ASU Students Found Guilty Of Harassing White Students

Their sexuality is not a crime, whatever it is.

The fact that women abuse and kill children twice as much as men is something which needs to be called out.

The fact that many women slander and demonize men needs to be called out.

Of course #notallwomen are abusers, but the problem needs to be addressed.
I was showing Circe the dangers of broad-brushing.

But yes, you're right. Feminists have skewed the law to protect women who abuse and kill their children and partners.

These ladies did not physically attack anyone. They are guilty of a relatively minor disciplinary infraction. Sadly people are angry at them for race reasons.
Those two are racists. They are also assholes who demand privilege for themselves while denying it to others. ASU should expel them for failing to write the three page paper that was part of their penalty.
Those two are racists. They are also assholes who demand privilege for themselves while denying it to others. ASU should expel them for failing to write the three page paper that was part of their penalty.
I do not think there is any significant hostility toward white students overall.
It's sad that idiots like the two pigs in the OP are allowed to take up, and waste, space in our schools.

Some people cannot be taught, as the old saying goes...
The response to offensive speech is corrective speech. If ASU were a legitimate institution of higher learning, they would hold a public debate or a panel discussion, where people with viewpoints like those of the hysterical women in the video are challenged and defended. It might even devolve into a learning experience.

Not holding my breath.
The response to offensive speech is corrective speech. If ASU were a legitimate institution of higher learning, they would hold a public debate or a panel discussion, where people with viewpoints like those of the hysterical women in the video are challenged and defended. It might even devolve into a learning experience.

Not holding my breath.
I don't agree, this wasn't offensive speech, it was harassment based upon race, in other words a hate crime. There is nothing to debate about this incident, it deserves punishment.

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