At first we were deplorable, now we're Russian trolls


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2008
Every single thing leftists threw on us since Trump won has been debunked and they're still playing the same song. Apparently, if you don't support Hillary and flake-in-chief Barry, you are actually Russian propaganda troll.

And like every other thing, his will backfire harder and faster than "racist bigot soggyknee" did.

Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

It's to the point I don't even listen to them anymore. Bunch of freaking loons all butthurt their old hag got trounced
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.

What lies about Clintooon?
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.
I'm sorry, Penelope, but surely you can't be serious. Everything the Dems have thrown out has been disproved. Please, for your own good, wake up.
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.

What lies about Clinton? Put them up or shut the fuck up?
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.

What lies about Clinton? Put them up or shut the fuck up?

Pedophile for starters, a drunk, bad health for starters.
The only thing revealed by the emails that was new was that Hillary hated her own daughter Chelsea to the point Clinton wanted to campaign with Katie Perry. Sad. Very sad and I truly feel sorry for her daughter.

But all the other shit we knew. The emails just validated what scumbuckets the Clinton campaign and the media were.
The only thing revealed by the emails that was new was that Hillary hated her own daughter Chelsea to the point Clinton wanted to campaign with Katie Perry. Sad. Very sad and I truly feel sorry for her daughter.

But all the other shit we knew. The emails just validated what scumbuckets the Clinton campaign and the media were.

I have never seen that in the hacked emails, you had best put up a email that states that.

Now you want pay for play on steroids you got the right man, at least Clintons Foundation was a real charity, not a fake foundation like Trumps. Trump is one huge fake.
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.

What lies about Clinton? Put them up or shut the fuck up?

Pedophile for starters, a drunk, bad health for starters.

Who on earth ever accused Hillary of being a pedophile? I would not have beleived it nor would others. With the grueling schedule candidates have to endure if Hillary had a few shots at night I would not have blamed her.

I was only seriously worried about her health when the incident at the Memorial took place. That was disturbing and was fair game in the sense that everyone wants their President to be in as top notch condition as they should be.

Hey, I'm still royally pissed off that it was hidden from the public that Bush had contracted Lyme disease. Who the hell was in charge in those latter years? It wasn't Cheney.

Presidential health is always fair game.
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.
I'm sorry, Penelope, but surely you can't be serious. Everything the Dems have thrown out has been disproved. Please, for your own good, wake up.

I'd vote for Clinton again if I had the chance, no nothing the Dems have thrown out have been proven false, only what the Pubs have put out, Flynn and his son, both morons. Lock her up, Trump said the Clintons are good people now, joke is on you.
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.

What lies about Clinton? Put them up or shut the fuck up?

Pedophile for starters, a drunk, bad health for starters.

Who on earth ever accused Hillary of being a pedophile? I would not have beleived it nor would others. With the grueling schedule candidates have to endure if Hillary had a few shots at night I would not have blamed her.

I was only seriously worried about her health when the incident at the Memorial took place. That was disturbing and was fair game in the sense that everyone wants their President to be in as top notch condition as they should be.

Hey, I'm still royally pissed off that it was hidden from the public that Bush had contracted Lyme disease. Who the hell was in charge in those latter years? It wasn't Cheney.

Presidential health is always fair game.

Me too, being helped to the car, suffering from walking pneumonia, can make one very weak and probably very dehydrated. By the way Trump talked, she was dying.
Actually, if you had read the actual emails, her staff was claiming should they sober her up, etc.
And her health is still a question.

Tiny dancer addressed the other.
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.

What lies about Clinton? Put them up or shut the fuck up?

Pedophile for starters, a drunk, bad health for starters.
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.


Same old leftists bullshit.

I posted the link to the document from director of national intelligence, and you posted nothing of value (maybe hearsay) and you saying I might be a troll. Really.

Not that I ever seen single episode of the Apprentice, but even if I did, what exactly would be wrong with that?

You lefties are acting like voting for Trump is shameful, but it's not. I would be ashamed if I voted for that dirtbag Hillary, so I haven't.

History teaches us who really were bigots, and racists, and socialists, and liars. So spare me of your high moral talk, since you have absolutely nothing to offer.

Now, do you have anything to say about the topic?
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.
What was wrong with the Apprentice? Lack of gay sex? Lack of globull warming propaganda?
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.
What was wrong with the Apprentice? Lack of gay sex? Lack of globull warming propaganda?

I'm not in to Reality TV shows.
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.
What was wrong with the Apprentice? Lack of gay sex? Lack of globull warming propaganda?

I'm not in to Reality TV shows.
I watched that one and it was fine.
Nope you might be a troll, or a deplorable, or an uninformed voter. You might of just liked the Apprentice. Most of you were gullible to vote for Trump and his act, and to believe all the lies about Clinton. Some of you are bigots, so we really can't put you all in one basket , that would be unfair.
You are a bigot as well, so if you think you have some kindnof moral high ground.... You don't.

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