Aurora shooter should never have had a firearm...the system failed

When someone is on probation or out on bail pending trial, cops can go in and search their homes without a warrant. If the guy had six arrests in Illinois, I'm guessing there was a window of opportunity there somewhere to check on the gun he had purchased legally years before. When a gun owner's license is revoked, wouldn't it make sense to require them to turn it in? If they don't, couldn't a warrant be issued to go and get it?
Dangerous work, but otherwise, what good does it do to revoke a gun license?
Oh, sure, if we restrict drugs further... oh, I mean guns. If we restrict guns further, nobody would have them.

Except all of the people who don't care about politician scribbles, they'll have them and smoke we- I mean shoot people.

Since this example never gets through to those arguing this blatantly nonsensical stance, what I'm pointing out is that prohibition has never, does not, and will never work. A fact reinforced by the fact that drugs are illegal in most states, Chicago has the highest crime rate in the US, and gun free zones accomplish absolutely nothing.

Know how many people the gunman would have shot if they were armed? Probably 0, since he'd have been shot in self defense, instead of forcing those unarmed individuals to wait 15 minutes for the thugs in blue to arrive.

Besides all of these facts, restrictions on owning anything is inherently unethical, because the government has no legitimacy to tell us what we can and cannot do with the fruits of our labor.
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The REAL National Emergency.....

Thoughts and Prayers...

I'll repeat what I posted in the other thread on this:

That was a failure of Illinois' FOID system and the federal NICS system. He applied for and received an Illinois Firearms Owner's ID in 2014. He purchased the S&W .40 handgun on March 6th, and picked it up on March 11th.

He applied for a concealed carry license on March 16th, and at that time, his 1995 felony was discovered. His CCL was rejected and FOID revoked. So neither the federal NICS background check at the time of purchase, nor the FOID application discovered his felony conviction. In a case like that, the Illinois State Police merely sends a letter and hopes that they voluntarily relinquish the firearm.

So in other words, there was a failure to enforce gun laws that were already on the books. No amount of laws passed are going to stop things like this from happening, if those laws are not enforced.

Moron.... the link you used showed that he was found out to be a felon and had his permit that means the system you morons worship worked, he had his gun permit pulled.....of course, he was already a convicted felon so he should never have had the permit to begin your system morons can't win......

Tell us how a universal background check would have kept him from getting this gun....

Tell us how registering guns would have kept him from getting this gun.....
This is another mass public shooting that should have been stopped by laws already on the books...............and then they have the balls to blame law abiding gun owners who never use their legally owned guns for any crime or violence.
Better rules and safeguards would have saved lives....

The rules already exist. If people aren’t following them, that’s a different issue.

Being a convicted felon , my question is... “What was he doing out of prison?” Maybe we need to start locking these wastes of flesh and oxygen away PERMANENTLY if they can’t live by Society’s rules!!

Lastly, where was the Security at the warehouse? I don’t go anywhere thst doesn’t have proper Security without being armed myself.
Better rules and safeguards would have saved lives....

The rules already exist. If people aren’t following them, that’s a different issue.

Being a convicted felon , my question is... “What was he doing out of prison?” Maybe we need to start locking these wastes of flesh and oxygen away PERMANENTLY if they can’t live by Society’s rules!!

Lastly, where was the Security at the warehouse? I don’t go anywhere thst doesn’t have proper Security without being armed myself.

It's Illinois. What $11 per hour security guard wants a mountain of lawsuits for having to shoot someone?
The OP jimmy just jumped on the Trump reality train. Yet he is so foaming at mouth crazy with TDS he does not realize it. Big GOVT failed here. Needs fixed. Thanks Jim.

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