Athens: Skopje reach agreement on Constitutional name of Macedonia


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Athens, Skopje Reach Agreement on Constitutional Name of Macedonia

ATHENS (Sputnik) - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that he had reached a "good agreement" with Skopje on the constitutional name of the Republic of Macedonia, adding that it satisfied all of Athens' preconditions.

Well if you wanted be a part of history , you are no matter where in the world you live the World is waking up things are changing ........ Jump on board we're living in atime of historical changes.
I'm a Greek citizen and lived in Athens during the early years of this crisis. I never really agreed with most Greeks on the matter of the name although I did with the original flag which was a reproduction of the star of Vergina found on the grave of Phillip II, father of Alexander the Great.

The geographical region extends beyond the northern Greek border and I find the name of "Northern Macedonia" acceptable.

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