ATTN: Republicans - blueprint for success in November


May 7, 2004
Two key points-

1) Blame obama for the oil spill. Since the liberals blamed Bush for the woefully inadequate response to Katrina, obviously this must be Obama's fault.

2) Rally around the oil companies. They will be victimized in the next several months by greedy trial lawyers and fisherman, they need you support. Make sure to let your constituents know how awesome oil is and how much you love it.
All they have to so is STFU and let Pelosi, Reid and Obubblehead keep running their mouths.

An even money bet, at best.
Two key points-

1) Blame obama for the oil spill. Since the liberals blamed Bush for the woefully inadequate response to Katrina, obviously this must be Obama's fault.

2) Rally around the oil companies. They will be victimized in the next several months by greedy trial lawyers and fisherman, they need you support. Make sure to let your constituents know how awesome oil is and how much you love it.

Healthscare already sunk the rat ship....

Nothing can save Harry now.... Going the way of the Dashole....
Republican Blueprint

1. Tell people you will cut taxes
2. Tell people the Democrats are going to take their guns
3. Tell people you will end abortion
4. Tell people you will stop gay marriage
5. Did I do the taxes one already? Well tell them again
6. Tell people about Death Panels
7. Tell them that Democrats are soft on Terrorism
8. Tell them you will pass an anti-flag burning amendment
9. Mention 9-11 often
10. Taxes? Did I mention taxes?

You don't have to actually do anything.....just tell them
Actually, just reading the democrats "accomplishments" and priorities will suffice.
Actually, just reading the democrats "accomplishments" and priorities will suffice.

Which are leading to a recovering economy. Would you give the car keys back to the person who ran it into a ditch?

Myopic view. What happens when all that deficit spending comes due and Obama can't pay?

What happens when China doesn't buy any more bonds?

A recovering economy is one where the national debt isn't skyrocketing, and the cost of energy isn't "skyrocketing".

Look at the unemployment rate. Look at the deficit. I understand that re-inventing the US economy will take time, but Obama is spending way too much on entitlements that will hurt employment.

I like his going after Swiss bank accounts and off-shore tax shelters. I hope they hammer Wall Street for moving too many jobs overseas, and scamming investors. I like the new MPG standards. There are a few things I like, but I don't see any "big ideas" that will help create jobs. Cutting taxes is not the answer, Bush tried that, they used the money to move more jobs overseas.
Republican Blueprint

1. Tell people you will cut taxes
2. Tell people the Democrats are going to take their guns
3. Tell people you will end abortion
4. Tell people you will stop gay marriage
5. Did I do the taxes one already? Well tell them again
6. Tell people about Death Panels
7. Tell them that Democrats are soft on Terrorism
8. Tell them you will pass an anti-flag burning amendment
9. Mention 9-11 often
10. Taxes? Did I mention taxes?

You don't have to actually do anything.....just tell them

Most of these are really popoular accept 8.
Two key points-

1) Blame obama for the oil spill. Since the liberals blamed Bush for the woefully inadequate response to Katrina, obviously this must be Obama's fault.

2) Rally around the oil companies. They will be victimized in the next several months by greedy trial lawyers and fisherman, they need you support. Make sure to let your constituents know how awesome oil is and how much you love it.
Since I haven't had my second cup of coffee, the logic in 1) seems to escape me. 2) should really go over big in the gulf coasts states as they see their shrimp and oyster business go down the tubes and they have to deal with oil sludge for years.
Two key points-

1) Blame obama for the oil spill. Since the liberals blamed Bush for the woefully inadequate response to Katrina, obviously this must be Obama's fault.

2) Rally around the oil companies. They will be victimized in the next several months by greedy trial lawyers and fisherman, they need you support. Make sure to let your constituents know how awesome oil is and how much you love it.
Since I haven't had my second cup of coffee, the logic in 1) seems to escape me. 2) should really go over big in the gulf coasts states as they see their shrimp and oyster business go down the tubes and they have to deal with oil sludge for years.

In case you don't know him all that well, SpidermanTuba is a liberal who is hoping for the failure of the Republican Party. He's lending a hand to the failed party as a gesture of compassion, I'm sure. :D

My personal opinion is that they would be better off if they simply ran on the:

We screwed up last time around, are humbly sorry and beg your forgiveness platform. Truly they can't do any more harm to their current image.

Then they should begin repairing their image immediately. This election they will have to hope and pray for the best outcome they can get, but for the next election, they had better be thinking nothing more than... America and Americans first.

Actually, just reading the democrats "accomplishments" and priorities will suffice.

Which are leading to a recovering economy. Would you give the car keys back to the person who ran it into a ditch?

Myopic view. What happens when all that deficit spending comes due and Obama can't pay?

What happens when China doesn't buy any more bonds?

A recovering economy is one where the national debt isn't skyrocketing, and the cost of energy isn't "skyrocketing".

Look at the unemployment rate. Look at the deficit. I understand that re-inventing the US economy will take time, but Obama is spending way too much on entitlements that will hurt employment.

I like his going after Swiss bank accounts and off-shore tax shelters. I hope they hammer Wall Street for moving too many jobs overseas, and scamming investors. I like the new MPG standards. There are a few things I like, but I don't see any "big ideas" that will help create jobs. Cutting taxes is not the answer, Bush tried that, they used the money to move more jobs overseas.

The Bush/Republican tax cuts at 2.5 trillion would have paid for the war at 3 trillion. Right there is a 5.5 trillion dollar spread. Go through every item one by one, and the outcome is similar.
Republican Blueprint

1. Tell people you will cut taxes

Why not? But, you can't cut Taxes with 2 wars going on.. That's illogical.

2. Tell people the Democrats are going to take their guns

Directly? No, they can't. Finding Loop-holes? That's how they get you, Not to mention Gun Restrictions.

"Shall Not Be Infringed"

3. Tell people you will end abortion

End it? Impossible, lower the amount of Abortions? Yeah, that seems more logical, by the way, why wouldn't you want to lower the amount of Abortions? Hell, even if the parents don't want it give it up to an Orphanage, I bet couples who are Sterile would love the chance to have a kid.

But, hey that's off topic, my bad.

4. Tell people you will stop gay marriage

Actually, I'm for Individual Freedom, if it ain't hurting no one nor causing Violence, I could care less..

5. Did I do the taxes one already? Well tell them again
Read #1.

6. Tell people about Death Panels

Silly. Never even bothered to read about them, most likely to be Scare Tactics.

7. Tell them that Democrats are soft on Terrorism

In some cases yes..

8. Tell them you will pass an anti-flag burning amendment

Wouldn't and Can't, you reciting LWM Bullshit?

First off, It's against the 1st Amendment.

9. Mention 9-11 often

Umm.. What about 9/11?

Are you guys gonna mention Bush often in the next Election?

10. Taxes? Did I mention taxes?

Republican Blueprint

1. Tell people you will cut taxes

Why not? But, you can't cut Taxes with 2 wars going on.. That's illogical.

2. Tell people the Democrats are going to take their guns

Directly? No, they can't. Finding Loop-holes? That's how they get you, Not to mention Gun Restrictions.

"Shall Not Be Infringed"

End it? Impossible, lower the amount of Abortions? Yeah, that seems more logical, by the way, why wouldn't you want to lower the amount of Abortions? Hell, even if the parents don't want it give it up to an Orphanage, I bet couples who are Sterile would love the chance to have a kid.

But, hey that's off topic, my bad.

Actually, I'm for Individual Freedom, if it ain't hurting no one nor causing Violence, I could care less..

Read #1.

Silly. Never even bothered to read about them, most likely to be Scare Tactics.

In some cases yes..

Wouldn't and Can't, you reciting LWM Bullshit?

First off, It's against the 1st Amendment.

9. Mention 9-11 often

Umm.. What about 9/11?

Are you guys gonna mention Bush often in the next Election?

10. Taxes? Did I mention taxes?


Again, it think the point is that this is the "winning" combination for the Republican Party. Those things have not worked for the Republican Party largely because they are seen as being hypocritical on those issues and more.

It is not that there is necessarily anything wrong with the ideas presented i.e. reducing abortion or even cutting taxes, but rather that the issue is a failure for the Republican Party because they have not shown that those are issues they particularly care about.

Republican Blueprint

1. Tell people you will cut taxes

Why not? But, you can't cut Taxes with 2 wars going on.. That's illogical.

Directly? No, they can't. Finding Loop-holes? That's how they get you, Not to mention Gun Restrictions.

"Shall Not Be Infringed"

End it? Impossible, lower the amount of Abortions? Yeah, that seems more logical, by the way, why wouldn't you want to lower the amount of Abortions? Hell, even if the parents don't want it give it up to an Orphanage, I bet couples who are Sterile would love the chance to have a kid.

But, hey that's off topic, my bad.

Actually, I'm for Individual Freedom, if it ain't hurting no one nor causing Violence, I could care less..

Read #1.

Silly. Never even bothered to read about them, most likely to be Scare Tactics.

In some cases yes..

Wouldn't and Can't, you reciting LWM Bullshit?

First off, It's against the 1st Amendment.

Umm.. What about 9/11?

Are you guys gonna mention Bush often in the next Election?

10. Taxes? Did I mention taxes?


Again, it think the point is that this is the "winning" combination for the Republican Party. Those things have not worked for the Republican Party largely because they are seen as being hypocritical on those issues and more.

It is not that there is necessarily anything wrong with the ideas presented i.e. reducing abortion or even cutting taxes, but rather that the issue is a failure for the Republican Party because they have not shown that those are issues they particularly care about.


It's true... One of the reasons I can't stand the Republican party lately..
Why not? But, you can't cut Taxes with 2 wars going on.. That's illogical.

Directly? No, they can't. Finding Loop-holes? That's how they get you, Not to mention Gun Restrictions.

"Shall Not Be Infringed"

End it? Impossible, lower the amount of Abortions? Yeah, that seems more logical, by the way, why wouldn't you want to lower the amount of Abortions? Hell, even if the parents don't want it give it up to an Orphanage, I bet couples who are Sterile would love the chance to have a kid.

But, hey that's off topic, my bad.

Actually, I'm for Individual Freedom, if it ain't hurting no one nor causing Violence, I could care less..

Read #1.

Silly. Never even bothered to read about them, most likely to be Scare Tactics.

In some cases yes..

Wouldn't and Can't, you reciting LWM Bullshit?

First off, It's against the 1st Amendment.

Umm.. What about 9/11?

Are you guys gonna mention Bush often in the next Election?


Again, it think the point is that this is the "winning" combination for the Republican Party. Those things have not worked for the Republican Party largely because they are seen as being hypocritical on those issues and more.

It is not that there is necessarily anything wrong with the ideas presented i.e. reducing abortion or even cutting taxes, but rather that the issue is a failure for the Republican Party because they have not shown that those are issues they particularly care about.


It's true... One of the reasons I can't stand the Republican party lately..

Ditto, and RW (and SpidermanTuba) are simply saying... "go for it guys! Look where it has gotten you, don't change a thing. We're behind you 100%."

Two key points-

1) Blame obama for the oil spill. Since the liberals blamed Bush for the woefully inadequate response to Katrina, obviously this must be Obama's fault.

2) Rally around the oil companies. They will be victimized in the next several months by greedy trial lawyers and fisherman, they need you support. Make sure to let your constituents know how awesome oil is and how much you love it.

The Republicans don't need to do any of those Democrats have already hung yourselves. All the Rep's have to do is watch you continuously shoot yourselves in the foot and then say "see? We told you so..."
Which are leading to a recovering economy. Would you give the car keys back to the person who ran it into a ditch?

Myopic view. What happens when all that deficit spending comes due and Obama can't pay?

What happens when China doesn't buy any more bonds?

A recovering economy is one where the national debt isn't skyrocketing, and the cost of energy isn't "skyrocketing".

Look at the unemployment rate. Look at the deficit. I understand that re-inventing the US economy will take time, but Obama is spending way too much on entitlements that will hurt employment.

I like his going after Swiss bank accounts and off-shore tax shelters. I hope they hammer Wall Street for moving too many jobs overseas, and scamming investors. I like the new MPG standards. There are a few things I like, but I don't see any "big ideas" that will help create jobs. Cutting taxes is not the answer, Bush tried that, they used the money to move more jobs overseas.

The Bush/Republican tax cuts at 2.5 trillion would have paid for the war at 3 trillion. Right there is a 5.5 trillion dollar spread. Go through every item one by one, and the outcome is similar.
First quarter GDP is up 3.2%. Consumer spending is up 3.6%, the largest increase since 2007. First time job unemployment claims have been failing since October. These are sure signs that the economy has turned the corner.

Who does a better job of controlling national debt? Every democratic administration since John F. Kennedy has reduced the Debt to GDP ratio while every Republican administration with the exception of Nixon has increased it. Seems hard to believe but it’s true.

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Economy Watch - First-quarter GDP rises at a 3.2 percent rate driven by consumer spending

First-time jobless claims fall more than expected -

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