Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:lalala::iagree: Should be another "Clown Show" when we see Biden on the campaign tour. And where is he going to make his speeches? All of the purple states are furious at Democrats for stealing their spending money and not doing chit for high gas,food and energy prices. And Biden didn't do jack chit to lower our health-care costs either.
Whats he going to do? Just more gaffes and asking handicapped people to "Stand-Up"?
Can he run on the platform of "I really like your daughter"????
He'll run on the platform of free hair transplants for everyone, and kiddie porn for the masses.
He'll run on the platform of free hair transplants for everyone, and kiddie porn for the masses.
i hope that when he does his speeches, he will have a 12 year old girl by his side.
Both parties are responsible for screwing the middle class, its been a trend happening for decades..
we can already vision Joe debating Trump. He will be wired to one of those machines that make u speak without making any mistakes.
when it comes to screwing the middle, in 2009 it was deliberate. and i dont recall Reagan,Both Bushes and Clinton screwing the middle class,,as far as I can recall,,,1982 thru 2008 werent so bad. then came Pelosi/Reid/Obama, yah. then look at what happened.
when it comes to screwing the middle, in 2009 it was deliberate. and i dont recall Reagan,Both Bushes and Clinton screwing the middle class,,as far as I can recall,,,1982 thru 2008 werent so bad. then came Pelosi/Reid/Obama, yah. then look at what happened.

That's probably because the middle class and working class is easier for the government to shake down. We don't have the luxury that the upper-income earners do, of tax shelters and such. Therefore, the government can more easily extort revenue from us. We can't afford high-prices accountants and lawyer, so we're going to comply with whatever the criminal IRS hands us.

This administration was elected on the promise of standing up for the "working class" , but nothing could be further from the truth. That's why I don't buy the bullshit Bernie Sanders and the left is spewing. They may say they're about "income inequality" and raising taxes on the rich but in the end, it's the middle class that's going to pay for it.
when it comes to screwing the middle, in 2009 it was deliberate. and i dont recall Reagan,Both Bushes and Clinton screwing the middle class,,as far as I can recall,,,1982 thru 2008 werent so bad. then came Pelosi/Reid/Obama, yah. then look at what happened.
and when gas was around 4.00 a gallon, Obama was off to the golf course.
"Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On?"

Not being a republican.

"He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class"

Exposing this and other ridiculous lies from the right will also garner votes.

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