Attempted Ballot Rigging In Texas....

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
For those wondering how TEXAS was suddenly in the conversation for the Rat party, now we know. Anecdotal evidence from Lone Star voters shows their votes were mysteriously changed from Trump to Clinturd. Funny how it's never Rat votes changing to GOP votes isn't it? None of the Soros' rigged "smartmatic" machines are thought to be involved but voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia, California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin need to double-check before turning over your vote on a Soros machine.

Social media forums are also ablaze with concerns about votes being switched.
“Multiple reports on my Facebook, Periscope, Snapchat, and Twitter from my friends in Texas, and all of them had their vote switched to Clinton automatically,” one post on The Donald Reddit is headlined.
The reports are alarming, especially given the fact that the media, Hillary Clinton’s campaign and even President Obama himself have all attempted to dismiss Donald Trump’s concerns about vote rigging as a baseless conspiracy theory.

Report: Votes Switched From Trump to Hillary in Texas

And then there's this:

Some dumb Texan fat-fingered her touchscreen and now its proof of a nationwide plot by extraterrestrial Jews to rig the election! :lol:
how many threads about a poorly calibrated touchscreen do we need?

:lol: A better question is why are "poorly calibrated machines" in use?
good question. is texas trying to fuck with voters?

machines can go out of spec for a lot of reasons. when one is found to be miscalibrated it needs to be fixed, but mechanical failure isn't a conspiracy
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Some dumb Texan fat-fingered her touchscreen and now its proof of a nationwide plot by extraterrestrial Jews to rig the election! :lol:

Calling the diaper-wearing, colostomy-bagged, epileptic, racist criminal an "extraterrestrial Jew" seems fitting somehow. :badgrin:
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machines can gonout of spec for a lot of reasons. when one is found to be miscalibrated it needs to be fixed, but mechanical failure isn't a conspiracy

Unless there is a conspiracy to put an "out of spec" machine out to trick voters. They've had two years to prepare these machines haven't they?
machines can gonout of spec for a lot of reasons. when one is found to be miscalibrated it needs to be fixed, but mechanical failure isn't a conspiracy

Unless there is a conspiracy to put an "out of spec" machine out to trick voters. They've had two years to prepare these machines haven't they?
How many polling stations are there in the US?

You aren't stupid enough to expect perfection, are you? Especially when there are tens of millions of fat rubes poking at the screens?
how many threads about a poorly calibrated touchscreen do we need?
How many liberal lies pretending the vote changes are due to a poorly calibrated touch screen do we need?
come on. we've been doing this dance since at least 2004.

touch screen voting machines have been 'caught' switching votes since they've been in use. it's never been anything but poor calibration.

seriously, if you were going to switch a vote electronically why would you show the voter the switch?
Anecdotal evidence from Lone Star voters......

Nuff said

Texas has a Republican Governor and a Republican Legislature. Republicans run the voting in Texas. If there is all this "anecdotal evidence" wouldn't the Republican voting officials be checking the machines and raising high hell if they are not recording accurately?
machines can gonout of spec for a lot of reasons. when one is found to be miscalibrated it needs to be fixed, but mechanical failure isn't a conspiracy

Unless there is a conspiracy to put an "out of spec" machine out to trick voters. They've had two years to prepare these machines haven't they?
dude rolling the machines off the truck and into position can screw them up.

there is no conspiracy
Most election anomalies are caused not by fraud, but by incompetence. Errors are caused by octogenarian volunteer workers at voting precincts who have had little or no or very poor training. Or things like voting machines which count every page of a ballot as one vote cast, causing a two page ballot to be counted as two votes cast, thus making it look like more voters voted than live in the precinct.

GIGO. Garbage in, garbage out.

How many computers crash on people's desks every day? And we expect those same computers to work flawlessly all around the country for an election?

The fraud which does occur is mostly committed by retards casting an extra absentee ballot, as if that will swing the election!

It takes a concerted effort by a large number of people to pull off a fraud which affects the outcome of an election. And the chances of being caught goes up geometrically with the number of co-conspirators.

The President can't even keep an Oval Office blowjob a secret. There is no way the army of operatives it would take to swing a national election would go undetected.

And if detected, it wouldn't be because of Voter ID.
How many polling stations are there in the US?

You aren't stupid enough to expect perfection, are you? Especially when there are tens of millions of fat rubes poking at the screens?

On a stupid scale I'm nowhere near your league, freak. And yeah, I do EXPECT PERFECTION....why wouldn't I?
This happened many times in the last two elections as well. The fact that the error is ALWAYS in favor of the Democrat tells us the elections are rigged.
how many threads about a poorly calibrated touchscreen do we need?

Amazing how those 'poorly calibrated' and / or 'malfunctioning' voter machines only seem to be switching votes from Trump to Hillary and NONE the other way around.

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