Attacks on US Embassies Seen as Boost for President’s Reelection


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Morale in President Obama’s reelection campaign is said to be soaring since Muslim mobs have attacked US embassies in the Middle East.

“Anything that gets the dismal economic news off the front page has got to be a plus for the president,” said a campaign official who declined to be identified. “Add to this the premise that we all should be rallying around the president in a show of unity and it’s clearly a big boost for his reelection campaign.”

Obama wasted no time in an effort to exploit this perceived “lucky break” as he lambasted rival Mitt Romney’s “shoot first, aim later” response to the crisis. “Voters don’t want a president who hastily condemns actions before hearing both sides of the story,” the president asserted. “They want to be reassured that their government will take a measured approach.”

Major media spokesmen favorably contrasted the Obama Administration’s “measured” approach with Romney’s “irresponsible” and “ham-fisted” remarks. “Romney was quick to point the finger of blame at protesters, but took his sweet time before he criticized the blasphemous video for its role in the events,” said NBC’s Chuck Todd. “Compare this to President Obama’s immediate recognition of the root cause of the outbreak: disrespect for Islam. I think that when voters consider which of two candidates is more likely to take the steps needed to address the root cause of Muslim violence we’ll see a major swing in favor of reelecting the president.”

if you missed any of this week's other semi-news posts you can find them at...

Attacks on US Embassies Seen as Boost for President’s Reelection « The Arizona Conservative
More "whistling past the graveyard" by self delusional liberals.

These attacks hurt Obama because they perfectly illustrate his failed foreign policy. They take his one area of perceived strength, and rip it to shreds, burn, and destroy it.

He now has ZERO credibility on Domestic, Economic, AND Foreign policy. He's a disaster here, and around the world.....
More "whistling past the graveyard" by self delusional liberals.

These attacks hurt Obama because they perfectly illustrate his failed foreign policy. They take his one area of perceived strength, and rip it to shreds, burn, and destroy it.

He now has ZERO credibility on Domestic, Economic, AND Foreign policy. He's a disaster here, and around the world.....

I know. That article is supposed to be sarcastic, I think. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Obama campaign staffers believed it was a net plus.
Were this turned around, and Romney was the incumbent President Liberals would be praising the Islamic thugs calling for immediate action from the administration... But the reality is that Romney isn't the incumbent, and the sitting Administration of Obama goes on record blaming this on a Movie, while Liberals are silent... Simple question... If this Movie infuriated Muslims so badly, why do we not see them condemning it on a Global scale? It's because it isn't about a damn Movie.
Presidents get supported when we're attacked. It's what we do. Happened to Reagan, happened to Bush. It even happened to Carter a bit.
Presidents get supported when we're attacked. It's what we do. Happened to Reagan, happened to Bush. It even happened to Carter a bit.

They get supported if they aren't to blame and if they take action. Obama is to blame and his "action" consists of appeasing the vermin who attacked us and blaming it on the First Amendment.
Presidents get supported when we're attacked. It's what we do. Happened to Reagan, happened to Bush. It even happened to Carter a bit.

I'll ask it again: If this Movie infuriated Muslims so badly, why do we not see them condemning it on a Global scale?

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