Auschwitz - a prison camp or a death camp?

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Gloomy Man--

Keep it up and the best chicks on the board will be ignoring you.
Death camp/prison camp?

The Holocaust is well documented.

Yes it is! As is denial propaganda.

What impact does this propaganda have on wide-scale public opinion?

The most vulnerable targets for such views are people who do not wish to accept historical co-responsibility for Nazi-era crimes—the people who supported fascism in Germany and other countries and who participated to various degrees in the functioning of the criminal apparatus of violence and extermination. This is a symptom of refusal to come to terms with history, to use the popular expression, or to overcome the past. In inter-generational terms, these people are passing on their views and attitudes to their biological and spiritual successors.

Another group of people who approve Holocaust denial consists of those driven by antisemitic obsessions, extreme nationalists, and all sorts of proponents of the prewar and wartime regimes that collaborated with the Third Reich.

Also vulnerable to these views are groups of people that know history poorly or not at all, and who happen to come across revisionist propaganda by chance.

Auschwitz-Birkenau - Denial of the Holocaust and the genocide in Auschwitz
Another group of people who approve Holocaust denial consists of those driven by antisemitic obsessions, extreme nationalists, and all sorts of proponents of the prewar and wartime regimes that collaborated with the Third Reich.

That's our sunni boy (or gloomy boy-I like the new name!)
For Gloomy boy on Gloomy Sunday-- The Hungarian Suicide Song:
[ame=]YouTube - Diamanda Galas - Gloomy Sunday[/ame]
If you notice, I am not saying that people wern't put into huge prison camps or that many people didn't die while in the camps of disease and over work.

Like the video states. these were not extermination camps.

Because it wouldn't make sense to tattoo the people, build bunk houses for them to sleep, or have toilet facilities. If all you were doing was bring these people to Auschwitz to die.

These people needed to be kept alive for labor purposes to man the factories
Gloomy Guy--

Hang out on Holocaust denial sites much?
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Meet the Holocaust Deniers - people who believe that the murder of 6 million Jews by Hitler's Nazi regime never took place.

They started out as rednecks and skinheads - 'white pride' idiots who made up conspiracies about how Jews controlled America. They denied that the holocaust ever taken place - and argued that it was all a 'Zionist conspiracy' to demonise Germany.

For the most part, these people were derided and ignored - as were their crackpot theories. However, over the course of the past couple of decades, a movement in the Middle East cropped up that mirrored and gave weight to their denial of the Holocaust.

The governments of fundamentalist Islamic countries like Iran and Syria started publishing statements denying the holocaust, arguing that "the so-called Holocaust is an alleged and invented story, with no basis."

With the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, this movement has grown. Recently, Iranian President Ahmadinejad declared:

"The Zionists have fabricated a legend under the name Massacre of the Jews, and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and the prophets themselves...If somebody in their country questions God, nobody says anything, but if somebody denies the myth of the massacre of Jews, the Zionist loudspeakers and the governments in the pay of Zionism will start to scream!"
Militant Ginger: Is New Earth Creationism as bad as Holocaust Denial?
Gloomy Guy--

Hang out on Holocaust denial sites much?
Never been to a Holocaust denial site; if there is such a thing.

I have always been interested in military history since I was a kid.

My Father was a career military officer so I grew up around Army bases. He was in WWII serving in N. Africia and then Italy, and later in the Korean War. As for myself I was involved in the Vietnam War.

So for these reasons I have studied all aspects of WWII and other conflicts.

I have never been part of or associated with any racist or anti government groups.

Through my own studies I have come to the conclusion that the Holocaust story that we are forced to blindly accept has alot of claims that need to be reexamined now that new evidence has come to light.

I personally believe that all history should be studied by every generation to sort out facts from the hysteria of the time that the event happened.

Why is this so wrong in some peoples eyes?
GloomyMan, how about the Armenian genocide? Is that also on your list of hoaxes?
GloomyMan, how about the Armenian genocide? Is that also on your list of hoaxes?
I have No list of which mass murders were a hoax or not.

It's kind of sad. I was hoping that the topic of this thread could be debated or discussed in a logical and historical manner.

But as usual, the thread devolves into a Sunni Man bashing.
GloomyMan, how about the Armenian genocide? Is that also on your list of hoaxes?
I have No list of which mass murders were a hoax or not.

It's kind of sad. I was hoping that the topic of this thread could be debated or discussed in a logical and historical manner.

But as usual, the thread devolves into a Sunni Man bashing.

How am I bashing you by asking that question?
What are your thoughts on the Armenian genocide? Do you side with the anti-fundamentalist Turkish government on this?
GloomyMan, how about the Armenian genocide? Is that also on your list of hoaxes?
I have No list of which mass murders were a hoax or not.

It's kind of sad. I was hoping that the topic of this thread could be debated or discussed in a logical and historical manner.

But as usual, the thread devolves into a Sunni Man bashing.

What are your thoughts on the Armenian genocide? Do you side with the anti-fundamentalist Turkish government on this?
This really needs to be the topic of another thread.
I have No list of which mass murders were a hoax or not.

It's kind of sad. I was hoping that the topic of this thread could be debated or discussed in a logical and historical manner.

But as usual, the thread devolves into a Sunni Man bashing.

What are your thoughts on the Armenian genocide? Do you side with the anti-fundamentalist Turkish government on this?
This really needs to be the topic of another thread.
Okay, you go consult your iman for the proper opinion to express and get back to me in another thread.
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