Australia Bureau of Meteorology caught messing with temperature data!!!

Same story different day.

How many times do warmers have to be lied to, to understand that AGW is a lie? Apparently no amount of lies will change them. They BELIEVE!!!

All that pollution MUST be causing global warming...the idiotic thinking of a warmer.
Same story different day.

How many times do warmers have to be lied to, to understand that AGW is a lie? Apparently no amount of lies will change them. They BELIEVE!!!

All that pollution MUST be causing global warming...the idiotic thinking of a warmer.
Thank you Silly Jilly.

I think you too are very funny.

Love you babes.
Too Funny;

Western US to experience OCTOBER temps by end of the week.. With highs only in the low 70's and freeze warnings...This storm system is set to bring snow to high elevations of the Rockies and Big Horn mountains...

I predicted by the 15th this would occur given the patterns we were observing... 58 days from last snow fall to 1st snow fall....

NO matter how many times you play with the numbers the observed evidence doesn't change and the lie will be seen... Time to take out the liars..
That so called "filtering" is not just done in Australia it's done globally. They tell us it is done without bias because they "filter" not just the abnormal lows but the highs as well. On the high side this so called "filter" gets over ruled by the media and the alarmists who grab any reading even if it was just 1 thermometer anywhere on this planet registering it
“The bureau’s quality control system, designed to filter out spurious low or high values was set at minus 10 minimum for Goulburn which is why the record automatically adjusted,” a bureau spokeswoman told reporters Monday. BOM added that there are limits placed on how low temperatures could go in some very cold areas of the country.

Why would you put limits on calibrated instruments that automatically overrode what the real reading was? One may put in an alert point to check the calibration, but to automatically change data because the temperature was too low?

Answer: To create the false illusion that Gorebal Warming exists.

One must ask how many other weather stations in the world follow this practice.
Any time you build an expectation into the algorithm you add bias to the results in the direction of your expectation.

Berkeley BEST is the worst for this. A few years ago it was pointed out that of the 86 temperature station being used in South America, roughly a third showed cooling in the raw data. After homogenization 100% of the stations showed warming.

I have looked for a station that shows a cooling trend in BEST after adjustments. There are none. According to them every location on Earth is warming, no matter what the actual readings say.
If we had a media they'd be asking the NWS and MET if they put limits on their temperature readings for cold too.
Any time you build an expectation into the algorithm you add bias to the results in the direction of your expectation.

Berkeley BEST is the worst for this. A few years ago it was pointed out that of the 86 temperature station being used in South America, roughly a third showed cooling in the raw data. After homogenization 100% of the stations showed warming.

I have looked for a station that shows a cooling trend in BEST after adjustments. There are none. According to them every location on Earth is warming, no matter what the actual readings say.


Graphs to go with that comment.

From a great article debating wether the GAT has been adjusted to match the theory. Adjusting Measurements to Match the Models – Part 1: Surface Air Temperatures
Any time you build an expectation into the algorithm you add bias to the results in the direction of your expectation.

Berkeley BEST is the worst for this. A few years ago it was pointed out that of the 86 temperature station being used in South America, roughly a third showed cooling in the raw data. After homogenization 100% of the stations showed warming.

I have looked for a station that shows a cooling trend in BEST after adjustments. There are none. According to them every location on Earth is warming, no matter what the actual readings say.


Graphs to go with that comment.

From a great article debating wether the GAT has been adjusted to match the theory. Adjusting Measurements to Match the Models – Part 1: Surface Air Temperatures

Nah..........nothing to see there!!:popcorn:
Turns out that they are deleting historical data as well. Tough to check up on them when they are deleting data as quickly as they gather it. Great system if you wan't to keep a scam going.

Another BOM scandal: Australian climate data is being destroyed as routine practice « JoNova
The warmista's are in full blown panic mode.. They no longer care if they are getting caught because the ends justify the means.. Isn't authoritarian socialism grand.. They know that they will never be held to account or they believe that they wont..
Turns out that they are deleting historical data as well. Tough to check up on them when they are deleting data as quickly as they gather it. Great system if you wan't to keep a scam going.

Another BOM scandal: Australian climate data is being destroyed as routine practice « JoNova
The warmista's are in full blown panic mode.. They no longer care if they are getting caught because the ends justify the means.. Isn't authoritarian socialism grand.. They know that they will never be held to account or they believe that they wont..

I really think it is time to start exacting some accountability....Climate science has become a government sponsored criminal enterprise.

So let me see the experts that collect and maintain the data and have the advanced education to understand the "errors" have been caught by your right wing news paper adjusting the data. lol And you think they are doing something dirty because?.

It's really pretty simple if you aren't a complete idiot. When you look at temperature records from individual regions around the globe, you see a few showing some slight warming...most are either not changing much either way or are cooling somewhat. Warming, on a global scale only shows up in the grossly manipulated and massaged so called "global record". Why do you suppose that is?

So let me see the experts that collect and maintain the data and have the advanced education to understand the "errors" have been caught by your right wing news paper adjusting the data. lol And you think they are doing something dirty because?.

Hey what can I say......I'm not amongst the hopelessly duped. The stunt used by progressives to announce the news is a hoax from a right wing newspaper has been exposed for a long time now.:gay: Its their only play in 2017........but as the November election showed, the stunt is ghey and doesn't work!!:gay:

The organization got caught fucking with the temperature data........most news outlets wont report t his kind of it was reported by an outlet that's not serving the established narrative.

Oh......was a top story on DRUDGE too which made me laugh my balls off!!:bye1:
Their defense:

What causes errors in meteorological data?
Among the hundreds of thousands of climate observations recorded in the Bureau’s database each day, it is unavoidable that some records contain errors. This can be due to automated equipment faults, human error in manual observations and a range of other glitches.
The Bureau maintains a layered approach to correcting data errors. Each day, automated and semi-automated quality control systems identify observational errors using methods such as comparison with data from nearby sites.

Long-term temperature record

A. If you suspect a false reading you first validate the instrument is out of calibration. If the instrument is in calibration, you accept the data unless you prove with hard evidence something went wrong. Once shown to be out of calibration you toss the data out to the last point of known calibration. You don't just fabricate new data, which is what they are doing.

B. Data errors should be extremely rare. The fact they say it is not shows they are out of control statistically.

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