Atheists Want Proof Of God?

We don’t know what the Big Bang was made of or where it came from because we can’t see that far back yet.
That is true my point is that the theory says that all matter in the universe was created in the big bang. This violates conservation of mass and requires all new physics

That is true my point is that the theory says that all matter in the universe was created in the big bang. This violates conservation of mass and requires all new physics

that is correct - BB is cyclical, energy to matter to energy indefinitely at the moments of singularity the instances of transfer from one to the other.

Dude there is no cycle when something comes from nothing
Dude there is no cycle when something comes from nothing

your comprehension problem is your problem not mine ...
Actually the cycle is matter is never created or destroyed but it merely changes form, then the energy subsides and form's matter, nothing about this cycle describes how matter can firm in an instant from nothingness
Actually the cycle is matter is never created or destroyed but it merely changes form, then the energy subsides and form's matter, nothing about this cycle describes how matter can firm in an instant from nothingness

there are remnants to your response that are applicable to the BB - the expansion of matter is their trajectory from the point of singularity, origin. all matter at the same time is propelled at a finite angle that will return all the matter without changing direction as a mirror image to its point of origin where the compaction will again reduce the matter into pure energy that will set a new moment of singularity, transfer from one to another to begin a new cycle for the universe - boomerang theory.
The founding fathers of freedom and liberty are rolling over in their graves right now because godless militant atheists are siding with the militant atheist communist.
The founding fathers of freedom and liberty are rolling over in their graves ...

they are no longer relevant - the civil war amendments to the constitution have negated many of their barriers. to freedom and justice - for all. not just for the sociopaths, bing.
Their beliefs will always be relevant, comrade.
Their beliefs will always be relevant, comrade.

too bad for you, the relevancy is now the civil war amendments - you will have to appeal them for your opinion to again be relevant, good luck. christian.
George Washington
Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”

The Will of the People: Readings in American Democracy (Chicago: Great Books Foundation, 2001), 38.
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”

and that relates to ...

reforming the book of forgeries, christian bible from a book of evil to the true religion of antiquity - no problem there at all.

just as the civil war amendments made better the shortcomings left by the original script of the constitution.
That is true my point is that the theory says that all matter in the universe was created in the big bang. This violates conservation of mass and requires all new physics

That is true my point is that the theory says that all matter in the universe was created in the big bang. This violates conservation of mass and requires all new physics

that is correct - BB is cyclical, energy to matter to energy indefinitely at the moments of singularity the instances of transfer from one to the other.

Dude there is no cycle when something comes from nothing
Dude there is no cycle when something comes from nothing

your comprehension problem is your problem not mine ...
Actually the cycle is matter is never created or destroyed but it merely changes form, then the energy subsides and form's matter, nothing about this cycle describes how matter can firm in an instant from nothingness
Actually the cycle is matter is never created or destroyed but it merely changes form, then the energy subsides and form's matter, nothing about this cycle describes how matter can firm in an instant from nothingness

there are remnants to your response that are applicable to the BB - the expansion of matter is their trajectory from the point of singularity, origin. all matter at the same time is propelled at a finite angle that will return all the matter without changing direction as a mirror image to its point of origin where the compaction will again reduce the matter into pure energy that will set a new moment of singularity, transfer from one to another to begin a new cycle for the universe - boomerang theory.

Steven Hawking spouted that bible bable and sold books then came out to tell everyone how stupid he was.

Don't be stupid, it is better to say I do not know and quest knowledge than to know everything and be the fool

Stephen Hawking admits the biggest blunder of his scientific career -
As for taking things on faith, those who do not believe the Biblical God, believe in silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis.

What a load of nonsense.

Sure, atheists believe in the STUPIDEST nonsense. I hope you're not an IDIOT atheist who accepts silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis without any proof and have the nerve to ask for proof of God. They also think humans came from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. They believe we have vestigial organ remains of a tail from being a monkey. No proof whatsover, but they believe anything as long as it isn't about God and creation.
As for taking things on faith, those who do not believe the Biblical God, believe in silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis.

What a load of nonsense.

Sure, atheists believe in the STUPIDEST nonsense. I hope you're not an IDIOT atheist who accepts silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis without any proof and have the nerve to ask for proof of God. They also think humans came from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. They believe we have vestigial organ remains of a tail from being a monkey. No proof whatsover, but they believe anything as long as it isn't about God and creation.
You’re a bit of a slow learner so I’m happy to step in. The majority of the planet either doesn’t believe in your gods or has very different gods. In fact, your second hand, hand-me-down-gods are just a distillation of the multiple gods that preceded the invention of your multi-gods.

When you belch the nonsense that you learn at your extremist ministries, you appear to be quite the ignorant fool. Vestigial organs are demonstrable in science and human vestigial organs have nothing to do with monkeys.... well, maybe in your case.

Vestigial organs as proof of evolution

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: Part 2
As for taking things on faith, those who do not believe the Biblical God, believe in silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis.

What a load of nonsense.

Sure, atheists believe in the STUPIDEST nonsense. I hope you're not an IDIOT atheist who accepts silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis without any proof and have the nerve to ask for proof of God. They also think humans came from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. They believe we have vestigial organ remains of a tail from being a monkey. No proof whatsover, but they believe anything as long as it isn't about God and creation.

And the ad hominem attacks come flying out of the gate! :auiqs.jpg:What a insecure little x-tian snowflake you must be. You believe in talking snakes. You people have been peddling your non-factual opiates for over 2000 years, only branding and rebranding them to suit your purposes of seeking control over the masses, so spare me the lecture on believing in the nonsensical. Arguments like yours serve no purpose but to pat yourselves on your pious philosophical backs and further antagonize the other flavors of religious snake oil as well as the non-believer. It's like political hackery, only much, much more boring. Stop pretending to read minds and take care of your own backyard instead of complaining about the neighbors all the time.
that is correct - BB is cyclical, energy to matter to energy indefinitely at the moments of singularity the instances of transfer from one to the other.

Dude there is no cycle when something comes from nothing
Dude there is no cycle when something comes from nothing

your comprehension problem is your problem not mine ...
Actually the cycle is matter is never created or destroyed but it merely changes form, then the energy subsides and form's matter, nothing about this cycle describes how matter can firm in an instant from nothingness
Actually the cycle is matter is never created or destroyed but it merely changes form, then the energy subsides and form's matter, nothing about this cycle describes how matter can firm in an instant from nothingness

there are remnants to your response that are applicable to the BB - the expansion of matter is their trajectory from the point of singularity, origin. all matter at the same time is propelled at a finite angle that will return all the matter without changing direction as a mirror image to its point of origin where the compaction will again reduce the matter into pure energy that will set a new moment of singularity, transfer from one to another to begin a new cycle for the universe - boomerang theory.

Steven Hawking spouted that bible bable and sold books then came out to tell everyone how stupid he was.

Don't be stupid, it is better to say I do not know and quest knowledge than to know everything and be the fool

Stephen Hawking admits the biggest blunder of his scientific career -
your comprehension problem is your problem not mine ...

- worth repeating, for the nonsensical as well.
Well if he did, he's right. But I'm not a communist, because Socialism is a religion in it's own right. Except for them Utopia is communism, not heaven as you think of it. Which can never exist. Again, it's a religion that promises an Utopia as long as they follow the leader and kill on command, with the promise of an utopian future in communism. Which will never happen. And never has. Communism has never existed.

Only socialism.
We don't know what happens after the brain finally runs out of juice, but re-incarnation seems likely.

What evidence is there for re-incarnation? Is that where you come back as another person or lower forms? What happens to a person who has lived a good and fruitful life? What about someone who has been bad and lived a selfish life helping themselves to what others have?

I didn't downgrade anything. Creation is the best theory. It can't change and I've compared both evolution and creation as in Genesis. First, we believed in an eternal universe which contradicts creation. Now, we believe in a big bang, but that violates the laws of physics. It took God six days to make everything and put it in its place. It took the big bang 20 minutes to do so.

What we need to find is what is causing the universe to expand? The Bible states God stretches out the heavens like a tent, but there has to be a reason behind it. What we observe in the early universe matches that of creation better as it is uniform. Evos cannot how it happened because they were not there. Their ideas violate the laws of physics like cosmic expansion or infinitesimal matter in a quantum particle. Evos believe in a universe ex nihilo when there is no observable evidence for it. The way the CMB in the early universe is laid out in its uniformity backs creation. It goes to show you are ignorant wanting proof of this.
Google re-incarnation, there's plenty of stuff out there.

Creation is a theory that's really based on nothing at all, just myths, stories... nothing even remotely solid. Evolution is a fact that's happening right now. Ex: as time goes on, humans are evolving to be taller beings. How do i know that? Just look at houses and clothes from 200 years ago. They all appear to be midgets compared to us now.
The big bang is also based on nothing and to believe it one must discount the law of conservation of mass
We don't know what happens after the brain finally runs out of juice, but re-incarnation seems likely.

What evidence is there for re-incarnation? Is that where you come back as another person or lower forms? What happens to a person who has lived a good and fruitful life? What about someone who has been bad and lived a selfish life helping themselves to what others have?

I didn't downgrade anything. Creation is the best theory. It can't change and I've compared both evolution and creation as in Genesis. First, we believed in an eternal universe which contradicts creation. Now, we believe in a big bang, but that violates the laws of physics. It took God six days to make everything and put it in its place. It took the big bang 20 minutes to do so.

What we need to find is what is causing the universe to expand? The Bible states God stretches out the heavens like a tent, but there has to be a reason behind it. What we observe in the early universe matches that of creation better as it is uniform. Evos cannot how it happened because they were not there. Their ideas violate the laws of physics like cosmic expansion or infinitesimal matter in a quantum particle. Evos believe in a universe ex nihilo when there is no observable evidence for it. The way the CMB in the early universe is laid out in its uniformity backs creation. It goes to show you are ignorant wanting proof of this.
Google re-incarnation, there's plenty of stuff out there.

Creation is a theory that's really based on nothing at all, just myths, stories... nothing even remotely solid. Evolution is a fact that's happening right now. Ex: as time goes on, humans are evolving to be taller beings. How do i know that? Just look at houses and clothes from 200 years ago. They all appear to be midgets compared to us now.
The big bang is also based on nothing and to believe it one must discount the law of conservation of mass
It’s based on red shift, cosmic background radiation and Friedmann’s solutions to Einstein’s field equations. That’s not nothing.
As for taking things on faith, those who do not believe the Biblical God, believe in silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis.

What a load of nonsense.

Sure, atheists believe in the STUPIDEST nonsense. I hope you're not an IDIOT atheist who accepts silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis without any proof and have the nerve to ask for proof of God. They also think humans came from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. They believe we have vestigial organ remains of a tail from being a monkey. No proof whatsover, but they believe anything as long as it isn't about God and creation.

And the ad hominem attacks come flying out of the gate! :auiqs.jpg:What a insecure little x-tian snowflake you must be. You believe in talking snakes. You people have been peddling your non-factual opiates for over 2000 years, only branding and rebranding them to suit your purposes of seeking control over the masses, so spare me the lecture on believing in the nonsensical. Arguments like yours serve no purpose but to pat yourselves on your pious philosophical backs and further antagonize the other flavors of religious snake oil as well as the non-believer. It's like political hackery, only much, much more boring. Stop pretending to read minds and take care of your own backyard instead of complaining about the neighbors all the time.

What ad hominem? Every statement I made in the last post is TRUE, TRUE, TRUE. OTOH, your post is full of them like "insecure little x-tian snowflake." It goes to show I struck a big nerve in you. It went down to the core. It was like a giant flaming rod stuck up your... oh well.

How could Christians have the "non-factual" opiates over 2K years if it wasn't true? We'd have been exposed already. It goes to show the Bible is inerrant, authoritative, reliable, and sufficient to meet our needs.

Thus, atheists should not ask stupid questions like where is the proof? I want proof of God. They do not want proof because they do not want to be under God's dominion. The proof is already here. It just means they want to disobey God, do what they want, and end up in the other place.
You are wrong x 3.

You have no benefits. Except hoping you are right.

And if you are wrong, which is highly logical, you're going to burn.
Then again, there is no hell. So you will just suffer through n your final days.

Haha. RWS is coming unglued. I would have more respect for you if you just said I'm RWS and I burn in hell instead of being an atheist who huffs and puffs, "Show me the proof."

OTOH, I'm a God-fearing man ;).
I will survive because I am rightous.

Can't say the same for others.
I will survive because I am rightous.

Can't say the same for others.

It helps if you can spell righteous correctly first :laugh:.

Then again, there is no hell. So you will just suffer through n your final days.

Polls show more people believe in heaven than hell, but the Bible, i.e. God, says that hell is just as real as heaven to which the wicked and unbelieving are sent after death. The punishment for sin, death, must also be infinite and eternal. Hell is this infinite and eternal death which we have earned because of our sin. I think this is what non-believers rail against God for since we can't help but sin. Thus, it just reinforces their beliefs. The punishment of the wicked dead in hell is described throughout Scripture as “eternal fire.” I don't think most people are against this; it's the other part for unbelievers or lesser sins. The punishment should fit the crime, so there must be more to this than meets the eye.
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