2 cents.

Thank you for sharing your feelings. I do not mind at all. I hope that you don't mind that I have shared mine too in this thread.

Of course I don't mind you sharing your feelings.

But whatever you feel about Putin he seems to be a necessary counterforce against the excessive American liberalism and Obama's destructive love of Islam.

The established culture and religions of the US are suffering because of this.

The concept of mutually assured destruction still applies and whatever you think about Putin he is a realist and a nationalist -as opposed to being a globalist- and it is extremely doubtful he would start any unwise conflict with the US.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR, for example surrounding Russia with missiles and the enlisting of previous USSR areas to NATO.

For every action there is an equal counter reaction which has happened in this case.

And have no doubt, it is NATO and the US under Obama , who have started this. Not Putin.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR,

If Russia's neighbors don't want to be under Russia's thumb, too bad, they should go fuck themselves?

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

This is 2016. The Cold War is over.

Or haven't you heard.

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

Did you miss the Russian troops in Ukraine? In Georgia?


But you surely missed the fact that Washington was behind the coup in Ukraine.

Look, you believe what you want,ok?

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.
One day you are going to find out how wrong you are about, Putin, Skye. He is a most evil man and is plotting the destruction of the USA. If I didn't care about you I'd say nothing but I truly believe that you are going to be horrified by what this man does to America in the future. HORRIFIED.

The sickening thing is that people like Stratford know what I'm talking about and they do not care because they think that the Motherland is always right and the USA has it coming. Obama is wicked. No question about it. But so is Putin.

My 2 cents.

Thank you for sharing your feelings. I do not mind at all. I hope that you don't mind that I have shared mine too in this thread.

Of course I don't mind you sharing your feelings.

But whatever you feel about Putin he seems to be a necessary counterforce against the excessive American liberalism and Obama's destructive love of Islam.

The established culture and religions of the US are suffering because of this.

The concept of mutually assured destruction still applies and whatever you think about Putin he is a realist and a nationalist -as opposed to being a globalist- and it is extremely doubtful he would start any unwise conflict with the US.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR, for example surrounding Russia with missiles and the enlisting of previous USSR areas to NATO.

For every action there is an equal counter reaction which has happened in this case.

And have no doubt, it is NATO and the US under Obama , who have started this. Not Putin.
The Russians have been carefully plotting our defeat for over 60 years now, Skye. It began long before Obama. The Soviets have always envied us for our success and it was through their infiltration, deception, subversive strategies that they slowly but systematically ate away at what was great about this country - like a cancer. But the truth is that after America is attacked and invaded by the Russians and the nations who agreed to ally with them, the time will come when God will pour out his judgment on Russia and it will be most terrible for the people there.

When God judges his own nation / people he uses a nation(s) more wicked than those who are under judgment. Read Habakkuk. My prayer is that many Russian people will be saved before all of this happens.
One day you are going to find out how wrong you are about, Putin, Skye. He is a most evil man and is plotting the destruction of the USA. If I didn't care about you I'd say nothing but I truly believe that you are going to be horrified by what this man does to America in the future. HORRIFIED.

The sickening thing is that people like Stratford know what I'm talking about and they do not care because they think that the Motherland is always right and the USA has it coming. Obama is wicked. No question about it. But so is Putin.

My 2 cents.

Thank you for sharing your feelings. I do not mind at all. I hope that you don't mind that I have shared mine too in this thread.

Of course I don't mind you sharing your feelings.

But whatever you feel about Putin he seems to be a necessary counterforce against the excessive American liberalism and Obama's destructive love of Islam.

The established culture and religions of the US are suffering because of this.

The concept of mutually assured destruction still applies and whatever you think about Putin he is a realist and a nationalist -as opposed to being a globalist- and it is extremely doubtful he would start any unwise conflict with the US.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR, for example surrounding Russia with missiles and the enlisting of previous USSR areas to NATO.

For every action there is an equal counter reaction which has happened in this case.

And have no doubt, it is NATO and the US under Obama , who have started this. Not Putin.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR,

If Russia's neighbors don't want to be under Russia's thumb, too bad, they should go fuck themselves?

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

This is 2016. The Cold War is over.

Or haven't you heard.

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

Did you miss the Russian troops in Ukraine? In Georgia?


But you surely missed the fact that Washington was behind the coup in Ukraine.

Look, you believe what you want,ok?

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Russia has no right to invade her neighbors.
Even if those neighbors want to join NATO to protect themselves from Russia.

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Heil Putin, eh comrade?
I didn't follow the Ukraine stuff much (was busy) , but I believe it, as look what we did in Iraq, Libya, and now Syria. War seems to be the US motto, and all premeditated coups. These coups have got to stop.

From what I've hear of Putin on you tubes, its does not sound like he wants any war with the US.
Of course I don't mind you sharing your feelings.

But whatever you feel about Putin he seems to be a necessary counterforce against the excessive American liberalism and Obama's destructive love of Islam.

The established culture and religions of the US are suffering because of this.

The concept of mutually assured destruction still applies and whatever you think about Putin he is a realist and a nationalist -as opposed to being a globalist- and it is extremely doubtful he would start any unwise conflict with the US.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR, for example surrounding Russia with missiles and the enlisting of previous USSR areas to NATO.

For every action there is an equal counter reaction which has happened in this case.

And have no doubt, it is NATO and the US under Obama , who have started this. Not Putin.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR,

If Russia's neighbors don't want to be under Russia's thumb, too bad, they should go fuck themselves?

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

This is 2016. The Cold War is over.

Or haven't you heard.

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

Did you miss the Russian troops in Ukraine? In Georgia?


But you surely missed the fact that Washington was behind the coup in Ukraine.

Look, you believe what you want,ok?

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Russia has no right to invade her neighbors.
Even if those neighbors want to join NATO to protect themselves from Russia.

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Heil Putin, eh comrade?

Well why not, we go an invade across the ocean.
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Of course I don't mind you sharing your feelings.

But whatever you feel about Putin he seems to be a necessary counterforce against the excessive American liberalism and Obama's destructive love of Islam.

The established culture and religions of the US are suffering because of this.

The concept of mutually assured destruction still applies and whatever you think about Putin he is a realist and a nationalist -as opposed to being a globalist- and it is extremely doubtful he would start any unwise conflict with the US.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR, for example surrounding Russia with missiles and the enlisting of previous USSR areas to NATO.

For every action there is an equal counter reaction which has happened in this case.

And have no doubt, it is NATO and the US under Obama , who have started this. Not Putin.

Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR,

If Russia's neighbors don't want to be under Russia's thumb, too bad, they should go fuck themselves?

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

This is 2016. The Cold War is over.

Or haven't you heard.

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

Did you miss the Russian troops in Ukraine? In Georgia?


But you surely missed the fact that Washington was behind the coup in Ukraine.

Look, you believe what you want,ok?

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Russia has no right to invade her neighbors.
Even if those neighbors want to join NATO to protect themselves from Russia.

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Heil Putin, eh comrade?

You say Russia has no right to invade her neighbours....

But Obama's US has the right to invade half of the world with impunity?

I've got news for you..... what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Don't forget that Putin current aggressiveness was largely started by the provocative actions of the US and NATO in continuously trying to diminish Russian influence in what was the USSR,

If Russia's neighbors don't want to be under Russia's thumb, too bad, they should go fuck themselves?

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

This is 2016. The Cold War is over.

Or haven't you heard.

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

Did you miss the Russian troops in Ukraine? In Georgia?


But you surely missed the fact that Washington was behind the coup in Ukraine.

Look, you believe what you want,ok?

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Russia has no right to invade her neighbors.
Even if those neighbors want to join NATO to protect themselves from Russia.

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Heil Putin, eh comrade?

You say Russia has no right to invade her neighbours....

But Obama's US has the right to invade half of the world with impunity?

I've got news for you..... what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

You say Russia has no right to invade her neighbours....

You say they do? Do you happen to be Russian?

But Obama's US has the right to invade half of the world with impunity?

Who did Obama invade?
Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

This is 2016. The Cold War is over.

Or haven't you heard.

Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

Did you miss the Russian troops in Ukraine? In Georgia?


But you surely missed the fact that Washington was behind the coup in Ukraine.

Look, you believe what you want,ok?

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Russia has no right to invade her neighbors.
Even if those neighbors want to join NATO to protect themselves from Russia.

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Heil Putin, eh comrade?

You say Russia has no right to invade her neighbours....

But Obama's US has the right to invade half of the world with impunity?

I've got news for you..... what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

You say Russia has no right to invade her neighbours....

You say they do? Do you happen to be Russian?

But Obama's US has the right to invade half of the world with impunity?

Who did Obama invade?


go and study some recent events worldwide...then come back.

I've had enough.
Russian thumb? What Russian thumb.

Did you miss the Russian troops in Ukraine? In Georgia?


But you surely missed the fact that Washington was behind the coup in Ukraine.

Look, you believe what you want,ok?

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Russia has no right to invade her neighbors.
Even if those neighbors want to join NATO to protect themselves from Russia.

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Heil Putin, eh comrade?

You say Russia has no right to invade her neighbours....

But Obama's US has the right to invade half of the world with impunity?

I've got news for you..... what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

You say Russia has no right to invade her neighbours....

You say they do? Do you happen to be Russian?

But Obama's US has the right to invade half of the world with impunity?

Who did Obama invade?


go and study some recent events worldwide...then come back.

I've had enough.

Piss off Putin lover.

But you surely missed the fact that Washington was behind the coup in Ukraine.

Look, you believe what you want,ok?

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Russia has no right to invade her neighbors.
Even if those neighbors want to join NATO to protect themselves from Russia.

Talking with people like you is a waste of time.

Heil Putin, eh comrade?

You say Russia has no right to invade her neighbours....

But Obama's US has the right to invade half of the world with impunity?

I've got news for you..... what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

You say Russia has no right to invade her neighbours....

You say they do? Do you happen to be Russian?

But Obama's US has the right to invade half of the world with impunity?

Who did Obama invade?


go and study some recent events worldwide...then come back.

I've had enough.

Piss off Putin lover.

Give me the evidence and may be after that we'll talk.

Hey, all the anti-Putin people, you are throwing your allegations toward Russia without any kind of evidence. Just repeating after your Media, owned by Globalists. Russia is the only self-sufficient country in the world with a lot of natural resource and occupying 1/6 part of all the lands . Russia is the only country in the world which would survive even if totally isolated. And on the top of that it has a real leader, who cares about his country and doesn't allow anybody to manipulate him and his country (unlike a lot of other "leaders"). That's what pisses off all the Globalists and their puppets in Washington and EU. And that's why they are painting Russia/Putin with black using all their Media sources.

Vladimir Putin: I think I mentioned our ”guilt“ in the floods in Europe. I think this is another such joke. Actually, I think it is indecent to mention Russia when speaking of any issue, even those we have nothing to do with, to make our country out to be some kind of scarecrow. This not what intelligent people would do, I think.
Joint news conference with Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi
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