Atheist Church opens in Chapel Hill, NC


Not a zombie yet
May 5, 2009
Nowhere you can follow
The latest location of the fast growing godless congregation launched earlier this month in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Founded in January of 2013, Sunday Assembly was created by two British comedians, Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans. The group was launched for secular humanists, skeptics and atheists who “want a sense of community without dealing with any of the God stuff.” By September of 2014, 35 towns had launched their own groups, encouraging their members to gather for fun, food, music and a sense of community, while across Europe, over 70 assemblies were started in the first year.

“The central idea we have to spread is that we have only one life, which means that life has to be lived to the fullest,” Mano Singham said to a congregation in Ohio. The co-founder of Sunday Assembly, Sanderson Jones, explained the group’s vision, motto and goals.

The Sunday Assembly is a godless congregation that celebrates life. Our motto: Live better, help often and wonder more. Our mission: to help everyone find and fulfill their full potential. Our vision: A Sunday Assembly in every town, city or village that wants one.”

The London headquarters for the Atheist Church had projections that by the end of 2014, Sunday Assemblies would be found all around the world, including South Africa, Germany, Brazil, Belgium, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong and Canada.
Sunday Assembly dubbed Atheist Church opens in Chapel Hill NC - World Religion News
The 10 Commandments of the Atheist Church
1. 100% celebration of life. We are born from nothing and go to nothing. Let’s enjoy it together.

2. No doctrines. We have no set texts, so that we can make use of wisdom from all sources.

3. No deities. We don’t do the supernatural, but we also won’t tell you you’re wrong if you do.

4. Radically inclusive. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their beliefs. This is a place of love that is open and accepting.

5. Free to attend, not for profit and volunteer run. We ask for donations to cover our costs and support our community work. However, it is not required that you contribute.

6. A community mission. Through our Action Heroes (you), we will be a force for good.

7. Independent We do not accept sponsorship, nor do we promote outside businesses, organizations or services.

8. Here to stay. With your involvement, the Sunday Assembly will make the world a better place.

9. We won’t tell you how to live, but will try to help you to do it as well as you can.

10. And remember the point of the Sunday Assembly is a celebration of the one life we know we have.
In other words, one guy, an entire religious group does not make; any more than a suicidal bomber makes Islam or abortion clinic bomber makes Christianity.
Jesus was one guy. His mom was one gal.
Prove it. Beyond the bible, hearsay, and the alleged shroud there is nothing that prove he ever existed.:popcorn:

That said, the hypocrisy of the media is typical.

If an Atheist does something wrong, the media paints all Atheists as evil without proof to back up its claims, just as it does with Muslims and other minorities.

But if a Christian does something wrong, the media portray the person as crazy, rather than claim it was Christianity that made him do it.
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That atheist in Chapel Hill who killed the 3 Muslims was probably a Deacon in that church.
That atheist in Chapel Hill who killed the 3 Muslims was probably a Deacon in that church.
It doesn't have a Deacon, and it only has a meeting once a month: Sunday Assembly Chapel Hill - Carrboro North Carolina - Community Organization Facebook
Sunday Assembly Chapel Hill
February 11 at 6:19pm ·
We are so saddened by the recent tragedy that occurred in Chapel Hill. Our hearts go out to the family of the victims of this senseless crime. The world lost three people who were doing a lot to make the world a better place. We encourage you to honor their memory by donating to the charity of one of the victims, Deah Barakat, and help refugees overseas get dental care.
Our second Sunday Assembly is TODAY!!! Be there.
Phillips Middle School

Also-don't forget about our winter clothes and food drive to benefit Human Beans Together and local schools! Please bring non-perishable food and new or gently used hats, jackets, scarves, and gloves to donate to those in need.
So evil that it runs a charity drive. :rolleyes-41:
If an Atheist does something wrong, the media paints all Atheists as evil without proof to back up its claims,
But if a Christian does something wrong, the media portray the person as crazy, rather than claim it was Christianity that made him do it.
What?! The corporate media generally condemns religious folks and embraces the secular.
The latest location of the fast growing godless congregation launched earlier this month in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Founded in January of 2013, Sunday Assembly was created by two British comedians, Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans. The group was launched for secular humanists, skeptics and atheists who “want a sense of community without dealing with any of the God stuff.” By September of 2014, 35 towns had launched their own groups, encouraging their members to gather for fun, food, music and a sense of community, while across Europe, over 70 assemblies were started in the first year.

“The central idea we have to spread is that we have only one life, which means that life has to be lived to the fullest,” Mano Singham said to a congregation in Ohio. The co-founder of Sunday Assembly, Sanderson Jones, explained the group’s vision, motto and goals.

The Sunday Assembly is a godless congregation that celebrates life. Our motto: Live better, help often and wonder more. Our mission: to help everyone find and fulfill their full potential. Our vision: A Sunday Assembly in every town, city or village that wants one.”

The London headquarters for the Atheist Church had projections that by the end of 2014, Sunday Assemblies would be found all around the world, including South Africa, Germany, Brazil, Belgium, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong and Canada.
Sunday Assembly dubbed Atheist Church opens in Chapel Hill NC - World Religion News
The 10 Commandments of the Atheist Church
1. 100% celebration of life. We are born from nothing and go to nothing. Let’s enjoy it together.

2. No doctrines. We have no set texts, so that we can make use of wisdom from all sources.

3. No deities. We don’t do the supernatural, but we also won’t tell you you’re wrong if you do.

4. Radically inclusive. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their beliefs. This is a place of love that is open and accepting.

5. Free to attend, not for profit and volunteer run. We ask for donations to cover our costs and support our community work. However, it is not required that you contribute.

6. A community mission. Through our Action Heroes (you), we will be a force for good.

7. Independent We do not accept sponsorship, nor do we promote outside businesses, organizations or services.

8. Here to stay. With your involvement, the Sunday Assembly will make the world a better place.

9. We won’t tell you how to live, but will try to help you to do it as well as you can.

10. And remember the point of the Sunday Assembly is a celebration of the one life we know we have.
In other words, one guy, an entire religious group does not make; any more than a suicidal bomber makes Islam or abortion clinic bomber makes Christianity.

This is why despite not believing in gods or agreeing completely with religions I don't identify as an atheist - atheists are retarded. :)
If an Atheist does something wrong, the media paints all Atheists as evil without proof to back up its claims,
But if a Christian does something wrong, the media portray the person as crazy, rather than claim it was Christianity that made him do it.
What?! The corporate media generally condemns religious folks and embraces the secular.
Lol. Ever watched CNN. They ran a whole program about 'intolerance towards atheists' that was more intolerant than the intolerance they were reporting on. Fox News at least gives Dawkins a fair hearing though, left wing media are obsessed about not putting anyone that 'offends' their base on.
The latest location of the fast growing godless congregation launched earlier this month in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Founded in January of 2013, Sunday Assembly was created by two British comedians, Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans. The group was launched for secular humanists, skeptics and atheists who “want a sense of community without dealing with any of the God stuff.” By September of 2014, 35 towns had launched their own groups, encouraging their members to gather for fun, food, music and a sense of community, while across Europe, over 70 assemblies were started in the first year.

“The central idea we have to spread is that we have only one life, which means that life has to be lived to the fullest,” Mano Singham said to a congregation in Ohio. The co-founder of Sunday Assembly, Sanderson Jones, explained the group’s vision, motto and goals.

The Sunday Assembly is a godless congregation that celebrates life. Our motto: Live better, help often and wonder more. Our mission: to help everyone find and fulfill their full potential. Our vision: A Sunday Assembly in every town, city or village that wants one.”

The London headquarters for the Atheist Church had projections that by the end of 2014, Sunday Assemblies would be found all around the world, including South Africa, Germany, Brazil, Belgium, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong and Canada.
Sunday Assembly dubbed Atheist Church opens in Chapel Hill NC - World Religion News
The 10 Commandments of the Atheist Church
1. 100% celebration of life. We are born from nothing and go to nothing. Let’s enjoy it together.

2. No doctrines. We have no set texts, so that we can make use of wisdom from all sources.

3. No deities. We don’t do the supernatural, but we also won’t tell you you’re wrong if you do.

4. Radically inclusive. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their beliefs. This is a place of love that is open and accepting.

5. Free to attend, not for profit and volunteer run. We ask for donations to cover our costs and support our community work. However, it is not required that you contribute.

6. A community mission. Through our Action Heroes (you), we will be a force for good.

7. Independent We do not accept sponsorship, nor do we promote outside businesses, organizations or services.

8. Here to stay. With your involvement, the Sunday Assembly will make the world a better place.

9. We won’t tell you how to live, but will try to help you to do it as well as you can.

10. And remember the point of the Sunday Assembly is a celebration of the one life we know we have.
In other words, one guy, an entire religious group does not make; any more than a suicidal bomber makes Islam or abortion clinic bomber makes Christianity.

This is why despite not believing in gods or agreeing completely with religions I don't identify as an atheist - atheists are retarded. :)
A bit far, no evidence that they are mentally challenged, as intelligence isn't exclusive to one group or the other.

You get low IQ Atheists just as often as you get low IQ religious folks, though a few studies make a correlation between education and less religious beliefs/lack thereof.
The concept of an atheist church is as pretentious as Pastafarianism.
It is a registered religion in the UK, and a way to make fun of religion in general. You can't prove/disprove a spaghetti god any more than you can a Christian one.

Why is it that it is okay for atheist to make fun of all people that believe in God, yet they cry when they are made fun of for not believing in a God.

Your whole thread is hypocritical.
The concept of an atheist church is as pretentious as Pastafarianism.
It is a registered religion in the UK, and a way to make fun of religion in general. You can't prove/disprove a spaghetti god any more than you can a Christian one.

Why is it that it is okay for atheist to make fun of all people that believe in God, yet they cry when they are made fun of for not believing in a God.

Your whole thread is hypocritical.
Because it is just as legal in America and most of the world for the religious to make fun of atheists. It is surely not hypocritical to believe in the first amendment or freedom of speech for all.

If you want to know why people/groups should have a right to offend, then it comes down to the question, 'what isn't offensive to someone?' The moment the state censor comes to tea, free speech dies, as everything is offensive to at least someone.
The concept of an atheist church is as pretentious as Pastafarianism.
It is a registered religion in the UK, and a way to make fun of religion in general. You can't prove/disprove a spaghetti god any more than you can a Christian one.

Why is it that it is okay for atheist to make fun of all people that believe in God, yet they cry when they are made fun of for not believing in a God.

Your whole thread is hypocritical.
Because it is just as legal in America and most of the world for the religious to make fun of atheists. It is surely not hypocritical to believe in the first amendment or freedom of speech for all.

If you want to know why people/groups should have a right to offend, then it comes down to the question, 'what isn't offensive to someone?' The moment the state censor comes to tea, free speech dies, as everything is offensive to at least someone.

I don't make fun of atheist, I don't care what you do or don't believe. You throwing in the first amendment, has nothing to do with you being hypocritical, the amendment is a freedom. Hypocrisy is an action. No one asked to censor anyone, my post certainly didn't.

My stand is you expect Christians to accept or not lump atheist into one category, however it is okay to compare a Christian's God to spaghetti. Your lack of respect, begets lack of respect.

I believe in a God, that doesn't make you or I greater or less than the other. It is a difference in opinion. Atheists can go to a church or whatever floats their boat. I don't care, do it, enjoy it, embrace it. Just respect others and others beliefs.

You have a right to offend, but if you do, as many atheists on this board have done, then expect people to form opinions about you.
The concept of an atheist church is as pretentious as Pastafarianism.
It is a registered religion in the UK, and a way to make fun of religion in general. You can't prove/disprove a spaghetti god any more than you can a Christian one.

So? That's beside the point I was making. An atheist church is not only pretentious, it's ironic to the enth degree. If you can't see that, I can't help you.

To be perfectly honest, I am not religious in the least bit, but my beliefs are my own and I don't make fun of people for theirs. I do not agree with religious doctrines in general, but I respect one's decision to believe it. What they believe does not affect me so essentially, I could care less. These morons creating churches and religions with the express intent of mocking the religious are beyond childish however. Most atheists I know tend to be the bigger person in these situations, but shit like this just gives them a bad rap.

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