At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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Hey drunk asswipe, had he let those people off the ship, you’d be crying that he’s infecting the country. You are an uninformed, ignorant, drunk liar who can’t face reality that Trump has handled this well. Now eat more shit like a good little lemming.
Be careful how you talk to your betters

Fuck you. You and the drunk are worthless. More worthless than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Now apologize you uneducated idiot.
Yep is a drunk. She is also uneducated and a liar.

ha! look at asshole trolls circle jerking. good boy joe joe - that propaganda has a follower - you are doing good boy.

Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

what facts? whatever claims you make - besides being as ridiculous as yer dotard resident - never has any credible unbiased links to back it up.

& the only thing you bitch slap is yer 2"... no wonder you found kinship with the subway rail licker.
Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

lol. What a loser.
Who are you mad at today.
My goodness, the idiocy coming from your posts is off the charts.
DUMBEST poster on the forum.

So be specific dumbass, lantern2814 which question would you like answered.

he's just a trolling toady for the board's rail licking propagandist & goebbels' wanna be, azog.
Nope. Your conflation was false yet again. Keep digging that hole. You unemployed now? How you doing Joey?

I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. I'm sure you'll start violating forum rules any minute now and I can go back to reporting you.
Please do. Your prior 100 tattle tales have been wasted. Do tell which forum rules I broke. Making you look stupid does not equate to breaking forum rules.
Be careful how you talk to your betters

Fuck you. You and the drunk are worthless. More worthless than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Now apologize you uneducated idiot.
Yep is a drunk. She is also uneducated and a liar.

ha! look at asshole trolls circle jerking. good boy joe joe - that propaganda has a follower - you are doing good boy.

Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

what facts? whatever claims you make - besides being as ridiculous as yer dotard resident - never has any credible unbiased links to back it up.

& the only thing you bitch slap is yer 2"... no wonder you found kinship with the subway rail licker.
Bender post
The fact that Trumpleton's continue to refuse to accept the undeniable truth about Trump's bungled handling of testing is a testament to the willingness of his minions to believe demonstrable lies.

America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us
The US lags just about every developed country on testing for Covid-19 disease.
America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us

Accurate testing is critical to stopping an outbreak: When one person gets a confirmed diagnosis, they can be put in isolation where they won’t spread the disease further. Then their contacts can be identified and put into quarantine so they don’t spread the virus if they’ve become infected, too. That’s particularly important for a virus like this one, which seems able to spread before people show symptoms, or when their symptoms are mild.

Ever since the first case of Covid-19 was detected in the US on January 20, the government’s blunders in creating and distributing diagnostic testing have greatly handicapped our response to the growing pandemic. Eaker’s story is not unique: Reports suggest providers everywhere are struggling to help their patients, while receiving frustrating guidance from authorities.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease scientist, called the testing situation a “failing” at a congressional hearing on Thursday.

“The idea of anybody getting it easily the way people in other countries are doing it — we’re not set up for that,” he said. “Do I think we should be? Yes. But we’re not. “
Ever since the first case of Covid-19 was detected in the US on January 20, the government’s blunders in creating and distributing diagnostic testing have greatly handicapped our response to the growing pandemic
Ever since the first case of Covid-19 was detected in the US on January 20, the government’s blunders in creating and distributing diagnostic testing have greatly handicapped our response to the growing pandemic
You know, things get so scattered on this board it's hard to stay on any one theme. If there is one that is instructive about how the entire Trump presidency has gone, and how The Following views it, it is the issue of the admin's abject failure to ensure there were enough test kits available when they were needed.
There is no debate on this matter any longer. The factual record is clear. Yet Trumpster's are aided in their refusal to accept reality by Trump's repeated lies and right wing media's reinforcement of those lies.
Be careful how you talk to your betters

Fuck you. You and the drunk are worthless. More worthless than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Now apologize you uneducated idiot.
Yep is a drunk. She is also uneducated and a liar.

ha! look at asshole trolls circle jerking. good boy joe joe - that propaganda has a follower - you are doing good boy.

Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

what facts? whatever claims you make - besides being as ridiculous as yer dotard resident - never has any credible unbiased links to back it up.

& the only thing you bitch slap is yer 2"... no wonder you found kinship with the subway rail licker.

What a stupid drunk bitch. A bitch who uses nothing but CNN, MSDNC, Washington Compost and other debunked sites crying about unbiased? Again, you haven’t refuted one FACT you stupid drunk bitch. Now admitting you didn’t even read the post you’re crying about. I’ll bitch slap,you whenever I feel like it. I got taught to never hit a lady. I was also taught the difference between a lady and a drunk tramp. You are definitely the latter. Now go hit the bottle some more. Then try to learn how to find things for yourself.
Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

lol. What a loser.
Who are you mad at today.
My goodness, the idiocy coming from your posts is off the charts.
DUMBEST poster on the forum.

So be specific dumbass, lantern2814 which question would you like answered.

Fuck off you illiterate lying toad. Since you can’t read here it is again you moron. Trump allocated money that Pisslosi sat on so the Dims could scream about Trump on the Sunday shows so sheep like you would listen. Trump immediately shut down travel from China. Only to have idiots like you cry RACIST! Which of those is incorrect stupid? Now cry for us you fucking idiot. YOU are exposed as dumbest, most TDS suffering poster om the board. Now GFY asshole. You are beaten. Easily, as usual :fu:
Fuck you. You and the drunk are worthless. More worthless than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Now apologize you uneducated idiot.
Yep is a drunk. She is also uneducated and a liar.

ha! look at asshole trolls circle jerking. good boy joe joe - that propaganda has a follower - you are doing good boy.

Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

what facts? whatever claims you make - besides being as ridiculous as yer dotard resident - never has any credible unbiased links to back it up.

& the only thing you bitch slap is yer 2"... no wonder you found kinship with the subway rail licker.

What a stupid drunk bitch. A bitch who uses nothing but CNN, MSDNC, Washington Compost and other debunked sites crying about unbiased? Again, you haven’t refuted one FACT you stupid drunk bitch. Now admitting you didn’t even read the post you’re crying about. I’ll bitch slap,you whenever I feel like it. I got taught to never hit a lady. I was also taught the difference between a lady and a drunk tramp. You are definitely the latter. Now go hit the bottle some more. Then try to learn how to find things for yourself.

Love it!!! Great post
The fact that Trumpleton's continue to refuse to accept the undeniable truth about Trump's bungled handling of testing is a testament to the willingness of his minions to believe demonstrable lies.

America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us
The US lags just about every developed country on testing for Covid-19 disease.
America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us

Accurate testing is critical to stopping an outbreak: When one person gets a confirmed diagnosis, they can be put in isolation where they won’t spread the disease further. Then their contacts can be identified and put into quarantine so they don’t spread the virus if they’ve become infected, too. That’s particularly important for a virus like this one, which seems able to spread before people show symptoms, or when their symptoms are mild.

Ever since the first case of Covid-19 was detected in the US on January 20, the government’s blunders in creating and distributing diagnostic testing have greatly handicapped our response to the growing pandemic. Eaker’s story is not unique: Reports suggest providers everywhere are struggling to help their patients, while receiving frustrating guidance from authorities.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease scientist, called the testing situation a “failing” at a congressional hearing on Thursday.

“The idea of anybody getting it easily the way people in other countries are doing it — we’re not set up for that,” he said. “Do I think we should be? Yes. But we’re not. “

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus test delay not the fault of CDC or Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus test delay not the fault of CDC or Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease doctor, said President Trump and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were not to blame for a lack of coronavirus testing kits that has prompted criticism of the administration as cases continue to grow in the United States.

Speaking on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on Tuesday, Fauci -- also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- was asked about the slow rollout of test kits, saying the delay was due to a "technical glitch" that slowed things down and a series of "multiple things that conflated."

"There [weren’t] any bad guys there. It just happened," Fauci said. "And then when we realized, when the CDC realized, and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] said both the system itself as it was set up, which serves certain circumstances very well, was not well-suited to the kind of broad testing that we needed the private sector to get involved in."

"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt asked. " Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"

"Oh, absolutely. This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault," Fauci replied.
Fuck you. You and the drunk are worthless. More worthless than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Now apologize you uneducated idiot.
Yep is a drunk. She is also uneducated and a liar.

ha! look at asshole trolls circle jerking. good boy joe joe - that propaganda has a follower - you are doing good boy.

Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

what facts? whatever claims you make - besides being as ridiculous as yer dotard resident - never has any credible unbiased links to back it up.

& the only thing you bitch slap is yer 2"... no wonder you found kinship with the subway rail licker.

What a stupid drunk bitch. A bitch who uses nothing but CNN, MSDNC, Washington Compost and other debunked sites crying about unbiased? Again, you haven’t refuted one FACT you stupid drunk bitch. Now admitting you didn’t even read the post you’re crying about. I’ll bitch slap,you whenever I feel like it. I got taught to never hit a lady. I was also taught the difference between a lady and a drunk tramp. You are definitely the latter. Now go hit the bottle some more. Then try to learn how to find things for yourself.

^ 2"er goebbels' toady is triggered. :71:
Yep is a drunk. She is also uneducated and a liar.

ha! look at asshole trolls circle jerking. good boy joe joe - that propaganda has a follower - you are doing good boy.

Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

what facts? whatever claims you make - besides being as ridiculous as yer dotard resident - never has any credible unbiased links to back it up.

& the only thing you bitch slap is yer 2"... no wonder you found kinship with the subway rail licker.

What a stupid drunk bitch. A bitch who uses nothing but CNN, MSDNC, Washington Compost and other debunked sites crying about unbiased? Again, you haven’t refuted one FACT you stupid drunk bitch. Now admitting you didn’t even read the post you’re crying about. I’ll bitch slap,you whenever I feel like it. I got taught to never hit a lady. I was also taught the difference between a lady and a drunk tramp. You are definitely the latter. Now go hit the bottle some more. Then try to learn how to find things for yourself.

Love it!!! Great post

of course you love it joe joe - he's a good little toady.

Last edited:
Yep is a drunk. She is also uneducated and a liar.

ha! look at asshole trolls circle jerking. good boy joe joe - that propaganda has a follower - you are doing good boy.

Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

what facts? whatever claims you make - besides being as ridiculous as yer dotard resident - never has any credible unbiased links to back it up.

& the only thing you bitch slap is yer 2"... no wonder you found kinship with the subway rail licker.

What a stupid drunk bitch. A bitch who uses nothing but CNN, MSDNC, Washington Compost and other debunked sites crying about unbiased? Again, you haven’t refuted one FACT you stupid drunk bitch. Now admitting you didn’t even read the post you’re crying about. I’ll bitch slap,you whenever I feel like it. I got taught to never hit a lady. I was also taught the difference between a lady and a drunk tramp. You are definitely the latter. Now go hit the bottle some more. Then try to learn how to find things for yourself.

^ 2"er goebbels' toady is triggered. :71:

Goebbels? I am a Jew. Have another.

ha! look at asshole trolls circle jerking. good boy joe joe - that propaganda has a follower - you are doing good boy.

Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

what facts? whatever claims you make - besides being as ridiculous as yer dotard resident - never has any credible unbiased links to back it up.

& the only thing you bitch slap is yer 2"... no wonder you found kinship with the subway rail licker.

What a stupid drunk bitch. A bitch who uses nothing but CNN, MSDNC, Washington Compost and other debunked sites crying about unbiased? Again, you haven’t refuted one FACT you stupid drunk bitch. Now admitting you didn’t even read the post you’re crying about. I’ll bitch slap,you whenever I feel like it. I got taught to never hit a lady. I was also taught the difference between a lady and a drunk tramp. You are definitely the latter. Now go hit the bottle some more. Then try to learn how to find things for yourself.

^ 2"er goebbels' toady is triggered. :71:

Goebbels? I am a Jew. Have another.


i think everyone here on the board knows that - you make sure to tell everyone you can as if it's something special.

that doesn't stop you from using his tactics - you little propagandist asshole you.............
Look at the drunk who STILL hasn’t answered one thing from when I bitch slapped “her” with facts. And now Eddie has to pathetically attempt to white Knight the drunk. Yet another forfeit loser.

what facts? whatever claims you make - besides being as ridiculous as yer dotard resident - never has any credible unbiased links to back it up.

& the only thing you bitch slap is yer 2"... no wonder you found kinship with the subway rail licker.

What a stupid drunk bitch. A bitch who uses nothing but CNN, MSDNC, Washington Compost and other debunked sites crying about unbiased? Again, you haven’t refuted one FACT you stupid drunk bitch. Now admitting you didn’t even read the post you’re crying about. I’ll bitch slap,you whenever I feel like it. I got taught to never hit a lady. I was also taught the difference between a lady and a drunk tramp. You are definitely the latter. Now go hit the bottle some more. Then try to learn how to find things for yourself.

^ 2"er goebbels' toady is triggered. :71:

Goebbels? I am a Jew. Have another.


i think everyone here on the board knows that - you make sure to tell everyone you can as if it's something special.

that doesn't stop you from using his tactics - you little propagandist asshole you.............

I think it is special. Only ~16mil of us left in the world. How many drunk housewives are there? Probably more?
what facts? whatever claims you make - besides being as ridiculous as yer dotard resident - never has any credible unbiased links to back it up.

& the only thing you bitch slap is yer 2"... no wonder you found kinship with the subway rail licker.

What a stupid drunk bitch. A bitch who uses nothing but CNN, MSDNC, Washington Compost and other debunked sites crying about unbiased? Again, you haven’t refuted one FACT you stupid drunk bitch. Now admitting you didn’t even read the post you’re crying about. I’ll bitch slap,you whenever I feel like it. I got taught to never hit a lady. I was also taught the difference between a lady and a drunk tramp. You are definitely the latter. Now go hit the bottle some more. Then try to learn how to find things for yourself.

^ 2"er goebbels' toady is triggered. :71:

Goebbels? I am a Jew. Have another.


i think everyone here on the board knows that - you make sure to tell everyone you can as if it's something special.

that doesn't stop you from using his tactics - you little propagandist asshole you.............

I think it is special. Only ~16mil of us left in the world. How many drunk housewives are there? Probably more?

lol...'re 'special' alright.................
This lying piece of republican dog shit
Ok, you knew this was coming....

You're the piece of dogshit. All you do is make personal attacks based on nothing. That's why I don't even bother trying reason with morons like you.
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