Attorney: DoJ blocked FBI undercover testimony on Russia bribery-extortion probe


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Comey / FBI Exposed Covering Up On-Going Tussian Bribery Scandal

Attorney: DoJ blocked FBI undercover testimony on Russia bribery-extortion probe - Hot Air

How did the Department of Justice keep the FBI probe into Russian bribery and extortion a secret from Congress since it began in 2009? The attorney for an undercover confidential witness claims that the DoJ threatened her client with prosecution if he blew the whistle.

The undercover client witnessed “a lot of bribery going on around the U.S.,” but was asked by the FBI to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that prevents him from revealing what he knows to Congress, Toensing explained.

When he tried to bring some of the allegations to light in the lawsuit last year, “the Obama Justice Department threatened him with loss of freedom. They said they would bring a criminal case against him for violating an NDA,” she added.

The real Russian collusion has been exposed, the Traitors have been revealed...

Comey, Obama, the Clintons...

The Obama Administration keeps being revealed daily as the most corrupt Administration in US history...
They threatened to jail the CI if he spilled the beans about Obama/ Russia collusion.

Fucking hilarious.

Oh, that transparent Obama administration...:badgrin:
Comey / FBI Exposed Covering Up On-Going Tussian Bribery Scandal

Attorney: DoJ blocked FBI undercover testimony on Russia bribery-extortion probe - Hot Air

How did the Department of Justice keep the FBI probe into Russian bribery and extortion a secret from Congress since it began in 2009? The attorney for an undercover confidential witness claims that the DoJ threatened her client with prosecution if he blew the whistle.

The undercover client witnessed “a lot of bribery going on around the U.S.,” but was asked by the FBI to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that prevents him from revealing what he knows to Congress, Toensing explained.

When he tried to bring some of the allegations to light in the lawsuit last year, “the Obama Justice Department threatened him with loss of freedom. They said they would bring a criminal case against him for violating an NDA,” she added.

The real Russian collusion has been exposed, the Traitors have been revealed...

Comey, Obama, the Clintons...

The Obama Administration keeps being revealed daily as the most corrupt Administration in US history...
LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP!!!! and take the slimy, needle dick, husband with her...

Their whole traitorous house of colussion, scandal, and lies are being burnt to the ground for the entire world to see.

No amount of snowflake lying, denying, distracting, or justifying can protect them now, especially considering the mountain of evidence being presented.
Comey / FBI Exposed Covering Up On-Going Tussian Bribery Scandal

Attorney: DoJ blocked FBI undercover testimony on Russia bribery-extortion probe - Hot Air

How did the Department of Justice keep the FBI probe into Russian bribery and extortion a secret from Congress since it began in 2009? The attorney for an undercover confidential witness claims that the DoJ threatened her client with prosecution if he blew the whistle.

The undercover client witnessed “a lot of bribery going on around the U.S.,” but was asked by the FBI to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that prevents him from revealing what he knows to Congress, Toensing explained.

When he tried to bring some of the allegations to light in the lawsuit last year, “the Obama Justice Department threatened him with loss of freedom. They said they would bring a criminal case against him for violating an NDA,” she added.

The real Russian collusion has been exposed, the Traitors have been revealed...

Comey, Obama, the Clintons...

The Obama Administration keeps being revealed daily as the most corrupt Administration in US history...

FINALLY, someone is bringing out that the more they look into the Trump-Russia Collusion Story, the less they find about Trump and the more they uncover about the Democrats themselves making the charges!!!

Has there ever been a time the Left weren't FILTHY LIARS?
This is the same FBI run by Hillary's co-Russian Bribery Scandal conspirator who drafted Hillary's exoneration before witnesses had even been questioned / the case against her had fully been investigated!
Hussein's DOJ bent over backwards to keep from investigating the IRS alleged punishing political enemies, the insane Op.Fast/Furious that ended up with a U.S. government supplied weapon murdering a U.S. Border Patrol agent and Hillary's influence in the Russian uranium purchase with tons of Russian money flowing into the scam called "the Clinton Foundation". Meanwhile the criminal conspiracy known as the main stream media was promoting fake news about Trump and the Russians.

Another fake news piece from a fake news site. The Russian troll farm is going overtime on this story.
Oh look, another dumb twit that's so uninformed she looks like a 12 year old posting on mommy's account, despite being old. You really should try to look more intelligent if you want to be taken seriously.
Comey / FBI Exposed Covering Up On-Going Tussian Bribery Scandal

Attorney: DoJ blocked FBI undercover testimony on Russia bribery-extortion probe - Hot Air

How did the Department of Justice keep the FBI probe into Russian bribery and extortion a secret from Congress since it began in 2009? The attorney for an undercover confidential witness claims that the DoJ threatened her client with prosecution if he blew the whistle.

The undercover client witnessed “a lot of bribery going on around the U.S.,” but was asked by the FBI to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that prevents him from revealing what he knows to Congress, Toensing explained.

When he tried to bring some of the allegations to light in the lawsuit last year, “the Obama Justice Department threatened him with loss of freedom. They said they would bring a criminal case against him for violating an NDA,” she added.

The real Russian collusion has been exposed, the Traitors have been revealed...

Comey, Obama, the Clintons...

The Obama Administration keeps being revealed daily as the most corrupt Administration in US history...

FINALLY, someone is bringing out that the more they look into the Trump-Russia Collusion Story, the less they find about Trump and the more they uncover about the Democrats themselves making the charges!!!

Has there ever been a time the Left weren't FILTHY LIARS?
Has there ever been a time the Left weren't FILTHY LIARS?
I have googled "when the last time a Liberal told the truth"? The search engine burned up. Cant say I remember when either....

Oh wait, when Obama said "he was going to fundamentally transform America" that was the truth....

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