At what point the USA will launch nukes?

only if they nuke us first ..
And what if Mexicans nuke you? With Russian or Chinese weapons, of course? Or if Latinoamerican Alliance conscript another ten million soldiers and send them in the zerg-rush in Texas?
The US will never use nukes in a first strike scenario.

So sad ...

Indians don't suggest you to become "Red", anyway. But whom exactly you'll attack - Mexicans, who are merely the tools in the hands of Russians, Chinamen and Latinoamericans, or their masters?
Bejing. Shanghai, Tietsen , Nanking. Then Moscow , St Petersberg , and all other major cities. Then Tehran just for fun. Pongyang for dessert.
This guy has a vivid imagination. The various nations of Latin America hate each other more than they collectively hate the USA.
On the Earth-2 (in our example), they are united in the Latino-American Alliance. And this alliance is ideologically motivated to "decolonise" North America. There are different political, religious and ethnic groups, of course, but right now they are more or less united.

They are also aware of the military might of the USA and from experience know not to antagonize us. The Mexican military is so weak that the California National and Air Guard could defeat it without help.
Yes. Pre-war Mexican Army, as well as Mexican economy have been already destroyed by US. But, they have hundreds billions of Chinese money, they have mercenaries from the Lation America, Chinese missiles and Russian tanks.

As for Russia and China, they have no way to transport their armies across the oceans. If they tried the USN would simply blockade the Chinese ports and interdict any oilers that the Chinese and Russians would need to contract with to fuel their ships.
So, you suggest to declare a conventional war against China, Russia and the Latino-American Alliance?

American subs or aircraft would approach any civilian tankers suspected of carrying fuel for the invasion forces and instruct them to turn back or be sunk.
The Ocean is big. And your Pacific fleet can't establish effective blockade, especially in the circumstances of the Mexican's attacks.

The combined Russian and Chinese navies can’t even come close to matching even one of the American fleets. Meeting the USN in blue water would be a disaster for both navies since they can’t even match American naval power in their home waters.
Both the Chinese and Russian navies are “frigate” navies and totally lack the ability to project power.
So, do you suggest to establish effective blocade of the Western hemisphere, effectively disrupting the world's oil trade and start the conventional war agaisnt vital interests of the whole Latinoamerican Alliance, China and Russia? Ok. Answer accepted.

Their shadow fleets fight back and after few ambushes you have a choice - unlimited counter-trading ocean-wide naval warfare with sinking everything from the safe distance (it won't be effective) or bombing all Lationo-American ports (it won't be effective either, especially if we are talking about conventional bombing).
Bejing. Shanghai, Tietsen , Nanking. Then Moscow , St Petersberg , and all other major cities. Then Tehran just for fun. Pongyang for dessert.
Ok. Answer accepted. Any measures to protect American civilians like evacuation or counter-force strikes?
The US will nuke Russia when it least expects an attack.
Do you suggest counter-force attack (attack against Russian nuclear forces) or counter-value (against their cities)?
Ok. Answer accepted. Any measures to protect American civilians like evacuation or counter-force strikes?
First hit them with EMP effect. Destroy their communications. Then blast 'em to Hell and gone. However ,we need an "Iron Dome". Like Israel has. Besides ,Reagans SDI is now a possibility. But in war ,the best defense is a BIG offense.
And what if Mexicans nuke you? With Russian or Chinese weapons, of course? Or if Latinoamerican Alliance conscript another ten million soldiers and send them in the zerg-rush in Texas?
if Mexico shot a nuke at us they would be obliterated .. ain't no nuke getting in South America ..
if Mexico shot a nuke at us they would be obliterated .. ain't no nuke getting in South America ..
Of course, they will launch Russian or Chinese made nukes. And Russia and China don't give a shit about lives of all Mexicans together. After obliteration of Mexico they will arm Venezuela, Cuba or Nicaragua.
What a bunch of loonies many of you are.
Mexico is not going to nuke the US.
Mexico is not going to nuke the US.
On our Earth - yes, of course. At least not now. But in our hypothetical scenario, on the Earth-2, where China, Russia and Latinoamerican Alliance use Mexico as a suicidal murderer against the USA - why not? If Russia and China feel themselves safe - they will give Mexico more and more deadly toys just to kill more Americans.
On our Earth - yes, of course. At least not now. But in our hypothetical scenario, on the Earth-2, where China, Russia and Latinoamerican Alliance use Mexico as a suicidal murderer against the USA - why not? If Russia and China feel themselves safe - they will give Mexico more and more deadly toys just to kill more Americans.
You like games. OK.
He got his ass kicked in the real world so he invented another one that gives home better, but still bad odds.
He got his ass kicked in the real world so he invented another one that gives home better, but still bad odds.
No. This game is not about emotional compensations or something. This is just a little exercise in the question question of Nuclear Deterrence Type II.
No, you just tried to invent a situation where a superpower renders itself impotent to repel an invasion by inferior forces. What would really happen is that the US would gear up to match the increases by Russia and China and do it more effectively since thec American economy is far more efficient that the command economies of totalitarian regimes like Russia and China.
No, you just tried to invent a situation where a superpower renders itself impotent to repel an invasion by inferior forces. What would really happen is that the US would gear up to match the increases by Russia and China and do it more effectively since thec American economy is far more efficient that the command economies of totalitarian regimes like Russia and China.
Seems to me, that now it's you who are mirroring. Corrupted bureaucracy and egoistic corporations are everyone's problem, but the difference is that in Russia or China corrupted Generals usually go to prison or face a shooting squad, in the modern America they go into a corporation and get a warm seat.

No. Basically it is an old but gold game about Cowboys and Indians (or Cossacks and Mambets) where Cowboys (or Cossacks) are more technologically advanced and Indians (or Mambets) are much more numerous. And what is the point of having a good gun if you don't dare to use it?

Of course, if you like scy fi and alternative history, (and if I have a bit more of free time) I might tell you a story of the Earth-2, how exactly it came to the current point. About Soviet-Chinese alliance strengths after Vietnamese war, about The Greater Depression in America of 80-90s, about unprovoked Shanghai Pact agression against former United Kingdom and military annexation of Welsh, about expansion of the Shanghai pact in Western Europe and support of Roman-Catholic terrorisms in the world (and transformation of Ireland in the terroristic shithole).
I might tell you story of poorer but more honest and traditional America (with 84% of Rednecks, supporting President Trump since 1999, and his elimination of the terroristic Neo-Paganic anclave in California).

But basically its all about the deterrence type II (using nuclear weapons as an answer on non-nuclear aggression) and deterrence type IV - escalation from proxy war to direct war between great powers.
Look what a purposely released io engineered virus caused. A nuclear exchange will destroy modern civilization. Yet local civilizations may prosper as compared to what exists if not affected from post detonation radiation.
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