Atheists Want Proof Of God?

I follow the good. You follow the wicked.
And I am righteous. You follow wicked natures. You follow people who want to kill, to further your religion.
I follow the good. You follow the wicked.
And I am righteous. You follow wicked natures. You follow people who want to kill, to further your religion.

Let's see what came out of this exchange. What it boils down to is only one of us is speaking the truth.

You say you are righteous, and follow the good. However, you are a sinner. You are without God. You fear hell. It means you fear death.

I say I am a God-fearing man, but am a sinner. I am with God. I only fear God.

To you, I follow wicked natures. I follow people who want to kill, to further my religion. Have you heard of state atheism? Atheism is a religion and they killed the most people ever in history. They did this to further their politics and religion.

I know I am telling the truth while you lied like a dog.
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I say I am a God-fearing man, but am a sinner. I am with God. I only fear God.

you have abandoned the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty, noah's travails for a book of forgeries the christian bible. crucifiers of jesus.

you can not love a god that did not slay satan but kept them alive to torment your soul - they were slain as the example and it is for you to do yourself, triumph over evil to free your spirit as the goal for admission to the Everlasting.
What ad hominem? Every statement I made in the last post is TRUE, TRUE, TRUE. OTOH, your post is full of them like "insecure little x-tian snowflake." It goes to show I struck a big nerve in you. It went down to the core. It was like a giant flaming rod stuck up your... oh well.

Lol, doubling down on the snowflakey responses I see. :auiqs.jpg:Keep telling yourself that. Shout it from the rooftops, for all I care. It's meaningless drivel to me. And why do the pious have this weird fixation on shoving things in people orifices? Sounds like you have deeper problems than faith.

I want proof of God. They do not want proof because they do not want to be under God's dominion. The proof is already here. It just means they want to disobey God, do what they want, and end up in the other place.

I bet that fantasy gives you the warm and fuzzies, amirite? How predictable.
Lol, doubling down on the snowflakey responses I see. :auiqs.jpg:Keep telling yourself that. Shout it from the rooftops, for all I care. It's meaningless drivel to me. And why do the pious have this weird fixation on shoving things in people orifices? Sounds like you have deeper problems than faith.

I bet that fantasy gives you the warm and fuzzies, amirite? How predictable.

You're the one who joined the "Atheist Want Proof Of God" thread and made your little snide comment. Then, when you got your arse handed to you, you start crying like a baby :abgg2q.jpg:.

You had no response.

I'll say it again and you'll just have to accept it like an adult without the whining, "Sure, atheists believe in the STUPIDEST nonsense. I hope you're not an IDIOT atheist who accepts silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis without any proof and have the nerve to ask for proof of God. They also think humans came from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. They believe we have vestigial organ remains of a tail from being a monkey. No proof whatsover, but they believe anything as long as it isn't about God and creation."
I say I am a God-fearing man, but am a sinner. I am with God. I only fear God.

you have abandoned the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty, noah's travails for a book of forgeries the christian bible. crucifiers of jesus.

you can not love a god that did not slay satan but kept them alive to torment your soul - they were slain as the example and it is for you to do yourself, triumph over evil to free your spirit as the goal for admission to the Everlasting.

Most people who believe in the Torah at least quote it so people know what they are talking about. You're just pulling stuff from your rear end. Practically, all of your posts are like this regarding Christianity, religion, ToE or physics :cuckoo:. So, don't expect me to figure out what you are saying.
Lol, doubling down on the snowflakey responses I see. :auiqs.jpg:Keep telling yourself that. Shout it from the rooftops, for all I care. It's meaningless drivel to me. And why do the pious have this weird fixation on shoving things in people orifices? Sounds like you have deeper problems than faith.

I bet that fantasy gives you the warm and fuzzies, amirite? How predictable.

You're the one who joined the "Atheist Want Proof Of God" thread and made your little snide comment. Then, when you got your arse handed to you, you start crying like a baby :abgg2q.jpg:.

You had no response.

I'll say it again and you'll just have to accept it like an adult without the whining, "Sure, atheists believe in the STUPIDEST nonsense. I hope you're not an IDIOT atheist who accepts silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis without any proof and have the nerve to ask for proof of God. They also think humans came from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. They believe we have vestigial organ remains of a tail from being a monkey. No proof whatsover, but they believe anything as long as it isn't about God and creation."

Your salty because I call your arguments nonsense, which they are. When I called it like I saw it, you cried like a little bitch with a skinned knee. All you'll done thus far is whine. I think we're done here.
Your salty because I call your arguments nonsense, which they are. When I called it like I saw it, you cried like a little bitch with a skinned knee. All you'll done thus far is whine. I think we're done here.

Good. I get the last word in.

Your basic response to my cogent argument was ad hominem attacks. Again, it means you were wrong. You need to man up and stop crying like a coward.

You won't accept scientifically valid arguments, so you'll have to accept the consequences. It's either you are with God or without God. I've discovered it's not so much with God or against God. Every creation person will say that their God is an unprovable God and that it takes sincere faith first and then God will reveal himself. It's a whiny, crybaby question for atheists to want proof of God. They just want to alleviate their fear of hell. They have no proof of no God.
I say I am a God-fearing man, but am a sinner. I am with God. I only fear God.

you have abandoned the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty, noah's travails for a book of forgeries the christian bible. crucifiers of jesus.

you can not love a god that did not slay satan but kept them alive to torment your soul - they were slain as the example and it is for you to do yourself, triumph over evil to free your spirit as the goal for admission to the Everlasting.

Most people who believe in the Torah at least quote it so people know what they are talking about. You're just pulling stuff from your rear end. Practically, all of your posts are like this regarding Christianity, religion, ToE or physics :cuckoo:. So, don't expect me to figure out what you are saying.
Most people who believe in the Torah at least quote it so people know what they are talking about. You're just pulling stuff from your rear end. Practically, all of your posts are like this regarding Christianity, religion, ToE or physics :cuckoo:. So, don't expect me to figure out what you are saying.

all three desert religions have abandoned the prescribed religion of antiquity - and like you insist everyone is born a sinner. the spoken religion is simply to fulfill your destiny, no book is required especially what are guarded forgeries suitable only for the depraved. bond.

Every creation person will say that their God is an unprovable God and that it takes sincere faith first and then God will reveal himself. It's a whiny, crybaby question for atheists to want proof of God. They have no proof of no God.

there is no proof necessary to fulfill the goals to free a spirit for continued life in the Everlasting or a god to help them - only if they fail but accomplish the ticket anyway will they be certain to meet the Almighty that will do to them what was done to satan.
I follow the good. You follow the wicked.
And I am righteous. You follow wicked natures. You follow people who want to kill, to further your religion.

Let's see what came out of this exchange. What it boils down to is only one of us is speaking the truth.

You say you are righteous, and follow the good. However, you are a sinner. You are without God. You fear hell. It means you fear death.

I say I am a God-fearing man, but am a sinner. I am with God. I only fear God.

To you, I follow wicked natures. I follow people who want to kill, to further my religion. Have you heard of state atheism? Atheism is a religion and they killed the most people ever in history. They did this to further their politics and religion.

I know I am telling the truth while you lied like a dog.
I follow the good. You follow the wicked.
And I am righteous. You follow wicked natures. You follow people who want to kill, to further your religion.

Let's see what came out of this exchange. What it boils down to is only one of us is speaking the truth.

You say you are righteous, and follow the good. However, you are a sinner. You are without God. You fear hell. It means you fear death.

I say I am a God-fearing man, but am a sinner. I am with God. I only fear God.

To you, I follow wicked natures. I follow people who want to kill, to further my religion. Have you heard of state atheism? Atheism is a religion and they killed the most people ever in history. They did this to further their politics and religion.

I know I am telling the truth while you lied like a dog.
Lol, doubling down on the snowflakey responses I see. :auiqs.jpg:Keep telling yourself that. Shout it from the rooftops, for all I care. It's meaningless drivel to me. And why do the pious have this weird fixation on shoving things in people orifices? Sounds like you have deeper problems than faith.

I bet that fantasy gives you the warm and fuzzies, amirite? How predictable.

You're the one who joined the "Atheist Want Proof Of God" thread and made your little snide comment. Then, when you got your arse handed to you, you start crying like a baby :abgg2q.jpg:.

You had no response.

I'll say it again and you'll just have to accept it like an adult without the whining, "Sure, atheists believe in the STUPIDEST nonsense. I hope you're not an IDIOT atheist who accepts silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis without any proof and have the nerve to ask for proof of God. They also think humans came from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. They believe we have vestigial organ remains of a tail from being a monkey. No proof whatsover, but they believe anything as long as it isn't about God and creation."

The "humans from monkeys" nonsense is your continued practice of lashing out like an angry, petulant child.

You're back to the nonsensical "humans from monkeys" slogan that you cut and paste from ID'iot creation ministries. What a shame that you insist promoting such dishonest rhetoric.

Your juvenile, emotional outbursts are effective only at demonstrating the failure of the ID'iot creation ministries to refute peer reviewed science and depict the false religious claims as untenable.

There is no evidence of "monkeys to humans" that is supported by relevant science. That you continue with such nonsense displays an appalling lack of knowledge and willful ignorance on your part.
Your salty because I call your arguments nonsense, which they are. When I called it like I saw it, you cried like a little bitch with a skinned knee. All you'll done thus far is whine. I think we're done here.

Good. I get the last word in.

Your basic response to my cogent argument was ad hominem attacks. Again, it means you were wrong. You need to man up and stop crying like a coward.

You won't accept scientifically valid arguments, so you'll have to accept the consequences. It's either you are with God or without God. I've discovered it's not so much with God or against God. Every creation person will say that their God is an unprovable God and that it takes sincere faith first and then God will reveal himself. It's a whiny, crybaby question for atheists to want proof of God. They just want to alleviate their fear of hell. They have no proof of no God.

There is ample proof of no gods. Prove there isn't.
No, you follow a life w/o God. It isn't good. It isn't righteous. It ends up with sin. It is what it is.

Let the punishment fit the crime I say.
No, you follow a life w/o God. It isn't good. It isn't righteous. It ends up with sin. It is what it is.

Let the punishment fit the crime I say.
No, you follow a life w/o God. It isn't good. It isn't righteous. It ends up with sin. It is what it is.

Let the punishment fit the crime I say.

how can it end up w/ sin when all three desert religions claim each individual is born in sin, have you repented your forged belief ...

there is no Almighty to follow that has provided physical guide lines for proper behavior only the religion of antiquity as a goal for admission to the Everlasting.

the forged, self fulfilling books of the desert religions are the enemy against humanities eventual success, they are what must be abandoned as proof of their illegitimacy by their uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent - the opposite of the message conveyed during the 1st century they have knowingly misinterpreted.
No, you follow a life w/o God. It isn't good. It isn't righteous. It ends up with sin. It is what it is.

Let the punishment fit the crime I say.
I agree. Your religion has committed incredible crimes. Atrocious, and sick...
Yet, with all the seemingly knowledge you have, you can't justify it.

You follow an evil religion. That burns women and children at the stake for joy.
Become an atheist, instead of being part of a killer religion. And you will start seeing a new way to perceive the world.

And it's not so bad. Except for you religious fanatics fucking shit up and trying to kill everyone.
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I agree. Your religion has committed incredible crimes. Atrocious, and sick...

First, you can't even name these crimes. You just make a generalization and parrot what the internet atheists told you.

The facts are atheism has killed more people than both Judaism and Christianity. This is because of fascism and communism are both atheist ideologies. Together, It has murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th century alone.

You can't even get your facts straight. Are you socialist? Humanistic socialist? Both can be considered forms of communism.
Become an atheist, instead of being part of a killer religion. And you will start seeing a new way to perceive the world.

And it's not so bad. Except for you religious fanatics fucking shit up and trying to kill everyone.


Beware of the mark of the beast. How can one person make this stuff up throughout the centuries --

ETA: I have very little idea about any of this. Some of the prophecies are very cryptic and this is one of them. This part of the Bible confuses me. I'm not sure who writes the link, i.e. what congregation, but it's similar to stuff I heard.

It's Seventh Day Adventist, I think. Ignore their rantings about Sunday. But anyway, the Book of Daniel and that stuff is there.
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