Attack on democracy: Democrat-run New York Times publishes loony election-denial conspiracy theory

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
The DemoKKKrat party has not accepted the results of any election they didn't win for the past 25 years or more.

True loons.

Joseph I. Lieberman, Connecticut’s four-term United States senator and Vice President Al Gore’s Democratic running mate in the 2000 presidential election, which was won by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney when the Supreme Court halted a Florida ballot recount, died on Wednesday in Manhattan. He was 82.


After weeks of dispute, it came down to the results in Florida, where fewer than 600 votes appeared to separate the opposing candidates. In an unsigned landmark decision on Dec. 12, the United States Supreme Court ruled, 5-4, that different standards of recounting in different counties had violated the equal protection clause of the Constitution and ordered an end to the recounts. The decision effectively awarded Florida’s 25 electoral votes, and the presidency, to Mr. Bush.
Remember the 'hanging chads' in the 2000 Florida recount?
Hanging chads are created when a person tries to push the stylus pen through a stack of ballots.
Hanging chads are evidence of Democrat ballot rigging.

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