At what point does Obam become responsible?

Everything that happened the entire 8 years Bush was President was laid at his feet, INCLUDING the 4 years Congress was not controlled by the Republicans. Almost 3 years into Obama's Presidency and according to the same people he is not responsible for anything.

If you want to acknowledge that Bush was in fact responsible for everything that happened on his watch,

then yes, you earn the right to proclaim Obama responsible for everything that has happened on his watch.
Everything that happened the entire 8 years Bush was President was laid at his feet, INCLUDING the 4 years Congress was not controlled by the Republicans. Almost 3 years into Obama's Presidency and according to the same people he is not responsible for anything.


any good news is because of him; any bad news is Bush's fault

The good thing is Papa Obama does have backup plan if his teleprompter breaks and he
has to talk about bad economic news (which seems more often than not)

We know the Bush tax cuts eliminated the budget surplus his administration inherited resulting in new deficits, exacerbated by an expansion of the size of government and new programs. But did it cause the December 2007 crash? There’s no way of knowing at this time. As with the Obama presidency, the GWB presidency will be evaluated and judged by later generations.

When the milk in my refrigerator starts to smell bad, I don't wait 10 years to throw it out.

On Monday, September 29, 2008, the stock market smelled like spoiled milk. Yet Presidential candidate John McCain smelled THIS : here was what he said leading up to that day:

"The fundamentals of our economy are essentially strong"

and over 50 million American voters chose to believe that.... even in November, 2008, when things had tanked, and those 50 million still voted for him, instead of the darker skinned guy with the funny name.

A few dozen of those Obama hating McCain voters seem to be here, still believing that McCain would have given them MORE tax cuts than Obama did, allowed all the banks and GM and Chrysler to fail and somehow miraculously saved millions more American jobs by ignoring GM and Chrysler, and bankrupting our economy sooner.

Some people, even as adults, seem unable to add two and two and get four.

You can hold your own opinion, folks, but you can't have your own cup of reality. Two and two are still four. We DID indeed have the worst recession since 1929, and McCain DID NOT see the problem that had come and set into the world economy, and still 50 million people voted for him. I haven't got a single clue as to why.

It does make you wonder doesn't it? I remember when the crisis was happening and McCain stopped his campaign. I wonder what he would have done? And think about this one. What if he were elected and then died and Palin took over the seat. That is the stuff of nightmares.

And now the right wants us to have another nightmare as they play politics with the debt ceiling to protect their corporate masters.
Everything that happened the entire 8 years Bush was President was laid at his feet, INCLUDING the 4 years Congress was not controlled by the Republicans. Almost 3 years into Obama's Presidency and according to the same people he is not responsible for anything.


any good news is because of him; any bad news is Bush's fault

The good thing is Papa Obama does have backup plan if his teleprompter breaks and he
has to talk about bad economic news (which seems more often than not)

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they all play the blame game.

Bush didn't... Bush was a dumb ass for a reason, because when he did stuff wrong (all the time) he would laff at himself. But I understand your point.

However I don't understand your point that many Reps blame Clinton for our Recession... He helped create (played his part) it with the deregulation on some important things but the only reason we know or talk about this is because many liberals try and blame Bush for ALL of it, including the deregulations.

Tarp and Obama's stimulus are the things that helped prolong this recession IMO... In fact if it keeps going we'll end up in a Depression.
when did that happen. I see Obama taking responsibilty for things he has done right and wrong.
unfortunately the repubs went around and still are blaming Clinton for the current recession.

what do you think there has been more of?

Republicans blaming Clinton, or Democrats blaming Bush?
Everything that happened the entire 8 years Bush was President was laid at his feet, INCLUDING the 4 years Congress was not controlled by the Republicans. Almost 3 years into Obama's Presidency and according to the same people he is not responsible for anything.
When is he going to be responsible? When he is shown the door.
Everything that happened the entire 8 years Bush was President was laid at his feet, INCLUDING the 4 years Congress was not controlled by the Republicans. Almost 3 years into Obama's Presidency and according to the same people he is not responsible for anything.
When is he going to be responsible? When he is shown the door.

When he gets his way.. fucking simple is it to understand that.
Everything that happened the entire 8 years Bush was President was laid at his feet, INCLUDING the 4 years Congress was not controlled by the Republicans. Almost 3 years into Obama's Presidency and according to the same people he is not responsible for anything.
When is he going to be responsible? When he is shown the door.

Spoken like a true commie.
when did that happen. I see Obama taking responsibilty for things he has done right and wrong.
unfortunately the repubs went around and still are blaming Clinton for the current recession.

what do you think there has been more of?

Republicans blaming Clinton, or Democrats blaming Bush?

This is a tough one because the right also has Obama. But to be honest, so far I haven't seen much Clinton bashing for the recession.
Everything that happened the entire 8 years Bush was President was laid at his feet, INCLUDING the 4 years Congress was not controlled by the Republicans. Almost 3 years into Obama's Presidency and according to the same people he is not responsible for anything.
When is he going to be responsible? When he is shown the door.

Spoken like a true commie.
Fuck off. The guy broke laws coming here...and continued to break our laws. Now YOU go overseas or down to Mexico and do the same thing and see what happens myophic oaf.

I'm more of an American than YOU will ever be dumbass.
When is he going to be responsible? When he is shown the door.

Spoken like a true commie.
Fuck off. The guy broke laws coming here...and continued to break our laws. Now YOU go overseas or down to Mexico and do the same thing and see what happens myophic oaf.

I'm more of an American than YOU will ever be dumbass.

Quite simply you are not.

Any time you want to discuss that..let me know.
Liberals hate taking responsibility, yet blame Bush and play dirty lies on us.

Liberals will claim that they ended torture, yet torture one of our own for being transparent (Re: Bradley Manning). Of course, I have no faith in Republicans. They suck more.

However, I can't count the times that "liberals" have laughed at me for being ant-war. Democratic Underground has banned me twice for pointing out that Justin Rambino is more anti-war than them and they hate it. It drives their panties in a bunch.
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Analysis: Republicans Accepting Blame for Clinton Recession
Christopher Ruddy
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2001

Bush says he inherited recession

Bush, Cheney take advantage of revised GDP data to say economy a mess when they took office.


How does one "inherit" a recession from a booming economy?

Anybody who was running a business on January 1, 2000 knows that the economy started to tank at midnight on that day.

Between the computer revolution, the Dot.Com Bubble and the Y2K scare, there was a perfect storm of boom times happening. At midnight on January 1, 2000, the computer systems world wide did not shut down and the boom started to end.

Every company in the country had a consulting firm and at least one techy weanie working there just in case the Y2K prophecy of doom came to pass. Most of these companies and all of these techy weanies were shut down and laid off by June.

By February, 2000, year over year sales measured month to month were down 10%.

The budgets that I turned in 4 months earlier were garbage. We got used to the "the new normal" in business as the 401 K's started to plummet and the warm fuzzies that everyone felt during the 90's became a cold slap in the face.

Things started to recover a tad and then the 9/11 attacks occurred.

By the Big 0 standards of today, those were boom times, but compared to the Clinton rate of normal, it was a recession.

All economic times are relative. Under the Big 0, we are relatively screwed.

When reviewing history, some recollection of fact is usefull.
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Analysis: Republicans Accepting Blame for Clinton Recession
Christopher Ruddy
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2001

Bush says he inherited recession

Bush, Cheney take advantage of revised GDP data to say economy a mess when they took office.


How does one "inherit" a recession from a booming economy?

Anybody who was running a business on January 1, 2000 knows that the economy started to tank at midnight on that day.

Between the computer revolution, the Dot.Com Bubble and the Y2K scare, there was a perfect storm of boom times happening. At midnight on January 1, 2000, the computer systems world wide did not shut down and the boom started to end.

Every company in the country had a consulting firm and at least one techy weanie working there just in case the Y2K prophecy of doom came to pass. Most of these companies and all of these techy weanies were shut down and laid off by June.

By February, 2000, year over year sales measured month to month were down 10%.

The budgets that I turned in 4 months earlier were garbage. We got used to the "the new normal" in business as the 401 K's started to plummet and the warm fuzzies that everyone felt during the 90's became a cold slap in the face.

Things started to recover a tad and then the 9/11 attacks occurred.

By the Big 0 standards of today, those were boom times, but compared to the Clinton rate of normal, it was a recession.

All economic times are relative. Under the Big 0, we are relatively screwed.

When reviewing history, some recollection of fact is usefull.

We need transparency and justice. Just don't expect it.
Everything that happened the entire 8 years Bush was President was laid at his feet, INCLUDING the 4 years Congress was not controlled by the Republicans. Almost 3 years into Obama's Presidency and according to the same people he is not responsible for anything.

If we lived in an objective, non-partisan world we’d understand that presidents aren’t responsible for economic boom or bust.

But we don’t, so here we are.

Hoover may be the only exception to that – he became president in March of 1929 and the stock market crashed in October of that year; but it can be argued there was nothing much Hoover could do to avoid the Great Depression, even if he implemented New Deal-type policies.

It is therefore pointless and foolish to evaluate a president during his administration, as partisan subjectivity can get in the way of facts and the outcomes of many policies are not know for years – perhaps decades – later. Historians are just now getting an understanding of the Reagan years. And after more than 40 years historians have no consensus as to the LBJ presidency. Truman was hated and despised during his years in office but is considered now among our greatest presidents.

Therefore, anyone’s evaluation of Obama at this point is subjective, partisan, and meaningless. We’ll simply have to wait for historians to sort it all out years from now.

We do know Obama was not responsible for the December 2007 recession. We know Obama implemented the same programs and policies to address the crisis as advocated by the GWB administration and McCain; indeed, had McCain been elected we’d seen the same policies implemented.

We know the Bush tax cuts eliminated the budget surplus his administration inherited resulting in new deficits, exacerbated by an expansion of the size of government and new programs. But did it cause the December 2007 crash? There’s no way of knowing at this time. As with the Obama presidency, the GWB presidency will be evaluated and judged by later generations.

Are you saying that Bush would have instituted a trillion dollar spending spree in a Failed Stimulus as the Big 0 did? Can you produce a link to support this? Please check the link below to find that the Bush tax Cuts implemented in 2003 did not have any effect on the reduced tax revenues of 2001 or 2002. The economy was already slowing and the revenues were already dropping and the surplus was already gone before the Bush tax cuts ever got passed by the Congress.

Bush initiated the TARP to stabalize the financial industry because he did not want to have world wide depression like the one suffered in the 30's. Perhaps if Hoover had done this, there would not have been a collapse of the banking system and would not have been a Great Depression.

However, Bush used 350 of the 700 Billion appropriated for this endeavor leaving 350 for the Big 0 to use. I doubt very seriously that if the positions had been reversed, the same courtesy would have been extended.

We know that there was not a Great Depression in 2008, so, apparently, the TARP worked.

Regarding the Bush response to an economic downturn, Bush was absolutely bent on cutting taxes. Please recall that prior to 2000, he was saying that the taxes needed to be cut to return the excess revenues to the people. Following January 1, 2000, he changed his tune to needing the tax cuts to stimulate the economy.

Like any politician, he has his own little projects that he will intitute regardless of what is happening and will change his stated reasoning to accomplish his goals.

It is apparent that Bush departed from Hoover in his respoonse to the financial crisis and that the Big 0 is in lock step with Roosevelt.

As a result, the recession is not as deep, but it is shaping up to be as prolonged. I hope we can all hang on until 2012.

When reviewing history, especially to determine future courses of action, it is wise to use facts.
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