Atlanta Experienced A Major Traffic Jam That Has A Lot Of People In Hot Water


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Yesterday Atlanta (and other neighboring parts of the South) experienced a MAJOR traffic jam on practically every highway, byway and road.

It was caused by weather, and not some politician's wilful doing, however, a politician and/or politicians did drop the ball in the matter.

I'm watching the press conference on msnbc as I type this and there's the Governor Deal, Kasim Reed, and others who are answering to the media's scrutiny on their response to this snow storm.

I predicted that the schools would be closed today and yesterday even, well before they were, because I know that this place is simply not equipped for this weather.

As far as storms go, it's really nothing to speak about. However, Atlanta, and other neighboring parts of the South just aren't equipped to handle it. I believe the reason is they aren't culurally ready to handle it. They simply don't take these weather warnings seriously.

They should have been salting the road from early yesterday morning, been arranging for school and/or government closures from before and having the emergency response in place well before hand.

Instead they didn't REACT until the snow was well upon them. Too late.

So what happened is that just a mere 3 inches of snow have cause a city-wide traffic jam, resulted in 900+ vehicle accidents, thousands of children being trapped in schools, people trapped in cars for hours on end, and just utter chaos.

I'm a fan of Kasim Reed, in fact just last year, around Christmas time, I was volunteering at an event where I was able to shake his hand and tell him personally that I think he's diong a good job, and that I'm proud of him. But I have to say, he dropped the ball MAJORLY on this one. However, I believe he's a victim of this backwards Southern mentality that doesn't take these sorts of weather warnings seriously.

I've seen it happen all over the South. Florida hurricane warnings, Texas, and even Katrina are examples of this.

The weather is no joke folks, don't think about the money you'll spend trying to PREVENT a POSSIBLE disaster, think of the damage and money spent trying to RECOVER from an ACTUAL DISASTER that could have been avoided.

Here's a great article I read this morning explaining the matter...
Why All Atlanta Is Stuck In Traffic - Business Insider

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