Audit the CAFR = Consolidated Annual Financial Report


Oct 30, 2017

Allong with the surpression of the CAFR issue since 1998 in search engines and by syndicated entities, covert attacks were implimented over the last 19-years to falsely "attack the messenger" when the reality of the CAFR issue was being agressively brought forward.

There were only three "attack the messenger" attemps I spotted over that 19-years and today I filed a complaint with Google Inc. in my attempt to correct the 3rd attempt that launched in 2011 within their search engine results.

The complaint can be viewed here -

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -

A subscrber to the CAFR1 National email list asked today: "When at a local government, open to the public meeting, what are good questions to ask and actions to be taken?"

CAFR1's reply was as follows. WJB

Good questions to ask and actons to take?

Here is one that will make them **** in their pants. If it be City; County; or School District, shoot for their cooperation on all three, and ask:

"Your most current and several of your past Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, the CAFR, if we the residents of this city arrange for an independent audit of our City, County, and School District CAFRs, will you arrange for the complete and full cooperation from the internal or external financial teams that compile the CAFR in providing all data we require to assist in the completion of our independent audit?"

Also qualify that question with the following statement: "Being as you know, the past and current CAFR, all data and details have already been compiled for their completion and is readily available. So, there should be no delay on the part of your financial team(s) in providing the data and information we will require and will be requesting to complete our independent audit." (four months to facilitate completion of the independent audit is a reasonable time period to set) I note: DO NOT use an audit team that has a conflict of interest with the local government being independently audited, or that is actively involved with other local governments. Also noted: The local government will make its best efforts to get attorneys who are in their pocket to infiltrate or in some fashion get control over your audit team and results of its findings. Block this from happening. (attornies, judges, prosecutors)

Then if you want you can add the following: "Being that an independent audit may be costly to the residents conducting the same, if fraud; misappropriation of funds; unethical transfer of funds outside of the interests of our residents is identified, will you arrange for payment of the cost of our independent audit, and regarding funds identified and then recovered, if any, that were clearly determined to have been fraudulently acquired or transferred to or by any party, distribution of those funds back to the residents of our local government(s) ? "

That last one will get them shaking as if a wolf surrounded by five lions.

Keep in mind that for decades local governments have masterfully steered residents off into playing with themselves in non-consequential areas that do not effect the local government's intent of self interest wealth creation at the populations expense. They have their tactics for doing so well rehearsed. It will be a chess game of significant importance. So with that in mind, make sure your thinking and course of action is to arrange for a "checkmate" in your and all resident's behalf. Do not let one or two frauds identified distract you from the other 75 bigger ones that may exist.

I have seen the tactic used by local governments that if the public gets close to turning over the rocks to see what crawls out, the government players will throw before you the small sacrificial lamb as a distraction technique while the large herd of cattle is held slightly out of view in their holding pen. Look and ye shall find. Be distracted or diverted and ye will be in the dark.

Walter Burien - and

Allong with the surpression of the CAFR issue since 1998 in search engines and by syndicated entities, covert attacks were implimented over the last 19-years to falsely "attack the messenger" when the reality of the CAFR issue was being agressively brought forward.

There were only three "attack the messenger" attemps I spotted over that 19-years and today I filed a complaint with Google Inc. in my attempt to correct the 3rd attempt that launched in 2011 within their search engine results.

The complaint can be viewed here -

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -

A subscrber to the CAFR1 National email list asked today: "When at a local government, open to the public meeting, what are good questions to ask and actions to be taken?"

CAFR1's reply was as follows. WJB

Good questions to ask and actons to take?

Here is one that will make them **** in their pants. If it be City; County; or School District, shoot for their cooperation on all three, and ask:

"Your most current and several of your past Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, the CAFR, if we the residents of this city arrange for an independent audit of our City, County, and School District CAFRs, will you arrange for the complete and full cooperation from the internal or external financial teams that compile the CAFR in providing all data we require to assist in the completion of our independent audit?"

Also qualify that question with the following statement: "Being as you know, the past and current CAFR, all data and details have already been compiled for their completion and is readily available. So, there should be no delay on the part of your financial team(s) in providing the data and information we will require and will be requesting to complete our independent audit." (four months to facilitate completion of the independent audit is a reasonable time period to set) I note: DO NOT use an audit team that has a conflict of interest with the local government being independently audited, or that is actively involved with other local governments. Also noted: The local government will make its best efforts to get attorneys who are in their pocket to infiltrate or in some fashion get control over your audit team and results of its findings. Block this from happening. (attornies, judges, prosecutors)

Then if you want you can add the following: "Being that an independent audit may be costly to the residents conducting the same, if fraud; misappropriation of funds; unethical transfer of funds outside of the interests of our residents is identified, will you arrange for payment of the cost of our independent audit, and regarding funds identified and then recovered, if any, that were clearly determined to have been fraudulently acquired or transferred to or by any party, distribution of those funds back to the residents of our local government(s) ? "

That last one will get them shaking as if a wolf surrounded by five lions.

Keep in mind that for decades local governments have masterfully steered residents off into playing with themselves in non-consequential areas that do not effect the local government's intent of self interest wealth creation at the populations expense. They have their tactics for doing so well rehearsed. It will be a chess game of significant importance. So with that in mind, make sure your thinking and course of action is to arrange for a "checkmate" in your and all resident's behalf. Do not let one or two frauds identified distract you from the other 75 bigger ones that may exist.

I have seen the tactic used by local governments that if the public gets close to turning over the rocks to see what crawls out, the government players will throw before you the small sacrificial lamb as a distraction technique while the large herd of cattle is held slightly out of view in their holding pen. Look and ye shall find. Be distracted or diverted and ye will be in the dark.

Walter Burien - and

So lemme get this straight. ALL of the muni/county/state CAFRs are a complete mystery according to you -- right?

How is it that the BOND AGENCIES who RATE and offer the debt instruments that all these govts use don't KNOW THIS? How come all the institutional investors in Muni/County/State BONDS aren't "crapping their pants" about HOLDING $$Trill in these cities/counties/states?

There's too many brilliant people getting fooled and screwed for this be a real issue. EVERYONE knows which entities are dead broke. And which ones can afford to run their jurisdictions.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #3

Allong with the surpression of the CAFR issue since 1998 in search engines and by syndicated entities, covert attacks were implimented over the last 19-years to falsely "attack the messenger" when the reality of the CAFR issue was being agressively brought forward.

There were only three "attack the messenger" attemps I spotted over that 19-years and today I filed a complaint with Google Inc. in my attempt to correct the 3rd attempt that launched in 2011 within their search engine results.

The complaint can be viewed here -

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -

A subscrber to the CAFR1 National email list asked today: "When at a local government, open to the public meeting, what are good questions to ask and actions to be taken?"

CAFR1's reply was as follows. WJB

Good questions to ask and actons to take?

Here is one that will make them **** in their pants. If it be City; County; or School District, shoot for their cooperation on all three, and ask:

"Your most current and several of your past Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, the CAFR, if we the residents of this city arrange for an independent audit of our City, County, and School District CAFRs, will you arrange for the complete and full cooperation from the internal or external financial teams that compile the CAFR in providing all data we require to assist in the completion of our independent audit?"

Also qualify that question with the following statement: "Being as you know, the past and current CAFR, all data and details have already been compiled for their completion and is readily available. So, there should be no delay on the part of your financial team(s) in providing the data and information we will require and will be requesting to complete our independent audit." (four months to facilitate completion of the independent audit is a reasonable time period to set) I note: DO NOT use an audit team that has a conflict of interest with the local government being independently audited, or that is actively involved with other local governments. Also noted: The local government will make its best efforts to get attorneys who are in their pocket to infiltrate or in some fashion get control over your audit team and results of its findings. Block this from happening. (attornies, judges, prosecutors)

Then if you want you can add the following: "Being that an independent audit may be costly to the residents conducting the same, if fraud; misappropriation of funds; unethical transfer of funds outside of the interests of our residents is identified, will you arrange for payment of the cost of our independent audit, and regarding funds identified and then recovered, if any, that were clearly determined to have been fraudulently acquired or transferred to or by any party, distribution of those funds back to the residents of our local government(s) ? "

That last one will get them shaking as if a wolf surrounded by five lions.

Keep in mind that for decades local governments have masterfully steered residents off into playing with themselves in non-consequential areas that do not effect the local government's intent of self interest wealth creation at the populations expense. They have their tactics for doing so well rehearsed. It will be a chess game of significant importance. So with that in mind, make sure your thinking and course of action is to arrange for a "checkmate" in your and all resident's behalf. Do not let one or two frauds identified distract you from the other 75 bigger ones that may exist.

I have seen the tactic used by local governments that if the public gets close to turning over the rocks to see what crawls out, the government players will throw before you the small sacrificial lamb as a distraction technique while the large herd of cattle is held slightly out of view in their holding pen. Look and ye shall find. Be distracted or diverted and ye will be in the dark.

Walter Burien - and

So lemme get this straight. ALL of the muni/county/state CAFRs are a complete mystery according to you -- right?

How is it that the BOND AGENCIES who RATE and offer the debt instruments that all these govts use don't KNOW THIS? How come all the institutional investors in Muni/County/State BONDS aren't "crapping their pants" about HOLDING $$Trill in these cities/counties/states?

There's too many brilliant people getting fooled and screwed for this be a real issue. EVERYONE knows which entities are dead broke. And which ones can afford to run their jurisdictions.


Wrong Answer !
Go to the site, Read it, watch the Video, learn about the 85+ years of Lies, Wreckage, Trickery n Deceit of the Bond processes associated with all these Fraud Ledgers.

It’s why these collective assholes in City, Gov’t and Slime(wall)Street, Treasurers, etc... don’t want this ever to get out...

You need to grasp the entire scope of the issue before you defend it.

Allong with the surpression of the CAFR issue since 1998 in search engines and by syndicated entities, covert attacks were implimented over the last 19-years to falsely "attack the messenger" when the reality of the CAFR issue was being agressively brought forward.

There were only three "attack the messenger" attemps I spotted over that 19-years and today I filed a complaint with Google Inc. in my attempt to correct the 3rd attempt that launched in 2011 within their search engine results.

The complaint can be viewed here -

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -

A subscrber to the CAFR1 National email list asked today: "When at a local government, open to the public meeting, what are good questions to ask and actions to be taken?"

CAFR1's reply was as follows. WJB

Good questions to ask and actons to take?

Here is one that will make them **** in their pants. If it be City; County; or School District, shoot for their cooperation on all three, and ask:

"Your most current and several of your past Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, the CAFR, if we the residents of this city arrange for an independent audit of our City, County, and School District CAFRs, will you arrange for the complete and full cooperation from the internal or external financial teams that compile the CAFR in providing all data we require to assist in the completion of our independent audit?"

Also qualify that question with the following statement: "Being as you know, the past and current CAFR, all data and details have already been compiled for their completion and is readily available. So, there should be no delay on the part of your financial team(s) in providing the data and information we will require and will be requesting to complete our independent audit." (four months to facilitate completion of the independent audit is a reasonable time period to set) I note: DO NOT use an audit team that has a conflict of interest with the local government being independently audited, or that is actively involved with other local governments. Also noted: The local government will make its best efforts to get attorneys who are in their pocket to infiltrate or in some fashion get control over your audit team and results of its findings. Block this from happening. (attornies, judges, prosecutors)

Then if you want you can add the following: "Being that an independent audit may be costly to the residents conducting the same, if fraud; misappropriation of funds; unethical transfer of funds outside of the interests of our residents is identified, will you arrange for payment of the cost of our independent audit, and regarding funds identified and then recovered, if any, that were clearly determined to have been fraudulently acquired or transferred to or by any party, distribution of those funds back to the residents of our local government(s) ? "

That last one will get them shaking as if a wolf surrounded by five lions.

Keep in mind that for decades local governments have masterfully steered residents off into playing with themselves in non-consequential areas that do not effect the local government's intent of self interest wealth creation at the populations expense. They have their tactics for doing so well rehearsed. It will be a chess game of significant importance. So with that in mind, make sure your thinking and course of action is to arrange for a "checkmate" in your and all resident's behalf. Do not let one or two frauds identified distract you from the other 75 bigger ones that may exist.

I have seen the tactic used by local governments that if the public gets close to turning over the rocks to see what crawls out, the government players will throw before you the small sacrificial lamb as a distraction technique while the large herd of cattle is held slightly out of view in their holding pen. Look and ye shall find. Be distracted or diverted and ye will be in the dark.

Walter Burien - and

So lemme get this straight. ALL of the muni/county/state CAFRs are a complete mystery according to you -- right?

How is it that the BOND AGENCIES who RATE and offer the debt instruments that all these govts use don't KNOW THIS? How come all the institutional investors in Muni/County/State BONDS aren't "crapping their pants" about HOLDING $$Trill in these cities/counties/states?

There's too many brilliant people getting fooled and screwed for this be a real issue. EVERYONE knows which entities are dead broke. And which ones can afford to run their jurisdictions.


Wrong Answer !
Go to the site, Read it, watch the Video, learn about the 85+ years of Lies, Wreckage, Trickery n Deceit of the Bond processes associated with all these Fraud Ledgers.

It’s why these collective assholes in City, Gov’t and Slime(wall)Street, Treasurers, etc... don’t want this ever to get out...

You need to grasp the entire scope of the issue before you defend it.

Actually, from the defensiveness of your response -- I asked EXACTLY the right question.. :banana:

Why don't you just summarize for me WHY all the 10s of Millions of investors, dozens of Bond raters, and $$Trills of dollars are all ignorant.

I'll give you that certain DESPERATE munis are screwing the books. But their "credit rating" is junk anyways. That's WHY their credit rating is junk. So give me the short version of how EVERY CAFR issued is demonic and deceptive. Don't want to spend days digging just to find out this is yet ANOTHER Illuminati/CFR/Whackadoodle theory..
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #5

Allong with the surpression of the CAFR issue since 1998 in search engines and by syndicated entities, covert attacks were implimented over the last 19-years to falsely "attack the messenger" when the reality of the CAFR issue was being agressively brought forward.

There were only three "attack the messenger" attemps I spotted over that 19-years and today I filed a complaint with Google Inc. in my attempt to correct the 3rd attempt that launched in 2011 within their search engine results.

The complaint can be viewed here -

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -

A subscrber to the CAFR1 National email list asked today: "When at a local government, open to the public meeting, what are good questions to ask and actions to be taken?"

CAFR1's reply was as follows. WJB

Good questions to ask and actons to take?

Here is one that will make them **** in their pants. If it be City; County; or School District, shoot for their cooperation on all three, and ask:

"Your most current and several of your past Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, the CAFR, if we the residents of this city arrange for an independent audit of our City, County, and School District CAFRs, will you arrange for the complete and full cooperation from the internal or external financial teams that compile the CAFR in providing all data we require to assist in the completion of our independent audit?"

Also qualify that question with the following statement: "Being as you know, the past and current CAFR, all data and details have already been compiled for their completion and is readily available. So, there should be no delay on the part of your financial team(s) in providing the data and information we will require and will be requesting to complete our independent audit." (four months to facilitate completion of the independent audit is a reasonable time period to set) I note: DO NOT use an audit team that has a conflict of interest with the local government being independently audited, or that is actively involved with other local governments. Also noted: The local government will make its best efforts to get attorneys who are in their pocket to infiltrate or in some fashion get control over your audit team and results of its findings. Block this from happening. (attornies, judges, prosecutors)

Then if you want you can add the following: "Being that an independent audit may be costly to the residents conducting the same, if fraud; misappropriation of funds; unethical transfer of funds outside of the interests of our residents is identified, will you arrange for payment of the cost of our independent audit, and regarding funds identified and then recovered, if any, that were clearly determined to have been fraudulently acquired or transferred to or by any party, distribution of those funds back to the residents of our local government(s) ? "

That last one will get them shaking as if a wolf surrounded by five lions.

Keep in mind that for decades local governments have masterfully steered residents off into playing with themselves in non-consequential areas that do not effect the local government's intent of self interest wealth creation at the populations expense. They have their tactics for doing so well rehearsed. It will be a chess game of significant importance. So with that in mind, make sure your thinking and course of action is to arrange for a "checkmate" in your and all resident's behalf. Do not let one or two frauds identified distract you from the other 75 bigger ones that may exist.

I have seen the tactic used by local governments that if the public gets close to turning over the rocks to see what crawls out, the government players will throw before you the small sacrificial lamb as a distraction technique while the large herd of cattle is held slightly out of view in their holding pen. Look and ye shall find. Be distracted or diverted and ye will be in the dark.

Walter Burien - and

So lemme get this straight. ALL of the muni/county/state CAFRs are a complete mystery according to you -- right?

How is it that the BOND AGENCIES who RATE and offer the debt instruments that all these govts use don't KNOW THIS? How come all the institutional investors in Muni/County/State BONDS aren't "crapping their pants" about HOLDING $$Trill in these cities/counties/states?

There's too many brilliant people getting fooled and screwed for this be a real issue. EVERYONE knows which entities are dead broke. And which ones can afford to run their jurisdictions.


Wrong Answer !
Go to the site, Read it, watch the Video, learn about the 85+ years of Lies, Wreckage, Trickery n Deceit of the Bond processes associated with all these Fraud Ledgers.

It’s why these collective assholes in City, Gov’t and Slime(wall)Street, Treasurers, etc... don’t want this ever to get out...

You need to grasp the entire scope of the issue before you defend it.

Actually, from the defensiveness of your response -- I asked EXACTLY the right question.. :banana:

Why don't you just summarize for me WHY all the 10s of Millions of investors, dozens of Bond raters, and $$Trills of dollars are all ignorant.

I'll give you that certain DESPERATE munis are screwing the books. But their "credit rating" is junk anyways. That's WHY their credit rating is junk. So give me the short version of how EVERY CAFR issued is demonic and deceptive. Don't want to spend days digging just to find out this is yet ANOTHER Illuminati/CFR/Whackadoodle theory..


Pass, Why don’t you do your own Research

Allong with the surpression of the CAFR issue since 1998 in search engines and by syndicated entities, covert attacks were implimented over the last 19-years to falsely "attack the messenger" when the reality of the CAFR issue was being agressively brought forward.

There were only three "attack the messenger" attemps I spotted over that 19-years and today I filed a complaint with Google Inc. in my attempt to correct the 3rd attempt that launched in 2011 within their search engine results.

The complaint can be viewed here -

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -

A subscrber to the CAFR1 National email list asked today: "When at a local government, open to the public meeting, what are good questions to ask and actions to be taken?"

CAFR1's reply was as follows. WJB

Good questions to ask and actons to take?

Here is one that will make them **** in their pants. If it be City; County; or School District, shoot for their cooperation on all three, and ask:

"Your most current and several of your past Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, the CAFR, if we the residents of this city arrange for an independent audit of our City, County, and School District CAFRs, will you arrange for the complete and full cooperation from the internal or external financial teams that compile the CAFR in providing all data we require to assist in the completion of our independent audit?"

Also qualify that question with the following statement: "Being as you know, the past and current CAFR, all data and details have already been compiled for their completion and is readily available. So, there should be no delay on the part of your financial team(s) in providing the data and information we will require and will be requesting to complete our independent audit." (four months to facilitate completion of the independent audit is a reasonable time period to set) I note: DO NOT use an audit team that has a conflict of interest with the local government being independently audited, or that is actively involved with other local governments. Also noted: The local government will make its best efforts to get attorneys who are in their pocket to infiltrate or in some fashion get control over your audit team and results of its findings. Block this from happening. (attornies, judges, prosecutors)

Then if you want you can add the following: "Being that an independent audit may be costly to the residents conducting the same, if fraud; misappropriation of funds; unethical transfer of funds outside of the interests of our residents is identified, will you arrange for payment of the cost of our independent audit, and regarding funds identified and then recovered, if any, that were clearly determined to have been fraudulently acquired or transferred to or by any party, distribution of those funds back to the residents of our local government(s) ? "

That last one will get them shaking as if a wolf surrounded by five lions.

Keep in mind that for decades local governments have masterfully steered residents off into playing with themselves in non-consequential areas that do not effect the local government's intent of self interest wealth creation at the populations expense. They have their tactics for doing so well rehearsed. It will be a chess game of significant importance. So with that in mind, make sure your thinking and course of action is to arrange for a "checkmate" in your and all resident's behalf. Do not let one or two frauds identified distract you from the other 75 bigger ones that may exist.

I have seen the tactic used by local governments that if the public gets close to turning over the rocks to see what crawls out, the government players will throw before you the small sacrificial lamb as a distraction technique while the large herd of cattle is held slightly out of view in their holding pen. Look and ye shall find. Be distracted or diverted and ye will be in the dark.

Walter Burien - and

So lemme get this straight. ALL of the muni/county/state CAFRs are a complete mystery according to you -- right?

How is it that the BOND AGENCIES who RATE and offer the debt instruments that all these govts use don't KNOW THIS? How come all the institutional investors in Muni/County/State BONDS aren't "crapping their pants" about HOLDING $$Trill in these cities/counties/states?

There's too many brilliant people getting fooled and screwed for this be a real issue. EVERYONE knows which entities are dead broke. And which ones can afford to run their jurisdictions.


Wrong Answer !
Go to the site, Read it, watch the Video, learn about the 85+ years of Lies, Wreckage, Trickery n Deceit of the Bond processes associated with all these Fraud Ledgers.

It’s why these collective assholes in City, Gov’t and Slime(wall)Street, Treasurers, etc... don’t want this ever to get out...

You need to grasp the entire scope of the issue before you defend it.

Actually, from the defensiveness of your response -- I asked EXACTLY the right question.. :banana:

Why don't you just summarize for me WHY all the 10s of Millions of investors, dozens of Bond raters, and $$Trills of dollars are all ignorant.

I'll give you that certain DESPERATE munis are screwing the books. But their "credit rating" is junk anyways. That's WHY their credit rating is junk. So give me the short version of how EVERY CAFR issued is demonic and deceptive. Don't want to spend days digging just to find out this is yet ANOTHER Illuminati/CFR/Whackadoodle theory..


Pass, Why don’t you do your own Research

Thought since this IS a discussion board, you'd be here and willing to support and discuss your topics. What's so hard about just telling me in your own words ---- why I need to sell off all my tax-free muni/county/state bonds??
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #7

Allong with the surpression of the CAFR issue since 1998 in search engines and by syndicated entities, covert attacks were implimented over the last 19-years to falsely "attack the messenger" when the reality of the CAFR issue was being agressively brought forward.

There were only three "attack the messenger" attemps I spotted over that 19-years and today I filed a complaint with Google Inc. in my attempt to correct the 3rd attempt that launched in 2011 within their search engine results.

The complaint can be viewed here -

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -

A subscrber to the CAFR1 National email list asked today: "When at a local government, open to the public meeting, what are good questions to ask and actions to be taken?"

CAFR1's reply was as follows. WJB

Good questions to ask and actons to take?

Here is one that will make them **** in their pants. If it be City; County; or School District, shoot for their cooperation on all three, and ask:

"Your most current and several of your past Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, the CAFR, if we the residents of this city arrange for an independent audit of our City, County, and School District CAFRs, will you arrange for the complete and full cooperation from the internal or external financial teams that compile the CAFR in providing all data we require to assist in the completion of our independent audit?"

Also qualify that question with the following statement: "Being as you know, the past and current CAFR, all data and details have already been compiled for their completion and is readily available. So, there should be no delay on the part of your financial team(s) in providing the data and information we will require and will be requesting to complete our independent audit." (four months to facilitate completion of the independent audit is a reasonable time period to set) I note: DO NOT use an audit team that has a conflict of interest with the local government being independently audited, or that is actively involved with other local governments. Also noted: The local government will make its best efforts to get attorneys who are in their pocket to infiltrate or in some fashion get control over your audit team and results of its findings. Block this from happening. (attornies, judges, prosecutors)

Then if you want you can add the following: "Being that an independent audit may be costly to the residents conducting the same, if fraud; misappropriation of funds; unethical transfer of funds outside of the interests of our residents is identified, will you arrange for payment of the cost of our independent audit, and regarding funds identified and then recovered, if any, that were clearly determined to have been fraudulently acquired or transferred to or by any party, distribution of those funds back to the residents of our local government(s) ? "

That last one will get them shaking as if a wolf surrounded by five lions.

Keep in mind that for decades local governments have masterfully steered residents off into playing with themselves in non-consequential areas that do not effect the local government's intent of self interest wealth creation at the populations expense. They have their tactics for doing so well rehearsed. It will be a chess game of significant importance. So with that in mind, make sure your thinking and course of action is to arrange for a "checkmate" in your and all resident's behalf. Do not let one or two frauds identified distract you from the other 75 bigger ones that may exist.

I have seen the tactic used by local governments that if the public gets close to turning over the rocks to see what crawls out, the government players will throw before you the small sacrificial lamb as a distraction technique while the large herd of cattle is held slightly out of view in their holding pen. Look and ye shall find. Be distracted or diverted and ye will be in the dark.

Walter Burien - and

So lemme get this straight. ALL of the muni/county/state CAFRs are a complete mystery according to you -- right?

How is it that the BOND AGENCIES who RATE and offer the debt instruments that all these govts use don't KNOW THIS? How come all the institutional investors in Muni/County/State BONDS aren't "crapping their pants" about HOLDING $$Trill in these cities/counties/states?

There's too many brilliant people getting fooled and screwed for this be a real issue. EVERYONE knows which entities are dead broke. And which ones can afford to run their jurisdictions.


Wrong Answer !
Go to the site, Read it, watch the Video, learn about the 85+ years of Lies, Wreckage, Trickery n Deceit of the Bond processes associated with all these Fraud Ledgers.

It’s why these collective assholes in City, Gov’t and Slime(wall)Street, Treasurers, etc... don’t want this ever to get out...

You need to grasp the entire scope of the issue before you defend it.

Actually, from the defensiveness of your response -- I asked EXACTLY the right question.. :banana:

Why don't you just summarize for me WHY all the 10s of Millions of investors, dozens of Bond raters, and $$Trills of dollars are all ignorant.

I'll give you that certain DESPERATE munis are screwing the books. But their "credit rating" is junk anyways. That's WHY their credit rating is junk. So give me the short version of how EVERY CAFR issued is demonic and deceptive. Don't want to spend days digging just to find out this is yet ANOTHER Illuminati/CFR/Whackadoodle theory..


Pass, Why don’t you do your own Research

Thought since this IS a discussion board, you'd be here and willing to support and discuss your topics. What's so hard about just telling me in your own words ---- why I need to sell off all my tax-free muni/county/state bonds??


Wrong answer again, you were given the links above in the article and all the information is there for you to do the work, seek and learn...

Go Read it and educate yourself or move on to another topic and stay in the LIE you’re living under...

How’s that sound ?
So lemme get this straight. ALL of the muni/county/state CAFRs are a complete mystery according to you -- right?

How is it that the BOND AGENCIES who RATE and offer the debt instruments that all these govts use don't KNOW THIS? How come all the institutional investors in Muni/County/State BONDS aren't "crapping their pants" about HOLDING $$Trill in these cities/counties/states?

There's too many brilliant people getting fooled and screwed for this be a real issue. EVERYONE knows which entities are dead broke. And which ones can afford to run their jurisdictions.


Wrong Answer !
Go to the site, Read it, watch the Video, learn about the 85+ years of Lies, Wreckage, Trickery n Deceit of the Bond processes associated with all these Fraud Ledgers.

It’s why these collective assholes in City, Gov’t and Slime(wall)Street, Treasurers, etc... don’t want this ever to get out...

You need to grasp the entire scope of the issue before you defend it.

Actually, from the defensiveness of your response -- I asked EXACTLY the right question.. :banana:

Why don't you just summarize for me WHY all the 10s of Millions of investors, dozens of Bond raters, and $$Trills of dollars are all ignorant.

I'll give you that certain DESPERATE munis are screwing the books. But their "credit rating" is junk anyways. That's WHY their credit rating is junk. So give me the short version of how EVERY CAFR issued is demonic and deceptive. Don't want to spend days digging just to find out this is yet ANOTHER Illuminati/CFR/Whackadoodle theory..


Pass, Why don’t you do your own Research

Thought since this IS a discussion board, you'd be here and willing to support and discuss your topics. What's so hard about just telling me in your own words ---- why I need to sell off all my tax-free muni/county/state bonds??


Wrong answer again, you were given the links above in the article and all the information is there for you to do the work, seek and learn...

Go Read it and educate yourself or move on to another topic and stay in the LIE you’re living under...

How’s that sound ?

Sounds like you think this is more of "tagging lamp posts" than a discussion board.
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Wrong Answer !
Go to the site, Read it, watch the Video, learn about the 85+ years of Lies, Wreckage, Trickery n Deceit of the Bond processes associated with all these Fraud Ledgers.

It’s why these collective assholes in City, Gov’t and Slime(wall)Street, Treasurers, etc... don’t want this ever to get out...

You need to grasp the entire scope of the issue before you defend it.

Actually, from the defensiveness of your response -- I asked EXACTLY the right question.. :banana:

Why don't you just summarize for me WHY all the 10s of Millions of investors, dozens of Bond raters, and $$Trills of dollars are all ignorant.

I'll give you that certain DESPERATE munis are screwing the books. But their "credit rating" is junk anyways. That's WHY their credit rating is junk. So give me the short version of how EVERY CAFR issued is demonic and deceptive. Don't want to spend days digging just to find out this is yet ANOTHER Illuminati/CFR/Whackadoodle theory..


Pass, Why don’t you do your own Research

Thought since this IS a discussion board, you'd be here and willing to support and discuss your topics. What's so hard about just telling me in your own words ---- why I need to sell off all my tax-free muni/county/state bonds??


Wrong answer again, you were given the links above in the article and all the information is there for you to do the work, seek and learn...

Go Read it and educate yourself or move on to another topic and stay in the LIE you’re living under...

How’s that sound ?

Sounds like you this is more of "tagging lamp posts" than a discussion board.


Wrong Answer again, I’ve already discussed my part... the rest is for your educational curve, so take action or something but stop complaining here about lamp posts bullshit.
I think you've gotten your confirmation this is yet another Illuminati/CFR/Whackadoodle theory :eusa_dance:

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