Zone1 Atheist Nonsense - Again

More than an estimated 23,000 Christians were killed in the persecutions of the Roman Empire. As Russia, China, North Korea et al adopted Marxist doctrines and made Atheism the only acceptable religion of the land, they collectively murdered more than 60 million innocent people in the 20th Century alone.

I would be the first to say that evil people use religion in evil ways. There is no way to justify the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Salem Witch trials, et al. But the carnage in the wake of all of that is at the most a few thousand over hundreds of years. And the vast majority of Christendom is innocent of all that.

And now almost all the on going humanitarian efforts around the world--orphanages, leper colonies/ministries, private homeless shelters, ministry to some of the most desperate and needy of the poor in myriad countries are all created and/or staffed by people of faith. Millions more have been saved, restored, benefitted from the such activities by such benevolence than were ever harmed by the misuse of the JudeoChristian religion.

There are no relief agencies or ongoing humanitarian ministries established and staffed by Atheists.
The Romans, Chinese, and Russians have all had their own imaginary gods to follow and still do. The Romans, Russia and China didn't start suddenly slaughtering and genociding people because they lost their faith; most of their history involved slaughtering and genociding in the name of their faith. Religious charities doing good work because of an imaginary being they've been coerced into following is a good use of religion, I'll give you that. Less than 11% of the world is atheist, so it would not surprise me if religious people have more charities, though there are countless secular organizations involved in charity.
The Romans, Chinese, and Russians have all had their own imaginary gods to follow and still do. The Romans, Russia and China didn't start suddenly slaughtering and genociding people because they lost their faith; most of their history involved slaughtering and genociding in the name of their faith. Religious charities doing good work because of an imaginary being they've been coerced into following is a good use of religion, I'll give you that. Less than 11% of the world is atheist, so it would not surprise me if religious people have more charities, though there are countless secular organizations involved in charity.
Dream on but your arguments fall flat. I am very good at history.

Now would you like to discuss the thread topic?
Evidence includes…

Fossil evidence
Geologic evidence
DNA evidence
Biological evidence

Proof…….all you have is Faith

Where ?
We have all been looking but cannot find even a hint of evidence .
Has he been voice taped or made a video?

It's no good telling us he is shy .
God has no interest in proving he exists to anyone.

Look at the Bible. Adam and Eve walked and talked with God in the Garden, but still lost faith and ate the apple..

The Hebrew people watched God send plagues upon Egypt to free them, saw him part the Red Sea to so they could flee, gave them Manna to eat every day, and they lost faith and built a golden calf to worship in his stead.

As we have seen from the Bible, God has zero motivation to prove that he exists to anyone, but there continues to be evidence as I have shown.

Rejecting the teachings of Christ is enough. You either desire truth or hate it.
Why do atheists claim "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" applies to their imaginary space creatures, but NOT to Nature's God?
To people of faith, their beliefs are important to them. Christians aren't out there filing lawsuits or sending in moles to trigger lawsuits protesting Atheist beliefs or generating some reason to attack or harm an Atheist for his/her Atheist beliefs.

I don't start threads about Atheists or Atheism UNLESS there have been verbal attacks on other threads and the issue needs to be discussed without derailing the other thread. Or there is one of those lawsuits or attempts to deny people of their constitutional right to the free exercise of their religious faith.

There is no ongoing effort to suppress Atheism though Christians will absolutely argue why Atheism makes little or no sense. There is an ongoing effort to protect our constitutional right to be religious and the free exercise of our religious beliefs.

And now back to the topic that you and Augustine et al again tried to suppress with other topics:

Atheists love to claim there is no evidence for God. And they deny the evidence that exists. That's the topic. Would you care to discuss that?

Christians are more threatened by Atheism than Atheists threatened by Christianity
Christians are more threatened by Atheism than Atheists threatened by Christianity
Well show me the lawsuits filed against Atheist stuff versus the lawsuits filed against Christian stuff, activities, expression, symbolism and you might have an argument. Until then no.
Dream on but your arguments fall flat. I am very good at history.

Now would you like to discuss the thread topic?
Sure. Until proven otherwise it's equally possible that god(s) and/or aliens exist or don't exist. If some aliens show up bearing the cross then I'll believe :thup:

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