BREAKING: The Supreme Court is Likely to Uphold Presidential Immunity for Donald Trump..

Aid that is unmanaged is a stupid thing, and that's been the problem of delivering aid to people who are to weak to manage the aid in the way it should have been managed properly. But politicians could give a damned about that, just as long as it gets them the empathetic card punched back here. The American people are catching on now, and it's beginning to show as they are weighted down under inflation and a political run system that's using every issue in ways to justify destroying Americans for the so called greater good.
They are catching on to who you people are. I've always known but now even mostly compliant pussies like Mac1958 are catching on.
1. Gazans are controlled by Hamas. Hamas can't act like human beings, refer to 10/7.
2. Yes, they slaughtered 1,400 innocent Israelis, including children and infants, refer to 10/7.
3. I have no bias, as I said before. If you think I have any explain your claim. I don't.
4. I am proud of my beliefs. Disperse Gazans, end ALL US Foreign Aid. win-win-win-win...
A win for the innocent Gazans who you've just displaced? Again? You don't recognize what bred this violence in the first place? And who's taking them in? You've secured those agreements? Why are you still pretending at me like a little bitch?
A win for the innocent Gazans who you've just displaced? Again? You don't recognize what bred this violence in the first place? And who's taking them in? You've secured those agreements? Why are you still pretending at me like a little bitch?
You are losing your arguments, because slowly you are losing your cool, and are slowly resorting to name calling, lies, and more.
A win for the innocent Gazans who you've just displaced? Again? You don't recognize what bred this violence in the first place? And who's taking them in? You've secured those agreements? Why are you still pretending at me like a little bitch?
1. yes, a win for starving Gazans.
2. I don't care what bred this violence 10,000 years ago.
3. I don't care who takes them in. Show of hands?
Why are you still pretending at me like a little bitch?
I don't do Ebonics.
OK, and who are we that you think you know who we are ?
I think you're coward pieces of shit who can't be honest about how little you care for innocent Gazans.
You are losing your arguments, because slowly you are losing your cool, and are slowly resorting to name calling, lies, and more.
What do you think we are arguing over? We simply don't agree on what should be done here. You want to forcefully displace people and I don't and I'm not buying your narrative that it's out of compassion for the gazans and that you get to decide their displacement is a win for them. That's stupid. You go search for respect for that make believe bullshit somewhere else.
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I think you're coward pieces of shit who can't be honest about how little you care for innocent Gazans.

What do you think we are arguing over? We simply don't agree on what should be done here. You want forcefully displace people and I don't and I'm not buying your narrative that it's out of compassion for the gazans and that you get to decide their displacement is a win for them. That's stupid. You go search for respect for that make believe bullshit somewhere else.
why are you for the Ukraine war?
1. yes, a win for starving Gazans.
2. I don't care what bred this violence 10,000 years ago.
3. I don't care who takes them in. Show of hands?

I don't do Ebonics.
I know you don't care. I'm just curious why you pussies feel the need to pretend.
why are you for the Ukraine war?
I'm for anyone defending their homes from foreign invaders with some minor exceptions. Like if your a slave state for instance. I had no problem with the Confederacy and their shit people being brought to heel.
I'm for anyone defending their homes from foreign invaders with some minor exceptions. Like if your a slave state for instance. I had no problem with the Confederacy and their shit people being brought to heel.
so you believe Putin started it and you don't believe overthrowing the ukraine government and having it make NATO noises is a factor?
Pretend what?

I'm glad you realize that I don't care what happens there, except for wasting US tax dollars.
Pretend as if you get to decide what's a win for Gazans. Your beliefs are in what your best interests are. In what outcome is better for you. It's why it doesn't matter if it's magic beans where all these other nations are taking in all of Gaza. The need to pretend is how I know how much bitch is in you. If you were proud you wouldn't need to pretend to be arguing on behalf of Gazans.
so you believe Putin started it and you don't believe overthrowing the ukraine government and having it make NATO noises is a factor?
Ukraine is a sovereign nation. They get to make moves even if they upset Putey Poot.
even legal immigration gluts labor, driving down wages. this is economics.
That's true in the abstract assuming there are not jobs in need of filling by immigrants as is the case in the US.
where are u on Ukraine?
I'm all in on keeping Putin in his box and depleting his military in the process,
except I want the US to match the EU as far as total money spent.
I do not want the US to donate more than the EU, especially NATO deadbeats.
I'm all in on keeping Putin in his box and depleting his military in the process,
except I want the US to match the EU as far as total money spent.
I do not want the US to donate more than the EU, especially NATO deadbeats.
so your "wasting money" argument only applies to helping rebuild Gaza.


you're not really America first.

just so you know.

you're conditionally america first and that's just not good enough.
Pretend as if you get to decide what's a win for Gazans. Your beliefs are in what your best interests are. In what outcome is better for you. It's why it doesn't matter if it's magic beans where all these other nations are taking in all of Gaza. The need to pretend is how I know how much bitch is in you. If you were proud you wouldn't need to pretend to be arguing on behalf of Gazans.
1. You post in generalities. You pretend that you have the moral high ground. You don't.
You did NOT outline your "perfect" solution for Gazans. You just whine about my solution.

2. My proposed solution of dispersing Gazans is a win for them. They are starving and their homes are destroyed. No one will be dumb enough to rebuild Gaza again.

3. I agree that my self-serving interest is in not wasting any more US aid, but it also solves the Hamas War. Win-Win.
You're delusional.
The Trump cult, of course, can't accept the fact their dear leader is a criminal.
It’s not a fact.

The imbeciles in your cult cannot fathom that your baseless claim is just nonsense.

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