At what point the USA will launch nukes?

Zav there is no way that you are going to convince any American that:
1. Ukraine is Russian property
We have more than five thousand of persuasive arguments and we can deliver them in your towns and cities and enlighten you. You know, to warm you with our love.

2. Russia will launch nukes at the US and NATO unless NATO gives Russia their 1997 borders as part of the peace deal, OR ELSE...
I don't say that Russia will immediately launch missiles if you decline our generous offer. Of course there will be the escalation.

3. Russia will destroy the US and NATO nuclear responses with their fancy new Oreshnik Mach-10 first strike missile
Not only with them.
4. To end the nuclear war the US would gladly give Russia Alaska and California
Americans are pragmatical guys. And it is better to lost Alaska and California but save the USA.

Here in the US we'd say you really need to take your meds. That sequence is actually hilarious, because its so stupid.
As you wish.

But anyway. In this thread we don't discuss Russia. We discuss hypothetical USA, facing Mexican aggression.

Will the USA attack Russia and China, if Russia and China more or less directly attacked USA and if they are demanding US return to 1820 borders?
The thug installed as governor is loyal to Moscow. Not the same thing
Not only Kadyrov. Chechens suffered because of the Western-sponsored hybrid aggression more than other groups. And that's why that many of them are willingly fight in Ukraine against the very same enemy.
We should spray for paid Russian trolls around here.
I believe it is mutually profitable to openly discuss the situation from the different points of view.
So, one more time. If the USA were facing Mexican aggression (backed by Russia, China and the whole Latinoamerican union) would they prefer to launch nukes (with the good chance to win) or to be genocided by Political Indians? And if they prefer to survive - when, how and against whom they launch them?
One more time FUCK OFF, paid Russian trolls.
One more time FUCK OFF, paid Russian trolls.
Hey, it was you who came in the thread. If you don't like it - you have a godgiven right not to read it.
May be, someone else will write something useful.
Once again, FUCK OFF PAID RUSSIAN TROLLS. Not sure what's so hard to understand.
Once again, FUCK OFF PAID RUSSIAN TROLLS. Not sure what's so hard to understand.
Why are you that aggressive? Nobody is touching or harming you. You just read some texts, nothing more.
Disclaimer: It's just an intellectual exercise. All matches with real-life states and political forces are accidental.

Let's play a little game about nuclear deterrence type II during totally hypothetical Second American-Mexican War.

Mexico, backed with Latino-American Alliance, Russia, China (and the whole Shanghai block) try to return Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and part of Wyoming (they see them as parts of Mexico) and establish there military bases of Shanghai block as a first goal.
Their final officially declared goal is "total decolonisation of the Northern America" which, in practical terms, means death or expelling all "occupants" - Americans of European, Asian and African origin. Your enemies, you call them all "[political] Indians" for short (while its not really accurate), are a conglomerate of China-financed and Russia-armed political and military groups (from Roman Catholic "Crusaders" to Neo-Paganic descendants of Maya Indians) already proved the seriousness of their intentions to kill all Gringos, by commiting numerous acts of mass-murders and genocide.

The only thing that keeps Shanghai block and Latino-American Alliance from joint, coordinated and direct attack against the USA is American nuclear weapons and determiness of the POTUS to use it when the very existence of the USA is on stake.
Of course, Americans are very interested in the prevention of their genocide and fight bravery, but, slowly but steadily, Shanghai block is increasing support of Mexican "Indians", by sending them modern weapons, "mercenaries" and "advisors". Eventually, may be really soon, they will give them nukes to terrorise American cities.

American Generals suggested some nuclear options:
  • no nukes at all, however provokative Indians are. It means that eventually Mexicans will nuke American cities. Or, fighting against overwhelmingly numerical superior enemy the USA will lose the war of atriction.
  • limited nuclear strikes against some Mexican military sites. It may impress Russia and China, but it's not likely that it will really push them back. They will likely continue "support the rightful war of Mexico in the liberation of their lands".
  • limited nuclear strike against Venezuela or other member of Latino-American Alliance. It will decrease their actual military capabilities, but may cause uncontrolled escalation (and the first nuclear strike from Shanghai blick and Latino-American Alliance.
  • well-planned, decisive and coordinated nuclear attack against nuclear forces of Russia and China with further attempt to coerce them into peace. May be, their retaliation will kill 20 mln of Americans max, but then you'll be safe to kill as much of Indians as necessary, without possible retaliation. Actually, if Russia and China are really determined to genocide Americans by Indian hands - it is the only possible (but very expansive) way to win the war.

So, the question - at what point and against whom, the USA should launch their first nuclear strike? Or suggest other options.
All out strike. Better Dead than "Red".
The US will nuke Russia when it least expects an attack.
So far, nobody suggested to return Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and part of Wyoming to Mexico or to "freeze" military actions while the frontline is going through "disputed" US/Mexican territories allowing Russia and China deploy there their forces, including medium range missiles, right?
The US would never give up states. Not only that, but any country that tried to occupy an American state would find that it had occupied a hornet's nest filled with angry Americans armed with millions of weapons and the skill to use them.
Disclaimer: It's just an intellectual exercise. All matches with real-life states and political forces are accidental.

Let's play a little game about nuclear deterrence type II during totally hypothetical Second American-Mexican War.

Mexico, backed with Latino-American Alliance, Russia, China (and the whole Shanghai block) try to return Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and part of Wyoming (they see them as parts of Mexico) and establish there military bases of Shanghai block as a first goal.
Their final officially declared goal is "total decolonisation of the Northern America" which, in practical terms, means death or expelling all "occupants" - Americans of European, Asian and African origin. Your enemies, you call them all "[political] Indians" for short (while its not really accurate), are a conglomerate of China-financed and Russia-armed political and military groups (from Roman Catholic "Crusaders" to Neo-Paganic descendants of Maya Indians) already proved the seriousness of their intentions to kill all Gringos, by commiting numerous acts of mass-murders and genocide.

The only thing that keeps Shanghai block and Latino-American Alliance from joint, coordinated and direct attack against the USA is American nuclear weapons and determiness of the POTUS to use it when the very existence of the USA is on stake.
Of course, Americans are very interested in the prevention of their genocide and fight bravery, but, slowly but steadily, Shanghai block is increasing support of Mexican "Indians", by sending them modern weapons, "mercenaries" and "advisors". Eventually, may be really soon, they will give them nukes to terrorise American cities.

American Generals suggested some nuclear options:
  • no nukes at all, however provokative Indians are. It means that eventually Mexicans will nuke American cities. Or, fighting against overwhelmingly numerical superior enemy the USA will lose the war of atriction.
  • limited nuclear strikes against some Mexican military sites. It may impress Russia and China, but it's not likely that it will really push them back. They will likely continue "support the rightful war of Mexico in the liberation of their lands".
  • limited nuclear strike against Venezuela or other member of Latino-American Alliance. It will decrease their actual military capabilities, but may cause uncontrolled escalation (and the first nuclear strike from Shanghai blick and Latino-American Alliance.
  • well-planned, decisive and coordinated nuclear attack against nuclear forces of Russia and China with further attempt to coerce them into peace. May be, their retaliation will kill 20 mln of Americans max, but then you'll be safe to kill as much of Indians as necessary, without possible retaliation. Actually, if Russia and China are really determined to genocide Americans by Indian hands - it is the only possible (but very expansive) way to win the war.

So, the question - at what point and against whom, the USA should launch their first nuclear strike? Or suggest other options.

The US will launch Nukes about 5 minutes after Russia launches theirs. Hello the End is Near.
This guy has a vivid imagination. The various nations of Latin America hate each other more than they collectively hate the USA. They are also aware of the military might of the USA and from experience know not to antagonize us. The Mexican military is so weak that the California National and Air Guard could defeat it without help. As for Russia and China, they have no way to transport their armies across the oceans. If they tried the USN would simply blockade the Chinese ports and interdict any oilers that the Chinese and Russians would need to contract with to fuel their ships. American subs or aircraft would approach any civilian tankers suspected of carrying fuel for the invasion forces and instruct them to turn back or be sunk. The combined Russian and Chinese navies can’t even come close to matching even one of the American fleets. Meeting the USN in blue water would be a disaster for both navies since they can’t even match American naval power in their home waters.
Both the Chinese and Russian navies are “frigate” navies and totally lack the ability to project power.
All out strike. Better Dead than "Red".
Indians don't suggest you to become "Red", anyway. But whom exactly you'll attack - Mexicans, who are merely the tools in the hands of Russians, Chinamen and Latinoamericans, or their masters?
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