AT&T To Lay Off More Workers. The Tax Breaks Are Working As Planned. For Them

Its rough out there. Corporations do what is necessary to succeed.
Tell us again why AOC and her deadbeats rejected Amazon's HQ2 in NYC?

Amazon went ahead with their plans despite not screwing over the taxpayers for half a billion dollars.

Nope. Amazon moved the NYC HQ2 to VA. Where the people want to work.
Amazon Goes To Virginia: How Long-Term Thinking Won The HQ2 Prize

Amazon Grows in New York, Reviving Debate Over Abandoned Queens Project

What's your point? The "abandoned" Queens project was the 50,000 job HQ2. It went to VA.
The big companies spent their tax cuts on on stock buybacks and dividend payouts knowing they would never face criticism from a single republican. It's an indication even they do not believe in trickle down when they don't care to make their policies work.
A short list-
What employers gave bonuses and raises after big tax cut
Here's a list of some of the major, well-known U.S. companies that have paid out bonuses or upped pay since President Trump signed the tax reform bill into law on Dec. 22:



No. of employees getting bonus




Alaska Airlines



American Airlines



Bank of America









Fifth Third Bank









PNC Financial



Sinclair Broadcast



Southwest Airlines






U.S. Bancorp




up to $1,000


NOTES BB&T also raised minimum hourly pay rate from $12 to $15, effective Jan. 1, 2018; Fifth Third Bank also boosted minimum wage to $15 per hour for all employees; PNC Financial also will raise minimum pay rate to $15 an hour by the end of 2018.

(SOURCE USA TODAY research, company announcements, Americans for Tax Reform, Associated Press)

In addition, a number of companies, including Visa, Aflac and Nationwide, have announced that they are taking steps to help employees save for retirement. These companies are boosting matching contributions to employees' 401(k) retirement plans.

These Companies Gave Bonuses or Raises After Tax Reform
Boom: 164 companies give bonuses, lower fees to millions, citing Trump tax cuts
List of Tax Reform Good News
More Businesses Raise Wages, Give Bonuses in Wake of Tax Cuts
Remember those luxurious tax cuts the Republican Party gifted the tippy-top Americans and corporations? The one that has helped to blow out our deficit while allowing top companies to basically pay nothing in taxes? Of course you do! I mean, you are probably swimming in job opportunities and wage increases as we speak! That was the promise from the GOP and their wealthy overlords, overlords such as telecommunications giant AT&T. AT&T has reportedly been able to save $42 billion because of the GOP tax break, but has also been making big cuts and layoffs since 2018. It has also been slowing down spending on infrastructure during that time.

AT&T to lay off more workers and cut costs by tens of billions—those tax breaks are working!

dude, the severance packages they got are fking amazing. People are volunteering to take them. you should actually know what you're talking about once in your life.

BTW, every carrier is doing it. Verizon did it. the technology has removed the need for switch techs or DACs support.
Remember those luxurious tax cuts the Republican Party gifted the tippy-top Americans and corporations? The one that has helped to blow out our deficit while allowing top companies to basically pay nothing in taxes? Of course you do! I mean, you are probably swimming in job opportunities and wage increases as we speak! That was the promise from the GOP and their wealthy overlords, overlords such as telecommunications giant AT&T. AT&T has reportedly been able to save $42 billion because of the GOP tax break, but has also been making big cuts and layoffs since 2018. It has also been slowing down spending on infrastructure during that time.

AT&T to lay off more workers and cut costs by tens of billions—those tax breaks are working!


The big companies spent their tax cuts on on stock buybacks and dividend payouts knowing they would never face criticism from a single republican. It's an indication even they do not believe in trickle down when they don't care to make their policies work.

Remember those luxurious tax cuts the Republican Party gifted the tippy-top Americans and corporations? The one that has helped to blow out our deficit while allowing top companies to basically pay nothing in taxes? Of course you do! I mean, you are probably swimming in job opportunities and wage increases as we speak! That was the promise from the GOP and their wealthy overlords, overlords such as telecommunications giant AT&T. AT&T has reportedly been able to save $42 billion because of the GOP tax break, but has also been making big cuts and layoffs since 2018. It has also been slowing down spending on infrastructure during that time.

AT&T to lay off more workers and cut costs by tens of billions—those tax breaks are working!

Trickle down layoffs

Remember those luxurious tax cuts the Republican Party gifted the tippy-top Americans and corporations? The one that has helped to blow out our deficit while allowing top companies to basically pay nothing in taxes? Of course you do! I mean, you are probably swimming in job opportunities and wage increases as we speak! That was the promise from the GOP and their wealthy overlords, overlords such as telecommunications giant AT&T. AT&T has reportedly been able to save $42 billion because of the GOP tax break, but has also been making big cuts and layoffs since 2018. It has also been slowing down spending on infrastructure during that time.

AT&T to lay off more workers and cut costs by tens of billions—those tax breaks are working!

Tell us something you know for a fact that you have seen yourself firsthand that wasn't fed to you by the lying media.
AT&T to lay off unspecified number of workers

"The cuts are expected roughly one year after AT&T earned a $19 billion quarterly profit in the wake of the Trump administration’s corporate tax reform. "

Its rough out there. Corporations do what is necessary to succeed.
Tell us again why AOC and her deadbeats rejected Amazon's HQ2 in NYC?

Amazon went ahead with their plans despite not screwing over the taxpayers for half a billion dollars.

LefTard Logic:
“Rather than induce job creators to invest in their employees and grow their businesses Trump should have given a stimulus package to our beloved pieces of shit...Guadalupe and ShaQuita could have kicked up the production at their baby factories, increased their baby daddy count, smoked more weed and drank more 40’s.”
So your saying that Pres.Trump is personally responsible for every company that has a crappy business model? .. :cuckoo:
Its rough out there. Corporations do what is necessary to succeed.
Tell us again why AOC and her deadbeats rejected Amazon's HQ2 in NYC?

Amazon went ahead with their plans despite not screwing over the taxpayers for half a billion dollars.

Nope. Amazon moved the NYC HQ2 to VA. Where the people want to work.
Amazon Goes To Virginia: How Long-Term Thinking Won The HQ2 Prize

Amazon Grows in New York, Reviving Debate Over Abandoned Queens Project

What's your point? The "abandoned" Queens project was the 50,000 job HQ2. It went to VA.

There was no 50k program. 50k people have not been hired in Virginia not will there be.
Remember those luxurious tax cuts the Republican Party gifted the tippy-top Americans and corporations? The one that has helped to blow out our deficit while allowing top companies to basically pay nothing in taxes? Of course you do! I mean, you are probably swimming in job opportunities and wage increases as we speak! That was the promise from the GOP and their wealthy overlords, overlords such as telecommunications giant AT&T. AT&T has reportedly been able to save $42 billion because of the GOP tax break, but has also been making big cuts and layoffs since 2018. It has also been slowing down spending on infrastructure during that time.

AT&T to lay off more workers and cut costs by tens of billions—those tax breaks are working!

Tell us something you know for a fact that you have seen yourself firsthand that wasn't fed to you by the lying media.
AT&T to lay off unspecified number of workers

"The cuts are expected roughly one year after AT&T earned a $19 billion quarterly profit in the wake of the Trump administration’s corporate tax reform. "
I knew you wouldn't do it.
Are you calling Fox Business Fake News?
Listen vermin, I asked you to post something you knew for a fact, that you have seen firsthand, and you refused because you can't. You're another cut and pasted media fed hater. Now we all know what you'll post next...
Are you calling Fox Business Fake News?

Answer the question, scumbag.
Remember those luxurious tax cuts the Republican Party gifted the tippy-top Americans and corporations? The one that has helped to blow out our deficit while allowing top companies to basically pay nothing in taxes? Of course you do! I mean, you are probably swimming in job opportunities and wage increases as we speak! That was the promise from the GOP and their wealthy overlords, overlords such as telecommunications giant AT&T. AT&T has reportedly been able to save $42 billion because of the GOP tax break, but has also been making big cuts and layoffs since 2018. It has also been slowing down spending on infrastructure during that time.

AT&T to lay off more workers and cut costs by tens of billions—those tax breaks are working!

Tell us something you know for a fact that you have seen yourself firsthand that wasn't fed to you by the lying media.
AT&T to lay off unspecified number of workers

"The cuts are expected roughly one year after AT&T earned a $19 billion quarterly profit in the wake of the Trump administration’s corporate tax reform. "

Can you explain how making bad business decisions has anything to do with Trump's tax cuts?
No doubt GE was Trump's fault too.
I bought a box of 8 GE led light bulbs

after two weeks of use 4 of them quit working

I took a closer look at the box and found that they were made in china

GE is sending me a replacement box even after I gave them hell for importing cheap chinese junk instead of making them in America

but at least we can live without light bulbs

now we find that vital basic drug stocks are made in china and if they dont deliver Americans will die

that is unexceptable
Businesses aren't going to stop trying to make and save as much money as possible just because you lower taxes.
Remember those luxurious tax cuts the Republican Party gifted the tippy-top Americans and corporations? The one that has helped to blow out our deficit while allowing top companies to basically pay nothing in taxes? Of course you do! I mean, you are probably swimming in job opportunities and wage increases as we speak! That was the promise from the GOP and their wealthy overlords, overlords such as telecommunications giant AT&T. AT&T has reportedly been able to save $42 billion because of the GOP tax break, but has also been making big cuts and layoffs since 2018. It has also been slowing down spending on infrastructure during that time.

AT&T to lay off more workers and cut costs by tens of billions—those tax breaks are working!

What AT&T is doing has NOTHING to do with President Trump or the republicans or tax cuts. What they're doing is pure CORPORATE SHITTY GREED...


'Tucker Carlson Tonight' investigates: How AT&T outsources American jobs, makes employees train replacements

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' investigates: How AT&T outsources American jobs, makes employees train replacements

Remember those luxurious tax cuts the Republican Party gifted the tippy-top Americans and corporations? The one that has helped to blow out our deficit while allowing top companies to basically pay nothing in taxes? Of course you do! I mean, you are probably swimming in job opportunities and wage increases as we speak! That was the promise from the GOP and their wealthy overlords, overlords such as telecommunications giant AT&T. AT&T has reportedly been able to save $42 billion because of the GOP tax break, but has also been making big cuts and layoffs since 2018. It has also been slowing down spending on infrastructure during that time.

AT&T to lay off more workers and cut costs by tens of billions—those tax breaks are working!

Tell us something you know for a fact that you have seen yourself firsthand that wasn't fed to you by the lying media.
AT&T to lay off unspecified number of workers

"The cuts are expected roughly one year after AT&T earned a $19 billion quarterly profit in the wake of the Trump administration’s corporate tax reform. "
Remember those luxurious tax cuts the Republican Party gifted the tippy-top Americans and corporations? The one that has helped to blow out our deficit while allowing top companies to basically pay nothing in taxes? Of course you do! I mean, you are probably swimming in job opportunities and wage increases as we speak! That was the promise from the GOP and their wealthy overlords, overlords such as telecommunications giant AT&T. AT&T has reportedly been able to save $42 billion because of the GOP tax break, but has also been making big cuts and layoffs since 2018. It has also been slowing down spending on infrastructure during that time.

AT&T to lay off more workers and cut costs by tens of billions—those tax breaks are working!

Tell us something you know for a fact that you have seen yourself firsthand that wasn't fed to you by the lying media.
AT&T to lay off unspecified number of workers

"The cuts are expected roughly one year after AT&T earned a $19 billion quarterly profit in the wake of the Trump administration’s corporate tax reform. "

Can you explain how making bad business decisions has anything to do with Trump's tax cuts?
Is that what they did, make bad business decisions? Please, do tell.

Read your link again instead of cherry picking what YOU want it to say.
AT&T Looking To Cut More Jobs, Despite Billions In Savings From Trump Tax Cuts

Ahhh, more of that best economy ever eh folks?! I'm sure those losing their jobs at AT&T would disagree.

Dumb post. In every single economy, whether good or bad, people lose their jobs. Thousands on thousand on thousands of jobs are created and destroyed every single week. This was true in the roaring 20s, the depression of the 30s, the stagflation 70s, the booming 90s, and so on.

No matter what shape the economy is in, people are losing their jobs.

You say, why is that? Because the market is not static. Things are always changing. Some companies are booming, and growing, and some companies are failing and crashing.

This is why you look at the over-all picture of the economy, not focus on one single company, as if that one company is the standard of the entire nation.

So let's actually look at the reality of AT&T. First, ignore what they said they were going to do. That doesn't matter. If the market changes, then so changes what you end up doing. What they said they would do 2 or 3 years ago, doesn't matter if the market changes.


This is from page 19 of the AT&T investor relation report for 2018.

Now if you look at Communication under revenue, which is where the bulk of their employment is based, revenues have been falling for 3 straight years.

The bottom line is that you can't pay people to work, when there is no work. AT&T can't force customers to stay, or buy products. If the business isn't there, then they can't keep paying people.

Your own link, says this.

When contacted by Ars, AT&T didn't deny any of the CWA's findings about job cuts. "We continue to hire in areas where we're seeing increasing demand for products and services, but technology is changing rapidly, and that affects hiring and employment," AT&T told Ars. "There are fewer jobs in parts of the business that are declining and facing technology shifts."​

The tax cut likely is helping to build other business that is growing. Such as their Warner Media, Xandr, and other capital investments. AT&T could not invest in things with money taxed away by government.

So without question, far more jobs would be lost without the tax cuts.
Remember those luxurious tax cuts the Republican Party gifted the tippy-top Americans and corporations? The one that has helped to blow out our deficit while allowing top companies to basically pay nothing in taxes? Of course you do! I mean, you are probably swimming in job opportunities and wage increases as we speak! That was the promise from the GOP and their wealthy overlords, overlords such as telecommunications giant AT&T. AT&T has reportedly been able to save $42 billion because of the GOP tax break, but has also been making big cuts and layoffs since 2018. It has also been slowing down spending on infrastructure during that time.

AT&T to lay off more workers and cut costs by tens of billions—those tax breaks are working!

What AT&T is doing has NOTHING to do with President Trump or the republicans or tax cuts. What they're doing is pure CORPORATE SHITTY GREED...


'Tucker Carlson Tonight' investigates: How AT&T outsources American jobs, makes employees train replacements

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' investigates: How AT&T outsources American jobs, makes employees train replacements


The OP is an illiterate fuckup, and gets easily confused, but I'm sure his masters are well aware of the anti-American outsourcing that AT&T is practicing which is the cause of the layoff - NOT any Trump policy. I don't blame the OP, he gets a dollar in his Paypal account for posting fake news.

If the mother fuckers can't lie to you, they don't have anything to say.
Businesses aren't going to stop trying to make and save as much money as possible just because you lower taxes.

Yeah, and they are not going to keep people employed, when they don't have work for them to do. That won't change from lower taxes either.
So your saying that Pres.Trump is personally responsible for every company that has a crappy business model? .. :cuckoo:
No....the fucking Democrats think they can convince everyone that the economy is tanking...

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