At what point dya call the police?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
In addition to the strange rain event yesterday, we had some other excitement here. Some new resident, or weirdo off the street got inside (since I'd never seen him before and lived here 15+ years,) and was unusually overdressed for an 82 degree day. Dark long-sleeve shirt and jeans attracted my notice. Watching him from my porch I began to notice he was acting very oddly. That in and of itself isn't unsual here as we have at least one older teen guy with I think Austism or something like it for how he behaves. So I'm used to seeing psychological issues. But watching this guy, my 'spider senses' began to tingle.

He took to hanging off one of the sculptures over the pond. Expecting to see him loose him grip and plung in I waited, but instead of slipping he stepped off deliberately. Standing there in what I'd assume is very cold water he looked around at the people at the pool adjacent to the pond smiling and acting proud of himself. Thinking he must be retarded I kinda dismissed it as 'poor guy...'

After he fished himself out he lay across the short narrow bridge over the pond to a tiny island, leaning far over and presumedly (below my line of sight) staring very intently into the water or trying to grab the fish and turtles living there. Now I'm kinda intrigued what his deal is so go off to see if the security officer is on-duty yet. They come at 5pm and it was a few minutes before. Seeing the officer in their little driveway entrance shack I walk over and inform her about this guy 'either on drugs or has psychological issues behaving very strangely by the pond, including going in the pond.' She says she'll come take a look and I go back inside.

Keeping an eye on the guy from my living room he's still there on the bridge doing whatever he's doing. And the officer comes in and walks over to talk with him. They talk for a few moments and the officer walks off but the guy stays there on the bridge exactly as he was. A short while later, I'm on my sofa having a pipe as the guy walks right up to the glass sliding door into my living room with a shit=eating grin on his face. Now I'm like 'ok this guy's on something.' And go open the door glancing at the guys' hands making sure he isn't holding anything threatening.

"What?!" I inquire.

"I...Felt like I was supposed to come over here."

"Why?" I reply. Now I'm moderately annoyed and assessing the guy more itnently. He didn't behave drunk, seemed to have his equilibrium, didn't reek of booze, wasn't slurring his speech. And he didn't to my limited udnerstanding act like someone on meth or other stimulants. And he didn't seem stoned. What he did seem like, due to my first-hand knowledge from my college years was like someone on acid of another hallucinogenic. Mentally ill people usually don't walk up and random strangers apartments. People on acid (including myself once upon a time, do.) :)

"I see you getting high."

"It's a tobacco pipe." Interestingly, this is now the second time someone on something has walked by, and seeing me inside smoking my pipe thought I was a stoner and walked over friendly as can be hoping to partake. :)

Guy grins like he doesn't believe me. Then peering inside notices a Dali poster on my wall (undoubtedly further supporting his belief I must be into drugs hehe, and in fairness I did get the 'Swans and Elephants' in my college days it being an awesome poster to trip on.) :)

Guys says something I didn't fully get about how the poster was like a mirror or something. Now I'm fairly certain he's on acid because I found myself wandering into a record store with band posters all over remarking to the clerk, "Wow, you should charge admission." :)

"You need to go home and sober up." I tell him. "You shouldn't be walking around right now."

He looks perplexed, but I'm now worrying about all the little kids we have here riding their bikes and walking around. But he just stands there. Not defiantly so much as just not having a clue. Realizing any sort of reasoning is going to be pointless, and not wanting to have to throw him to the deck and cuff him (still have my gear from way back) I firmly tell him to go home. He eventually wanders off, stops at the end of the walk, turns still smiling enjoying whatever hallucinations he's perceiving and I give him as icey a stare as I can to convey "Go home, or else."

He meanders off and as I begin to relax I go to the window suddenly worrying he may be right there on my lawn or something but he isn't. And I don't see him for some time. But then I do on the far side of the courtyard at the sand volleyball pit. A lot of little kids play there it being basicly a giant sandbox. So now I'm really getting vigilant and concerned. And watching him like a hawk. Then I see the security officer walk over and talk with him again for a few moments and think someone else musta noticed this fellow and called her about him. She walks off again and he says where he is doing whatever he's doing. Then she goes over a third time then walks off. A short while later as I'm still watching him wondering if there's any grounds to call police like 'being under the influence of a controlled substance' or something everything becomes moot. Two officers walk into my view and talk to the guy.

I walk outside to watch, joined by at least 5 other neighbors, all of whom have more or less the same view as I do so presumedly were watching him as well and I hear a scream and glancing over see a bit of a tussle and the guy goes into the deck officer on top of him. Dunno if they tased him or started cuffing him and he resisted or what but he's on his knees cuffed by the look of it, and after a few moment they take him off.

Talking with the neighbors about it it seems he tried breaking into the apartment's office recently and said he was on acid. "Aha!" I think. :) Still, I've been on acid rather a lot so I'm suddenly doubtful it's acid he was on. Unless you're the criminal type already, being on acid isn't going to make you do things not already native to your personality. I started to consider 'bath salts' or something new and synthetic. Couldn't have been Salvia though as the effects of that are supposedly only a few minutes and went on for over 90. Dunno how long bath salts last, but long enough to walk onto a freeway and start eating people :)

Whatever he was on, moral of this lesson is if you do drugs, have someone you trust with you acting as 'ground control' who'll keep you from doing inadvisable things. :)
You don't need to wait till crazy people are actively being dangerous to call the police, though a simple "man acting crazy might take a while to get a response".

You could have called while he was in the pool in his clothes.
You don't need to wait till crazy people are actively being dangerous to call the police, though a simple "man acting crazy might take a while to get a response".

You could have called while he was in the pool in his clothes.

Can't arrest every crazy person in the world. Be no one left. :) And I considered this might just be a guy with some psych issue so didn't wanna call the cops on someone with problems beyond their control. I was 'pretty sure' it was drugs, but even then don't wanna complicate someone's life just for being stupid. That was me once. :)

If he'd done anything aggressive or threatening I'da intervened. As it was he was only being weird. :) Worrisome, but not quite to the point where I at least call 911. But it was getting there.
Update: Looking at a local crime watcher sorta site, there was an arrest here yesterday for Tresspassing. Either he didn't live here, or did but being in the courtyard area and refusing to leave or go inside made that the charge.

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