Atheism: Dispelling the Stigma

You're a self professed criminal and your friends are allegedly all criminals.
I have never said that "my friends are all criminals". Many of them are, and many of them are not.

Identifying one as a criminal hardly tells you anything about a person.. unless you are a Mundane, in which case you will automatically be compelled to feel against the "criminal", due to constant mind rape via indoctrination.​

Keep in mind that makes you and yours prime candidates for sterilization.

I will not keep that in mind because there are many ways to practice Eugenics- many of which have nothing to do with "sterilizing criminals", but instead, the elimination of specific hereditary diseases to strengthen future generations. I think it would be best to cull the humans of our population that possess the worst inherited genetic diseases. I believe retarded and deformed children should be aborted, and I believe everyone should be force tested for HIV/ AIDS and culled if they are infected.​

I distinctly remember you stating that your friends were criminals when the two cops in Vegas were killed by the Millers and you did a happy dance post.

It's all fine by me if you don't want to keep it mind. Be advised that the rest of the US is aware that Bucks v Bell has never been overturned. It still makes you a prime candidate. Sterilization was used in prisons.

That's the problem with eugenics. The people that make those decisions? They don't care about knowing the person. Take a damn good look around you and ask yourself if you trust these people to make that decision. I remind you that you are in the religion subsection.
Actually, that is half of it. The entire phrase is this: Do as thou wilt be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will.

The law is Thelema. It's not hedonistic. It's very structured and requires extreme amounts of self discipline found in daily rituals.

Yes, I know what Thelema is, Mundane, and I never called it "hedonistic".

I respect it, though I follow nothing. Thelema has things in common with my own beliefs but I feel no desire or need to subscribe to a religion. I would much rather forge my own.

I didn't post it for your benefit.
You're a self professed criminal and your friends are allegedly all criminals.
I have never said that "my friends are all criminals". Many of them are, and many of them are not.

Identifying one as a criminal hardly tells you anything about a person.. unless you are a Mundane, in which case you will automatically be compelled to feel against the "criminal", due to constant mind rape via indoctrination.​

Keep in mind that makes you and yours prime candidates for sterilization.

I will not keep that in mind because there are many ways to practice Eugenics- many of which have nothing to do with "sterilizing criminals", but instead, the elimination of specific hereditary diseases to strengthen future generations. I think it would be best to cull the humans of our population that possess the worst inherited genetic diseases. I believe retarded and deformed children should be aborted, and I believe everyone should be force tested for HIV/ AIDS and culled if they are infected.​
ummm why do you have me falsely quoted? You have my name attributed to Disir's post.
I distinctly remember you stating that your friends were criminals when the two cops in Vegas were killed by the Millers and you did a happy dance post.

It's all fine by me if you don't want to keep it mind. Be advised that the rest of the US is aware that Bucks v Bell has never been overturned. It still makes you a prime candidate. Sterilization was used in prisons.

That's the problem with eugenics. The people that make those decisions? They don't care about knowing the person. Take a damn good look around you and ask yourself if you trust these people to make that decision. I remind you that you are in the religion subsection.

I have many friends who are "criminals". So what. That label hardly tells you anything about us. Besides... the majority of my friends and I are intelligent enough at what we do to not get caught and become convicted felons.

And I have many friends who are not criminals and I like and respect them just as much as the others.

As for Eugenics, we can agree to disagree. I have no desire to sway anyone's opinion on the matter. Feel about it as you Will.​

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