Attention: Truthmatters....


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
Guess you've been on vacation or something for a few days, Truthy, so you probably missed this story about Arkansas Dims caught in election fraud. You know, the stuff you continually claim only Republicans do.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A Democratic state legislator from east Arkansas, his father and two campaign workers pleaded guilty Wednesday to conspiracy to commit election fraud after federal prosecutors said the lawmaker's campaign bribed absentee voters and destroyed ballots in a special election last year.

Here...have someone help you with the big words....Ark. lawmaker pleads guilty to election charge - Little Rock, AR
the real problem is the gop just sits idly buy and lets em get away with it
and the dems will say it's just an isolated incident.

well an isolated incident got obamacare passed.
That's why voter id became so important.
voter fraud has proven to have huge implications.
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glad they got caught.

Now do you realise that is NOT voter fraud you fool and that this type of stuff is just what all studies on the issue have found.

Tiny fractions of people cheating from the inside and NOT voters trying to vote twice like the right claims.

ID laws would not stop this kind of election cheating.
glad they got caught.

Now do you realise that is NOT voter fraud you fool and that this type of stuff is just what all studies on the issue have found.

Tiny fractions of people cheating from the inside and NOT voters trying to vote twice like the right claims.

ID laws would not stop this kind of election cheating.

try this one then, dipshit...

A Maryland Democrat has dropped out of a congressional race after the state party said she cast ballots there and in Florida in the 2006 and 2008 elections.

In a letter to the state's attorney general and the state prosecutor, the chair of the Maryland Democratic Party wrote that Rosen voted in the 2006 general election in both Florida and Maryland. Yvette Lewis also wrote that Rosen voted in the 2008 presidential primaries in both states.
glad they got caught.

Now do you realise that is NOT voter fraud you fool and that this type of stuff is just what all studies on the issue have found.

Tiny fractions of people cheating from the inside and NOT voters trying to vote twice like the right claims.

ID laws would not stop this kind of election cheating.

I'll let the class decide who's the fool, me or you.

For starters, where in my post did I write anything about voter fraud? I'll make it easy for you; I wrote no such thing. " probably missed this story about Arkansas Dims caught in election fraud.

That's election fraud whereby they attempted to steal an election, something you have claimed in numerous posts in countless USMB threads is what Republicans do in election after election.

So, nitwit, work a bit on your comprehension skills and perhaps you'll avoid coming off as such a fucking idiot in here once in a while. And along those lines, finally figuring out the difference between your and you're will also help curtail your repeated displays of utter idiocy.
glad they got caught.

Now do you realise that is NOT voter fraud you fool and that this type of stuff is just what all studies on the issue have found.

Tiny fractions of people cheating from the inside and NOT voters trying to vote twice like the right claims.

ID laws would not stop this kind of election cheating.

Wrong again.

Wendy Rosen, the Democratic challenger to Republican Rep. Andy Harris in the 1st Congressional District, withdrew from the race Monday amid allegations that she voted in elections in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008.

Republicans, meanwhile, said the allegations prove that voter fraud is real and called on Democrats to join the GOP in calling for reforms.

Wendy Rosen drops challenge to Andy Harris after allegations she voted in two states -
Well just color me shocked!!! I'm shocked I tell ya.

I was assured by Truthsplatters that its only the Reps who steal elections.

In fact they have been doing it for years according to OL'Splatters.

Guess her Dems ain't so lily white after all.
Well just color me shocked!!! I'm shocked I tell ya.

I was assured by Truthsplatters that its only the Reps who steal elections.

In fact they have been doing it for years according to OL'Splatters.

Guess her Dems ain't so lily white after all.

Ya gotta cut old 'splatters some slack. How would you like to be that stupid and have to compete in here with the smart folks?
Guess you've been on vacation or something for a few days, Truthy, so you probably missed this story about Arkansas Dims caught in election fraud. You know, the stuff you continually claim only Republicans do.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A Democratic state legislator from east Arkansas, his father and two campaign workers pleaded guilty Wednesday to conspiracy to commit election fraud after federal prosecutors said the lawmaker's campaign bribed absentee voters and destroyed ballots in a special election last year.

Here...have someone help you with the big words....Ark. lawmaker pleads guilty to election charge - Little Rock, AR

This is big news in Arkansas. The article explains why:

Hallum's guilty plea comes as Democrats in Arkansas are struggling to keep the Legislature from falling to Republicans for the first time since Reconstruction.

Unfortunately, voter fraud is all too common, but is difficult to prove. It's easy to vote more than once since an ID is not required, but if you get caught it's a felony so you can't actually do it to prove a point for fear of getting caught. Don't listen to anyone who says voter fraud is not a problem. It is.

The Jimmy Carter/James Baker voter ID study of 2005 had many things right:

A Clearer Picture on Voter ID

They recommended requiring voter photo ID to be phased in over a 5 year period. Has it happened? Nope. Why? I'd say it's pretty obvious that certain political factions would prefer that voter fraud continue unabated because they benefit from it.

Requiring some type of identification works in Canada. It can work here.
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do you only recognise cheating when its done by democrats?

I recognize cheating when it's done by anyone in any election. I am not naive enough to believe only some people of one political party would cheat. That's your turf according to countless numbers of your posts in here.
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There is no hope for Splatters.

She's a partisan, biased hack and always will be.

If Barry loses in Nov she may very well drop off, up and out. LOL

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