Crime-ridden San Francisco opens 'free' taxpayer-funded grocery store

Crime-ridden San Francisco recently opened its first “Food Empowerment Market,” which offers residents “free” groceries funded by taxpayers.

A Tuesday press release from Mayor London Breed’s (D) office announced the grand opening of the District 10 Community Market in Bayview-Hunters Point. The 4,000-square foot store is part of a pilot program providing “free and healthy multi-cultural groceries” to residents “experiencing food insecurity in the Southeast corridor of the City.”

San Francisco Human Services Agency granted Bayview Hunters Point Multipurpose Senior Services a $5.5 million taxpayer-funded grant to stock the market with fresh produce. According to the city, the market will serve approximately 4,500 residents.

Soon we will all need this with Bidenomics.
Did you just confirm you can barely afford to feed yourself?
I thought republicans were the ones in favor of large government. Isn't that what overturning Roe Vs Wade was about? Now the government can tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies. Hmmm. Seems republicans needs the government to be the mommy and daddy, which would make you a pathetic loser.
In everything I have seen in TV programs,, TV news channels, TV talk shows, TV comedies, TV dramas, TV science fiction, TV public TV, Theatrical films the same way...90% and more is Prog oriented. Andin that...Women are a hundred times better than men. A hundred times smarter than men. A hundred times stronger than men. A hundred times ale to make the tougher decisions then men. And yet, they get their asse pregnant and it is the guy's fault. Women dominate near everything with DEI now. This is not about their bodies. It is about a million abortions a year and the expansion of the same to post birth. So, the states decide what to do and perhaps some common sense will come of this after the open wound since Roe versus Wade.
In everything I have seen in TV programs,, TV news channels, TV talk shows, TV comedies, TV dramas, TV science fiction, TV public TV, Theatrical films the same way...90% and more is Prog oriented. Andin that...Women are a hundred times better than men. A hundred times smarter than men. A hundred times stronger than men. A hundred times ale to make the tougher decisions then men. And yet, they get their asse pregnant and it is the guy's fault. Women dominate near everything with DEI now. This is not about their bodies. It is about a million abortions a year and the expansion of the same to post birth. So, the states decide what to do and perhaps some common sense will come of this after the open wound since Roe versus Wade.
TV is reality, right?
TV is reality, right?
To many people watching it in place of going to church. It represents reality to them now. It is endless propaganda now. You speak of Christians and their ways. As a Catholic I went to school for 12 years under their doctrine. To you, propaganda. Religion died in the early 70's with the rise of the social welfare state and the godless religion. It only took several years from President Johnson's Great Society and massive increase in social programs.
To many people watching it in place of going to church. It represents reality to them now. It is endless propaganda now. You speak of Christians and their ways. As a Catholic I went to school for 12 years under their doctrine. To you, propaganda. Religion died in the early 70's with the rise of the social welfare state and the godless religion. It only took several years from President Johnson's Great Society and massive increase in social programs.
Talk about going off on tangents. You take your meds today? Might want to up the Adderall dosage.

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