At least 10 antifa members charged with 'violent criminal acts' after attack on Trump supporters and dog

Well OK then. Keep your hopes up maybe someone will show up to defend the actions of these people.
I think most on here have stated that those that broke the law, get what they get in the courts.
What this wasn't and the crux of the argument is the left saying that this was an insurrection,
which it wasn't. The FBI even said they saw no evidence of it. It's just the media and the democrats
creating something that isn't there. Just like the all the other hoaxes they concocted. :eusa_whistle:
These Are the 5 People Who Died in the Capitol Riot 5 people died because of it. Nothing peaceful about it all. Multiple video shots proves it was anything but peaceful.

Read the article. I'm not your secretary.
I don't want to pay for the subscription you idiot.
Having stated the obvious, I already know that no one was stabbed, shot, strangled, or run over.
other than Babbitt. So there you go, BWK. idiot
I think most on here have stated that those that broke the law, get what they get in the courts.
What this wasn't and the crux of the argument is the left saying that this was an insurrection,
which it wasn't. The FBI even said they saw no evidence of it. It's just the media and the democrats
creating something that isn't there. Just like the all the other hoaxes they concocted. :eusa_whistle:
Right, something that isn't there. This would be funny as hell if it weren't so tragically untrue.
Were they shot, stabbed or strangled? Run over? Just how did they die, BWK?

The thing that irks the living shit out of me is the left's insincere and feigned kabuki theater act. Because of the Jan. 6 Capitol protest, the same people who supported domestic terrorists like antifa and BLM suddenly see themselves as "great American patriots." This is phony bullshit, pure and simple.

Democrats in Congress and the media applauded antifa and BLM all throughout 2020, as they rioted, looted burned down entire neighborhoods, and attacked people. But because conservatives showed up at a Capitol protest and it got out of hand, now we're the "insurgents" and "traitors."

This is utter bullshit to the nth degree. These are the same morons who idolized shitheads like Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Che Guevara. And now we're supposed to be the "bad guys and girls"?

I'm not buying a single fucking word of it. This is nothing but a worn out and over-used contrivance from that commie fuckstick's book "Rules for Radicals".... “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” The kind of shit they're trying to pull on people is as old as Marx, Goebbels, and Alisnky themselves: "Always accuse the other side that which you're guilty of."
Watch post #49. You can try until the chickens come home, and no person of reason will ever say this was anything but an insurrection. Numbers of people killed are numbers of people killed. It changes nothing.
Right something that isn't there. This would be funny as hell if it weren't so tragically untrue.

Don't look at me asshole, your ilk defined what 'Peaceful Protest" was.

Watch post #49. You can try until the chickens come home, and no person of reason will ever say this was anything but an insurrection. Numbers of people killed are numbers of people killed. It changes nothing.
Are you really afraid to back up how those deaths occurred? Yes, it does change everything.
The thing that irks the living shit out of me is the left's insincere and feigned kabuki theater act. Because of the Jan. 6 Capitol protest, the same people who supported domestic terrorists like antifa and BLM suddenly see themselves as "great American patriots." This is phony bullshit, pure and simple.

Democrats in Congress and the media applauded antifa and BLM all throughout 2020, as they rioted, looted burned down entire neighborhoods, and attacked people. But because conservatives showed up at a Capitol protest and it got out of hand, now we're the "insurgents" and "traitors."

This is utter bullshit to the nth degree. These are the same morons who idolized shitheads like Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Che Guevara. And now we're supposed to be the "bad guys and girls"?

I'm not buying a single fucking word of it. This is nothing but a worn out and over-used contrivance from that commie fuckstick's book "Rules for Radicals".... “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” The kind of shit they're trying to pull on people is as old as Marx, Goebbels, and Alisnky themselves: "Always accuse the other side that which you're guilty of."
There is no such thing as an organization called ANTIFA. That is an idea, not an organization you idiot. Get a clue. You are just making shit up.
Don't look at me asshole, your ilk defined what 'Peaceful Protest" was.

Along with the proud boys, oath keepers, 3 percenters, and the rest of Trump's butt boy terrorists. Those folks made it much worse than it ever was. They were dead in the middle.
Are you really afraid to back up how those deaths occurred? Yes, it does change everything.
Violence is violence. Had no one died, it still changes nothing. Don't you understand that?
Along with the proud boys, oath keepers, 3 percenters, and the rest of Trump's butt boy terrorists. Those folks made it much worse than it ever was. They were dead in the middle.

Please tell me: How much in monetary damage and the loss of life have these proud boys, oath keepers, and 3 percenters been responsible for?

I mean as compared to antifa, BLM, and for that matter, communism and Marxism as a whole?
Violence is violence. Had no one died, it still changes nothing. Don't you understand that?
It's obvious that you don't understand. You're wrong, as much as you don't want to hear that, you're wrong.
There was no insurrection, nobody was charged with insurrection and that's pretty much the end of the story.

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