Atlantic Council Agrees with Trump, Says Russian-German Pipeline Is Bad for Europe


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
In an odd reversal of their anti-Russian posturing, over the last few days liberals have been attacking President Trump for . . . vocally opposing the Russian-German pipeline deal. But the Atlantic Council agrees with Trump. Two days ago, the Atlantic Council published an article on why the Russian-German natural gas pipeline (Nord Stream 2) is a bad deal for Europe. Titled "Nord Stream 2 is a Bad Deal for Europe," the article expounds on the following points about the pipeline:

1. It undermines Europe’s energy security strategy
2. It would help Russia export corruption to Europe
3. Explosions or military accidents could disrupt Europe’s gas supplies
4. Nord Stream 2 increases exposure to cyber risks

The Russians have been anxious to get this deal done because it will bring in tens of billions of dollars in revenue, make Germany heavily dependent on Russia for natural gas, and weaken Ukraine. On the other hand, the supposedly "pro-Russian" Donald Trump has been voicing opposition to the deal for months, and over the last few days Trump has been bashing German leaders for supporting the deal. In fact, Trump has been voicing many of the same objections to the deal that the Atlantic Council discusses.

You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump for trying to stop Russia from getting a huge, long-term cash infusion, etc., etc. But, nope, no such luck.
One is tempted to use the liberals' own tactics on them and accuse them of being pro-Russian for defending a pipeline deal that NATO's eastern members don't like, that will line Russia's pockets with tens of billions of dollars, that will weaken Ukraine, and that will make Germany more dependent on Russia for natural gas.

It is just amazing to see liberals turn on a dime and attack Trump for opposing a major Russian policy goal--the Nord Stream 2 pipeline--after claiming for some two years now that Trump is a Russian pawn.
It is just amazing to see liberals turn on a dime and attack Trump for opposing a major Russian policy goal--the Nord Stream 2 pipeline--after claiming for some two years now that Trump is a Russian pawn.
Liberals have never been known to be emotionally stable people. ... :cuckoo:
In an odd reversal of their anti-Russian posturing, over the last few days liberals have been attacking President Trump for . . . vocally opposing the Russian-German pipeline deal. But the Atlantic Council agrees with Trump. Two days ago, the Atlantic Council published an article on why the Russian-German natural gas pipeline (Nord Stream 2) is a bad deal for Europe. Titled "Nord Stream 2 is a Bad Deal for Europe," the article expounds on the following points about the pipeline:

1. It undermines Europe’s energy security strategy
2. It would help Russia export corruption to Europe
3. Explosions or military accidents could disrupt Europe’s gas supplies
4. Nord Stream 2 increases exposure to cyber risks

Nord Stream 2 is a Bad Deal for Europe

The Russians have been anxious to get this deal done because it will bring in tens of billions of dollars in revenue, make Germany heavily dependent on Russia for natural gas, and weaken Ukraine. On the other hand, the supposedly "pro-Russian" Donald Trump has been voicing opposition to the deal for months, and over the last few days Trump has been bashing German leaders for supporting the deal. In fact, Trump has been voicing many of the same objections to the deal that the Atlantic Council discusses.

You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump for trying to stop Russia from getting a huge, long-term cash infusion, etc., etc. But, nope, no such luck.
It's pretty amusing to hear a guy who is captive to Russia whining about Germany being captive to Russia.
Germany has a trade surplus with Russia. I bet neither Trump nor Fox News told you that.
It's pretty amusing to hear a guy who is captive to Russia whining about Germany being captive to Russia.

If Trump is a captive to Russia, why has he been trying to kill the pipeline deal for months? If he's a captive to Russia, why did he agree to sell arms to Ukraine, which Obama would not do? Why is he trying to get NATO nations to spend more on defense, which Russia opposes? Why did he renew Obama's sanctions on Russia? Why has he imposed tariffs on Russian steel? Why did he nix the Iran nuke deal, a deal that the Russians strongly backed? Etc., etc., etc.

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