Atmospheric cabon exceeds point of no return: It's over

and we could all go back to living in caves and eating worms and leaves.

We could start by destroying reckless and exploitative industry, and start working with the land rather than against it.
Are you a farmer? Ride a horse? Live off grid? If not you're the problem you're complaining about.

I support nuclear, hydro, wind, solar and wave power. Why exactly do we have to have polluting sources of energy that cause health problems?

All these sources of energy allow me to live comfortably within modern society! The vast majority of Oregons power comes from Hydro, wind and solar.
All those take batteries way more toxic than fossil fuels… Dip shit
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.
Your ass is not meant to be talked out of… LOL
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.

He stopped using tin foil years ago, when he discovered manufacturers had been paid off by the government to insert microscopic holes in the material which lets in radiation. He's now a strictly coconut shell guy.
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

total bullshit. CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It has been at that level for hundreds of millions of years.

This entire man made climate change religion is a hoax. Its a lie, its bullshit of the highest order.

History of Atmospheric CO2 through geological time (past 550 million years: from Berner, Science, 1997). The parameter RCO2 is defined as the ratio of the mass of CO2 in the atmosphere at some time in the past to that at present (with a pre-industrial value of 300 parts per million). The heavier line joining small squares represents the best estimate of past atmospheric CO2 levels based on geochemical modeling and updated to have the effect of land plants on weathering introduced 380 to 350 million years ago. The shaded area encloses the approximate range of error of the modeling based on sensitivity analysis. Vertical bars represent independent estimates of CO2level based on the study of ancient soils.

Climate and CO2 in the Atmosphere

No, you stupid asshole, the present level of CO2 in the atmosphere has not been at the present level for hundreds of millions of years. And for the last 800,000 years the levels have cycled between 180 ppm and 300 ppm. Today, we are past 400 ppm, a level we have not seen for over 4 million years. At that time there was no Arctic ice cap, and the Antarctic ice cap was far smaller.

At the beginning and end of the Younger Dryas, we saw a minor extinction event that resulted in the extirpation of about 45 of the 54 large mammal species in North America.

Do at least minimal research before you flap your ignorant yap.
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.

I know more than you, OldFuck....infinitely more and this is an argument that you can't even hope to win.
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.

He stopped using tin foil years ago, when he discovered manufacturers had been paid off by the government to insert microscopic holes in the material which lets in radiation. He's now a strictly coconut shell guy.

Really? You don't know about the stratospheric aerosol injection program that has been going on since 1997? Why am I not surprised? (snicker)
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

total bullshit. CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It has been at that level for hundreds of millions of years.

This entire man made climate change religion is a hoax. Its a lie, its bullshit of the highest order.

History of Atmospheric CO2 through geological time (past 550 million years: from Berner, Science, 1997). The parameter RCO2 is defined as the ratio of the mass of CO2 in the atmosphere at some time in the past to that at present (with a pre-industrial value of 300 parts per million). The heavier line joining small squares represents the best estimate of past atmospheric CO2 levels based on geochemical modeling and updated to have the effect of land plants on weathering introduced 380 to 350 million years ago. The shaded area encloses the approximate range of error of the modeling based on sensitivity analysis. Vertical bars represent independent estimates of CO2level based on the study of ancient soils.

Climate and CO2 in the Atmosphere

No, you stupid asshole, the present level of CO2 in the atmosphere has not been at the present level for hundreds of millions of years. And for the last 800,000 years the levels have cycled between 180 ppm and 300 ppm. Today, we are past 400 ppm, a level we have not seen for over 4 million years. At that time there was no Arctic ice cap, and the Antarctic ice cap was far smaller.

At the beginning and end of the Younger Dryas, we saw a minor extinction event that resulted in the extirpation of about 45 of the 54 large mammal species in North America.

Do at least minimal research before you flap your ignorant yap.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Do your own due diligence and attack an issue from EVERY angle instead of just the ones that fits your tiny world view, dumb ass. You don't know shit from shinola......

Hope this helps!!!!!
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.
Your ass is not meant to be talked out of… LOL
Look, silly little cocksuck, when you have something real to say, say it. Other wise, just keep your silly mouth shut.

The subject is the effect of adding over 120 ppm of CO2 and more that 1100 ppb of CH4. If all you can do is resort to inane insults, why bother to post at all?
New world order setting the ground work for their excuse to cull the herd. Mass extermination around the corner. Always associated with all marxist revolutions. Make no mistake, that is what we see happening right now, all to the loud cheers of the pathetic left.
Jesus fucking Christ! You fruitloops are as paranoid as they come. The revolution is presently very evident in first world nations, where the population growth, without immigration, is negative. Not from revolution, but from the fact that men and women have the choice to have or not have children.
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.
Your ass is not meant to be talked out of… LOL
Look, silly little cocksuck, when you have something real to say, say it. Other wise, just keep your silly mouth shut.

The subject is the effect of adding over 120 ppm of CO2 and more that 1100 ppb of CH4. If all you can do is resort to inane insults, why bother to post at all?

I have plenty to say, dumb fuck, because I know more about this topic than you could ever hope to know. If CO2 was such a horrific problem, the plant life would be thriving here in astronomical ways but that is not the case. They are fucking SPRAYING this world like we were bugs and they are a can of RAID and that is a fucking FACT. You want to talk about science? Does water and soil samples not count? Water and soil samples that show an unsafe level of strontium, barium and aluminum nano-particulates????? Are these independent labs all over the world that do these tests in cahoots with each other? Open your fucking eyes, dumb ass.
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.
Your ass is not meant to be talked out of… LOL
Look, silly little cocksuck, when you have something real to say, say it. Other wise, just keep your silly mouth shut.

The subject is the effect of adding over 120 ppm of CO2 and more that 1100 ppb of CH4. If all you can do is resort to inane insults, why bother to post at all?
You're still talking out of your ass, put your money where your mouth is. asshole
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.
Your ass is not meant to be talked out of… LOL
Look, silly little cocksuck, when you have something real to say, say it. Other wise, just keep your silly mouth shut.

The subject is the effect of adding over 120 ppm of CO2 and more that 1100 ppb of CH4. If all you can do is resort to inane insults, why bother to post at all?
You're still talking out of your ass, put your money where your mouth is. asshole

You can bet that OldFucks will not EVEN try to debate me on this. He swings his little cyber-purse and throws out some junk science and then abandons the thread because he has no strength in his convictions or the ability to back it up....typical of the every day leftard.
Lordy, lordy, what should one say to someone that is obviously mentally unstable, and who is willing to accept the most insane and inane conspiracy theories.
Lordy, lordy, what should one say to someone that is obviously mentally unstable, and who is willing to accept the most insane and inane conspiracy theories.

Debate me, OldFucks.....put up or STFU....I have plenty of "science" on my side. I have posted GOVERNMENT links about chemtrailing and they even refer to it as that. Dennis Kucininch even introduced a bill in 2002 trying to ban it....remember Dennis Kucininch? He is a democrat..........hello???
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.

He stopped using tin foil years ago, when he discovered manufacturers had been paid off by the government to insert microscopic holes in the material which lets in radiation. He's now a strictly coconut shell guy.

Really? You don't know about the stratospheric aerosol injection program that has been going on since 1997? Why am I not surprised? (snicker)

I know all about it, dumbass. It was proven to be a hoax carried out by Zeta Reticulans to cover their covert abduction missions.
What going past 400 ppm of CO2 and 1800 ppb of CH4 means is not doom, but a poorer world for our grandchildren and their descendents. Yes, we had that amount in our atmosphere about 4 million years ago, and things were just fine. But that level did not occur overnight, geologically speaking. In fact, the rate of change at present for GHGs exceeds that of the periods of extinctions in geologic history. Even were we able to go back to the point of not adding GHGs to the atmosphere in the next two decades, what is already there will change our climate for tens of generations.

Really? How can you say what it will do unless there is a stop to the geo-engineering program that has been going on for the last twenty years and is causing the destruction of the biosphere?
Don't run out of tinfoil for your little hats.

He stopped using tin foil years ago, when he discovered manufacturers had been paid off by the government to insert microscopic holes in the material which lets in radiation. He's now a strictly coconut shell guy.

Really? You don't know about the stratospheric aerosol injection program that has been going on since 1997? Why am I not surprised? (snicker)

I know all about it, dumbass. It was proven to be a hoax carried out by Zeta Reticulans to cover their covert abduction missions.

Ok, dumb fuck....don't try and sell people on "Gorebal warming" bullshit until you are able to factor in the geo-engineering program because that is a factor and a variable that must be figured in. Ever hear of the Iron Mountain Report and the purpose of the Club Of Rome? Because I will be glad to "educate" you. I am a walking, talking encyclopedia of brag, just fact. I am trying to HELP people wake up to the shit that is being done to them.....sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
don't try and sell people on "Gorebal warming" bullshit

I promise you, I will never try to sell anyone on global warming bullshit. I will, however, occasionally make fun of the whole idea, from time to time. You may notice that I recently posted a thread doing exactly that.
don't try and sell people on "Gorebal warming" bullshit

I promise you, I will never try to sell anyone on global warming bullshit. I will, however, occasionally make fun of the whole idea, from time to time. You may notice that I recently posted a thread doing exactly that.

Are you aware of the geo-engineering program that is basically killing the food supply? Because that is a fact. Eventually crops will not be able to grow in aluminum corrupted soil...but amazingly, Monsanto has come up with a genetically modified seed that is drought resistant and will grow in aluminum corrupted soil...imagine that? What are the odds?
Debate me, OldFucks.....put up or STFU....I have plenty of "science" on my side. I have posted GOVERNMENT links about chemtrailing and they even refer to it as that. Dennis Kucininch even introduced a bill in 2002 trying to ban it....remember Dennis Kucininch? He is a democrat..........hello???

Excuse me Dale is it? do you mind. I believe the proper name for this particular poster is "OLDCOCKS"? or so I have seen that used by Vigilante..................

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