Attack on Bob Woodward: " will regret doing this"

New e-mails are surfacing that put a different slant on this than Woodward gave it. I think Woodward has become an attention whore. That has been the case for a long time.

Yeah American Pravda is going to turn against their Ossiah


The Post is constantly cheerleading for the right.

The WashPO....?... Are you on drugs?

No, just literate. We can talk about the issue support (the Post was in favor of the disastrous invasion of Iraq and for privatizing Social Security) or the message support (just taking this week alone, the numerous column inches given to the idea that Obama's being unreasonable because while he agrees with them on the need to balance the budget, he's not doing it well enough because he refused to make concessions for nothing in return).
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Blockbuster! Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates Blasts Obama In New Book

"All too early in the [Obama] administration, suspicion and distrust of senior military officers by senior White House officials — including the president and vice president — became a big problem for me"

1.7.2014 |Jeff Dunetz |

On Tuesday afternoon The Washington Post's legendary reporter Bob Woodward provided a preview of former Secretary of Defense Bob Gate's new book. Called "Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War," the book harshly criticizes president Obama's war leadership. While contending that Obama supported the troops, Gates described an Obama who did not trust the military leadership or his own strategic decisions.

“Leveling one of the more serious charges that a defense secretary could make against a commander in chief sending forces into combat, Gates asserts that Obama had more than doubts about the course he had charted in Afghanistan. The president was “skeptical if not outright convinced it would fail,” Gates writes in “Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War.”

It is very rare for a defense secretary occupying a central position in the chain of command to publish such an antagonistic portrait of a sitting president, but Gates unloaded on Obama and was even worse on the Vice President.


Blockbuster! Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates Blasts Obama In New Book | Truth Revolt

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