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Australia FM: Don’t call Settlements illegal:: BDS is "Anti-semitic"

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
What an Extraordinary turn of events!
Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop finally calls out International partisanship and Bigotry.
Calls for no prejudgement of the legality of settlements and the obvious Bigotry behind BDS.
The New Aussie Gov't has changed sentiment regarding Israel.. Big Time.
A Woman after my own heart.

Australia FM: Don’t call settlements illegal under international law
In candid interview, Julie Bishop expresses skepticism about the peace process, says boycott Israel activists are ‘anti-Semitic’
January 15, 2014
In a rare show of Support for Israel’s settlement enterprise, Australia’s foreign minister has said that the international community should refrain from calling settlements illegal under international law, without waiting for their status to be determined in a deal with the Palestinians.
In an exclusive interview with The Times of Israel, Julie Bishop suggested that, contrary to conventional diplomatic wisdom, the settlements may NOT be illegal under international law. She refrained from condemning Israeli initiatives to build additional housing units beyond the Green Line or from calling on Israel to freeze such plans, merely saying the fact that settlements were being expanded showed the need for the sides to quickly reach a peace agreement.

“I don’t want to prejudge the fundamental issues in the peace negotiations,” Bishop said. “The issue of settlements is absolutely and utterly fundamental to the negotiations that are under way and I think it’s appropriate that we give those negotiations every chance of succeeding.”
Asked whether she agrees or disagrees with the near-universal view that Israeli settlements anywhere beyond the 1967 lines are illegal under international law, she replied: “I would like to see which international law has declared them illegal.”
‘I don’t think it’s helpful to prejudge the settlement issue if you’re trying to get a negotiated solution’ .. “Our interest is in a negotiated peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians and we believe that every opportunity should be given to those negotiations to proceed to its solution,” said Bishop, who came to Israel on Monday to attend the funeral of former prime minister Ariel Sharon.
“I don’t think it’s helpful to prejudge the settlement issue if you’re trying to get a negotiated solution. And by deeming the activity as a war crime, it’s unlikely to engender a negotiated solution.”
The issue of Israeli settlements should be determined in the course of the current US-brokered peace talks, she added.


Australian FM Julie Bishop after she placed a wreath at the fresh grave of Ariel Sharon Jan 13

But since September, when the center-right Liberal Party of Prime Minister Tony Abbott came to power in Canberra, Australia has been going to great lengths to demonstrate Staunch Support for Jerusalem’s policy on the international stage. Under Bishop’s stewardship, Australia has changed its voting patterns at the UN in favor of Israel.
While under her predecessor, Bob Carr, Canberra often supported anti-Israel resolutions at the UN General Assembly, she has had Australia oppose or abstain from several such measures.

Bishop also Condemned what she said was Excessive pressure exerted on Israel by Western states and civil society, including the threat of boycotts. “Israel has to be ever vigilant against such tendencies on the part of the international community,” the minister said. While private organizations were free to boycott whomever they wanted, any Australian body that received state funding should be barred from calling for boycotts, she continued.

She also Strongly Condemned the global anti-Israel BDS movement: “It’s anti-Semitic. It identifies Israel out of all other nations as being worthy of a boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign? Hypocritical beyond belief.”
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Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is just a zionist stooge put in place by the mighty Rupert Murdoch.

She is part of the new Kosher Nostra political crime family that is wrapping it's tentacles around the Australian government. .. :cool:
Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is just a zionist stooge put in place by the mighty Rupert Murdoch.

She is part of the new Kosher Nostra political crime family that is wrapping it's tentacles around the Australian government. .. :cool:
Calling them illegal is "anti-semitic" - seriously? Objecting to settlements is "anti-semitic"?

Pull out the anti-semite card.

Object to settlement building in occupied territory and you're labeled an anti-semite:doubt:
Calling them illegal is "anti-semitic" - seriously? Objecting to settlements is "anti-semitic"?

Pull out the anti-semite card.

Object to settlement building in occupied territory and you're labeled an anti-semite:doubt:

I object to the term occupied territory. Am i anti-Arab?


You are objecting to the term occupied territory.
Calling them illegal is "anti-semitic" - seriously? Objecting to settlements is "anti-semitic"?

Pull out the anti-semite card.

Object to settlement building in occupied territory and you're labeled an anti-semite:doubt:
It would help if you read more carefully.
She didn't say 'objecting' was antisemitic.
She said the the BDS Movement was antisemitic in it's unique and Hypocritical application to Israel.

English, a wonderful language.
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Calling them illegal is "anti-semitic" - seriously? Objecting to settlements is "anti-semitic"?

Pull out the anti-semite card.

Object to settlement building in occupied territory and you're labeled an anti-semite:doubt:
It would help if you read more carefully.
She didn't say 'objecting' was antisemitic.
She said the the BDS Movement was antisemitic in it's unique and Hypocritical application to Israel.

English, a wonderful language.

The position that the settlements are illegal are supported by international law - not "anti-semitism" unless you want to label much of the world "anti-semitism" and grant Israel some sort of special status that puts it outside international law.

To say that BDS is anti-semitic because they support a widely recognized inerpretation of what that law says and they feel the occupation is wrong is a cheap use of the anti-semite card. It's easier to dismiss movements by calling them "racist" or "anti-semitic" than it is to consider the legitimacy of their causes. Calling them anti-semitic is like calling those who object to Obama's policies as policies - racist.
The settlements are not illegal because the land was recaptured from Jordan who had no sovereign authority being there in the first place. If Israel forcibly moved its people into the area then that is considered illegal, but seeing as
1. No sovereign country was in that area and
2. Israel did not move its population in the area by force

hence the settlements are not illegal.
Calling them illegal is "anti-semitic" - seriously? Objecting to settlements is "anti-semitic"?

Pull out the anti-semite card.

Object to settlement building in occupied territory and you're labeled an anti-semite:doubt:
It would help if you read more carefully.
She didn't say 'objecting' was antisemitic.
She said the the BDS Movement was antisemitic in it's unique and Hypocritical application to Israel.

English, a wonderful language.

The position that the settlements are illegal are supported by international law - not "anti-semitism" unless you want to label much of the world "anti-semitism" and grant Israel some sort of special status that puts it outside international law.
"International Law" is just the latest vote of the UN or ICJ. LOL
It's a meaningless term in this situation.
the UN has passed scores of ex post facto Resolutions making Israel actions "illegal".
If you would like to debate the Actual and fair terminology of the situation, I can and have done so extensively.

Coyote said:
To say that BDS is anti-semitic because they support a widely recognized inerpretation of what that law says and they feel the occupation is wrong is a cheap use of the anti-semite card. It's easier to dismiss movements by calling them "racist" or "anti-semitic" than it is to consider the legitimacy of their causes. Calling them anti-semitic is like calling those who object to Obama's policies as policies - racist.
Again you Fudge the actual language of the FM.
She said it was antisemitic NOT because of objection to settlements, but because of BDS's Unique and hypocritical application.

AGAIN: English, a wonderful language.
Coherent replies also a good idea, but that's not in the cards.
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It would help if you read more carefully.
She didn't say 'objecting' was antisemitic.
She said the the BDS Movement was antisemitic in it's unique and Hypocritical application to Israel.

English, a wonderful language.

The position that the settlements are illegal are supported by international law - not "anti-semitism" unless you want to label much of the world "anti-semitism" and grant Israel some sort of special status that puts it outside international law.
"International Law" is just the latest vote of the UN or ICJ. LOL
It's a meaningless term in this situation.
the UN has passed scores of ex post facto Resolutions making Israel actions "illegal".
If you would like to debate the Actual and fair terminology of the situation, I can and have done so extensively.

Coyote said:
To say that BDS is anti-semitic because they support a widely recognized inerpretation of what that law says and they feel the occupation is wrong is a cheap use of the anti-semite card. It's easier to dismiss movements by calling them "racist" or "anti-semitic" than it is to consider the legitimacy of their causes. Calling them anti-semitic is like calling those who object to Obama's policies as policies - racist.
Again your Evade the actual language of the FM.
She said it was antisemitic NOT because of objection to settlements, but because of it's Unique and hypocritical application

AGAIN: English, a wonderful language.
Honest replies also a good idea, but that's not in the cards.

And that is HER "unique and hypocritical" view that goes against what much of the world see's going on which is little more than an officially endorsed.

Honest replies are not something I would expect you to understand - don't like what someone says or stands for? Call them dishonest. Or anti-semitic. :)
Calling them illegal is "anti-semitic" - seriously? Objecting to settlements is "anti-semitic"?

Pull out the anti-semite card.

Object to settlement building in occupied territory and you're labeled an anti-semite:doubt:

Leaving the settlements aside, BDS is antisemitic. Pure and simple.

The settlement issue is up for discussion.
Calling them illegal is "anti-semitic" - seriously? Objecting to settlements is "anti-semitic"?

Pull out the anti-semite card.

Object to settlement building in occupied territory and you're labeled an anti-semite:doubt:
It would help if you read more carefully.
She didn't say 'objecting' was antisemitic.
She said the the BDS Movement was antisemitic in it's unique and Hypocritical application to Israel.

English, a wonderful language.
Simon Wiesenthal Center Report: BDS "a Thinly-Veiled, Anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic 'Poison Pill'" | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

A new report issued by the Simon Wiesanthal Center has labelled the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement against Israel “a thinly-veiled, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic ‘poison pill,’ whose goal is the demonization, delegitimization, and ultimate demise of the Jewish State.”

The report, which was compiled by Dr. Harold Brackman, takes a comprehensive look at the origins of the movement dating back to 2001. Among its many conclusions is that BDS “is a movement that does not help better the life of a single Palestinian and which is oblivious to major human rights disasters erupting throughout the Middle East and beyond.”

As a determining factor of BDS’s illegitimacy, the report uses Natan Sharansky’s ‘three Ds test’ for when criticism crosses the line into anti-Semitism:

“FIRST: Double Standards – singling out Israel for criticism while ignoring the more egregious behavior of major human rights abusers in the Arab and Muslim world and beyond.

“SECOND: Demonization of Israel – distorting the Jewish State’s actions by means of insidious and false comparisons with the Nazis and/or South Africa’s Apartheid regime.

“THIRD: Delegitimization – when Israel’s fundamental right to exist is denied—alone among all nations in the world—this too is anti-Semitism.

“BDS claims to be peaceful or to favor “nonviolent punitive measures” (while refusing to denounce anti-Israel, anti-Jewish violence).
“BDS often downplays its programmatic commitment to the unlimited “right of return” of millions of Palestinians, not born in Israel but claiming refugee status that would spell the end of the Jewish State.
“BDS ostensibly wants to right the specific wrongs done to Palestinians, yet attacks the foundations of Israel’s entire economy and society: all (Jewish) Israelis are collectively guilty.
“BDS is fueled by and reinforces a one-sided historical narrative denying any responsibility of Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim “rejectionists” for destroying chances for peace and reconciliation—from before Israel’s establishment in 1948, to the 1980 Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty, to the 1993 Oslo Accords, to the 2000-2001 Camp David and Wye Summits, to the 2005 Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, and to this very day.
“BDS slanders Zionism and supporters of the Jewish State by falsifying the profound differences between Apartheid South Africa and democratic Israel.
“BDS utilizes—without admitting it—Christian “supersessionist” theological claims that Jews and Israel have lost divine favor because of the Jewish People’s alleged sins and as result Jews no longer have legitimate historic or moral claims to the Holy Land.”
Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is just a zionist stooge put in place by the mighty Rupert Murdoch.

She is part of the new Kosher Nostra political crime family that is wrapping it's tentacles around the Australian government. .. :cool:
I have always admired PM B. Netanyahu and will continue to do so, however, I would approve of a scheme for Israel to trade Bibi for Julie Bishop and a player to be named later. She sounds like one baaad dude.
Calling them illegal is "anti-semitic" - seriously? Objecting to settlements is "anti-semitic"?

Pull out the anti-semite card.

Object to settlement building in occupied territory and you're labeled an anti-semite:doubt:

Build on land that you own and you are shot at by terrorists, and neo Marxist morons defend the terrorist murders of Jews
Calling them illegal is "anti-semitic" - seriously? Objecting to settlements is "anti-semitic"?

Pull out the anti-semite card.

Object to settlement building in occupied territory and you're labeled an anti-semite:doubt:
It would help if you read more carefully.
She didn't say 'objecting' was antisemitic.
She said the the BDS Movement was antisemitic in it's unique and Hypocritical application to Israel.

English, a wonderful language.

The position that the settlements are illegal are supported by international law - not "anti-semitism" unless you want to label much of the world "anti-semitism" and grant Israel some sort of special status that puts it outside international law.

Haven't we already done that with the HoAP muslims when we changed the rules on right of return to suit them. Why not apply the same rules to the Jews and grant them the same criteria for claiming right of return and land ownership
To say that BDS is anti-semitic because they support a widely recognized inerpretation of what that law says and they feel the occupation is wrong is a cheap use of the anti-semite card. It's easier to dismiss movements by calling them "racist" or "anti-semitic" than it is to consider the legitimacy of their causes. Calling them anti-semitic is like calling those who object to Obama's policies as policies - racist.

Not at all as the vast majority of the people who are clamouring for the boycotts are only doing so because they can get at the Jews. Did you see the video I posted yesterday were the moronic Jew hater stated that he was only protesting because it was against the Jews. He stated that if the goods came from the west bank and were produced by muslkim labour then he would not protest.

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