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Australia FM: Don’t call Settlements illegal:: BDS is "Anti-semitic"

You are funny. FYI, I was in Australia about 5 or 6 years ago when the Muslims tried to take over Bondi Beach. Needless to say, this didn't bode well with the Aussie boys. So before the government could take any official action, the local Australian youth came together to resolve the problem in a hurry. There were "Lebbies" lying bloody all over the beach while the Aussies were praying for a high tide to give them a final burial. This made front page news in every Australian newspaper for over a week. Rest assured, "There will be no Sharia law in Australia."

The Australian government, being a civilized government, has always been pro Israel. Let us not forget the words of past prime minister John Howard who said "There will be no Sharia law in Australia."

I agree!
The Australian people and Government have always supported and are friendly to Israel, all recent governments and Prime Ministers including past and present ones, have shared in this sentiment.By being realistic, fair minded and sensible people, they understand the dangers posed by the spread of Islam worldwide.
That will eventually change over the next couple of decades.

Australia is located close to the Islamic countries of Malaysia and Indonesia and does a lot of trading with them.

Islam will slowly take over Australia just like it is doing in Europe. ... :cool:
Like I told you once before, live & learn. Enjoy.


You are funny. FYI, I was in Australia about 5 or 6 years ago when the Muslims tried to take over Bondi Beach. Needless to say, this didn't bode well with the Aussie boys. So before the government could take any official action, the local Australian youth came together to resolve the problem in a hurry. There were "Lebbies" lying bloody all over the beach while the Aussies were praying for a high tide to give them a final burial. This made front page news in every Australian newspaper for over a week. Rest assured, "There will be no Sharia law in Australia."

I agree!
The Australian people and Government have always supported and are friendly to Israel, all recent governments and Prime Ministers including past and present ones, have shared in this sentiment.By being realistic, fair minded and sensible people, they understand the dangers posed by the spread of Islam worldwide.
That will eventually change over the next couple of decades.

Australia is located close to the Islamic countries of Malaysia and Indonesia and does a lot of trading with them.

Islam will slowly take over Australia just like it is doing in Europe. ... :cool:
You are funny. FYI, I was in Australia about 5 or 6 years ago when the Muslims tried to take over Bondi Beach. Needless to say, this didn't bode well with the Aussie boys. So before the government could take any official action, the local Australian youth came together to resolve the problem in a hurry. There were "Lebbies" lying bloody all over the beach while the Aussies were praying for a high tide to give them a final burial. This made front page news in every Australian newspaper for over a week. Rest assured, "There will be no Sharia law in Australia."
The beach riots weren't about religion but race and turf.

Australia's version of racist skin heads didn't want the ethnic Lebanese youth on their part of the beach.

Even though the Lebanese teens were born in Australia the white kids see them as outsiders.

And so a large fight broke out between the two groups. ..... :cool:
You are funny. FYI, I was in Australia about 5 or 6 years ago when the Muslims tried to take over Bondi Beach. Needless to say, this didn't bode well with the Aussie boys. So before the government could take any official action, the local Australian youth came together to resolve the problem in a hurry. There were "Lebbies" lying bloody all over the beach while the Aussies were praying for a high tide to give them a final burial. This made front page news in every Australian newspaper for over a week. Rest assured, "There will be no Sharia law in Australia."
The beach riots weren't about religion but race and turf.

Australia's version of racist skin heads didn't want the ethnic Lebanese youth on their part of the beach.

Even though the Lebanese teens were born in Australia the white kids see them as outsiders.

And so a large fight broke out between the two groups. ..... :cool:

and 8 muslims attacking a jewish family on the beach?
or attacking teen couples on the beach in the evening?
or killing an Israel near the beach?
It is not a muslim only beach so why do they behave as if it is?
It is not about skin heads attacking muslims out of the blue but what muslims did to attracts that kind of response from other australians.
This has been building for more than a decade.
Obviously, you don't know anything about Australian's and their beaches.

Each beach is the turf of various neighborhood groups/gangs and outsiders will be subject to violent beatings if they violate their territory. ... :cool:
Janet Albrechtsen: Blind spot allows Barbarism to Flourish
The Australian
Date: July 17, 2002
The French call it tournantes or "take your turn" - the French term for the pack-rape of white girls by young Muslim men.

For 20 years the French ignored the ethnic causes of these barbaric crimes for fear of offending multicultural man. Along the way, more innocent young girls were pack-raped. Xenophobia divided communities. And finally, voters punished a Centre-Left government for assuming that the electorate was not grown up enough to discuss race without being racist.

Last year Sylvie Lotteau, a magistrate from Bobigny, a northern Paris suburb, described tournantes: "Their technique was to pick up a young girl - a white girl - and once she had become the girlfriend of one of the members, he would allow his mates to make use of her."

Now it's in Australia.
Last week two Muslim brothers were found guilty of the gang-rape of a young Australian girl. The victim knew one of the brothers. She was invited for a drive but taken to a secluded park and gang-raped while 14 Muslim boys watched.

Racially motivated gang-rape first hit the radar screen in August last year. After the first trial, ethnic leaders such as Sheik Tajedinne Hamed el Hilaly, imam at Lakemba mosque, said the ethnicity of the rapists was irrelevant and simply incited racist attacks on Muslims.

But the Muslim community flogged the wrong racists - those Muslim rapists played the race card in the most horrific and demeaning way, taunting victims with "you deserve it because you're Australian" and threats to "f--- you Leb style".
Since then, evidence on ethnicity-based gang-rapes has mounted. Horrific attacks across Sydney's southwest reveal the same modus operandi as the French tournantes. Our reaction? Like the French, we pander to sensitivities about race and cultural issues. And so we extend the social and political nightmare of race-based gang-rape.
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The position that the settlements are illegal are supported by international law - not "anti-semitism" unless you want to label much of the world "anti-semitism" and grant Israel some sort of special status that puts it outside international law.
"International Law" is just the latest vote of the UN or ICJ. LOL
It's a meaningless term in this situation.
the UN has passed scores of ex post facto Resolutions making Israel actions "illegal".
If you would like to debate the Actual and fair terminology of the situation, I can and have done so extensively.

Coyote said:
To say that BDS is anti-semitic because they support a widely recognized inerpretation of what that law says and they feel the occupation is wrong is a cheap use of the anti-semite card. It's easier to dismiss movements by calling them "racist" or "anti-semitic" than it is to consider the legitimacy of their causes. Calling them anti-semitic is like calling those who object to Obama's policies as policies - racist.
Again your Evade the actual language of the FM.
She said it was antisemitic NOT because of objection to settlements, but because of it's Unique and hypocritical application

AGAIN: English, a wonderful language.
Honest replies also a good idea, but that's not in the cards.

And that is HER "unique and hypocritical" view that goes against what much of the world see's going on which is little more than an officially endorsed.

Honest replies are not something I would expect you to understand - don't like what someone says or stands for? Call them dishonest. Or anti-semitic. :)

What she said was that prejudging the dispute is counterproductive and that in her experience, those engaged in the anti-Israel BDS Movement are merely anti-Semites living the dream.
Calling them illegal is "anti-semitic" - seriously? Objecting to settlements is "anti-semitic"?

Pull out the anti-semite card.

Object to settlement building in occupied territory and you're labeled an anti-semite:doubt:
It would help if you read more carefully.
She didn't say 'objecting' was antisemitic.
She said the the BDS Movement was antisemitic in it's unique and Hypocritical application to Israel.

English, a wonderful language.

The position that the settlements are illegal are supported by international law - not "anti-semitism" unless you want to label much of the world "anti-semitism" ...

The FM makes the point that the case for illegality has yet to be made and prejudging (as you have done) is harmful to the peace process. It is her opinion that those in the BDS Movement are anti-Semites and your characterization that "much of the world" views the Arab/Israeli conflict (and BDS) as you do is not just pompous but downright silly.
The beach riots weren't about religion but race and turf.

Australia's version of racist skin heads didn't want the ethnic Lebanese youth on their part of the beach.

Even though the Lebanese teens were born in Australia the white kids see them as outsiders.

And so a large fight broke out between the two groups. ..... :cool:

and 8 muslims attacking a jewish family on the beach?
or attacking teen couples on the beach in the evening?
or killing an Israel near the beach?
It is not a muslim only beach so why do they behave as if it is?
It is not about skin heads attacking muslims out of the blue but what muslims did to attracts that kind of response from other australians.
This has been building for more than a decade.
Obviously, you don't know anything about Australian's and their beaches.

Each beach is the turf of various neighborhood groups/gangs and outsiders will be subject to violent beatings if they violate their territory. ... :cool:
Glock 17: "Don't leave home without it". Eliminates beach fights.
and 8 muslims attacking a jewish family on the beach?
or attacking teen couples on the beach in the evening?
or killing an Israel near the beach?
It is not a muslim only beach so why do they behave as if it is?
It is not about skin heads attacking muslims out of the blue but what muslims did to attracts that kind of response from other australians.
This has been building for more than a decade.
Obviously, you don't know anything about Australian's and their beaches.

Each beach is the turf of various neighborhood groups/gangs and outsiders will be subject to violent beatings if they violate their territory. ... :cool:
Glock 17: "Don't leave home without it". Eliminates beach fights.

Hopefully, one of these days you might realize that religion has no bearing on patriotism and those that use it to disparage another's quite often lack that very quality themselves:doubt:
That's FALSE.
Religion can very well affect Patriotism, especially non-secular religion, especially Islam which IS Not just a religion but a religio-Political system. And Islam/Muslims are generally Less secular as well.
A person can be religious AND patriotic, and Islam is no different than any other in that regard.

Hows your Hacking Cough?

No idea.
False and Snaky again.
Indeed, a person "can" be a Muslim and Patriotic, (DUH juvenile strawman attempt) but for reasons I explained and you Disingenuously couldn't address, it's Less likely/Not "the same". Because Unlike Christianity, religio-POLITICAL system Islam's tenets are not the same/Not as compatible with Western democracy which was the product OF liberated/liberal Christian Thought.
Islam overall is also more pious/less secular to that less compatible religio-Political system.
You had originally and unequivocally claimed just above that "religion has No bearing".
Now you've backed off to they "can" be patriotic.

PC Hackery.
Assuming anyone believes Israel propaganda....She is entitled to her moronic bigoted opinion, the question is do Aussies believe her and are they stupid enough to have her as one of their leaders.
Assuming anyone believes Israel propaganda....She is entitled to her moronic bigoted opinion, the question is do Aussies believe her and are they stupid enough to have her as one of their leaders.

This post if quite ironic, considering you believe in Palestinians propaganda :lol:
Assuming anyone believes Israel propaganda....She is entitled to her moronic bigoted opinion, the question is do Aussies believe her and are they stupid enough to have her as one of their leaders.

This post if quite ironic, considering you believe in Palestinians propaganda :lol:

What Palestinian propaganda? Israel controls any information coming out of Palestine.
This post if quite ironic, considering you believe in Palestinians propaganda :lol:

What Palestinian propaganda? Israel controls any information coming out of Palestine.


(Gaza City) – Four Israeli attacks on journalists and media facilities in Gaza during the November 2012 fighting violated the laws of war by targeting civilians and civilian objects that were making no apparent contribution to Palestinian military operations.

The attacks killed two Palestinian cameramen, wounded at least 10 media workers, and badly damaged four media offices, as well as the offices of four private companies. One of the attacks killed a two-year-old boy who lived across the street from a targeted building.

The Israeli government asserted that each of the four attacks was on a legitimate military target but provided no specific information to support its claims. After examining the attack sites and interviewing witnesses, Human Rights Watch found no indications that these targets were valid military objectives.

Israel/Gaza: Unlawful Israeli Attacks on Palestinian Media
Israel/Gaza: Unlawful Israeli Attacks on Palestinian Media | Human Rights Watch

Israel has a long history of destroying any voice of the Palestinian people.
Like I said, I'm probably too naïve and I certainly am not giving him the benefit of the doubt on anything he says in here. I can only respond to what I see, and I don't read that many of his posts in here cause I need to keep my blood pressure down. And you know had I seen any of those posts I would have responded strongly. And not with pos reps.

I keep a little archive of Sunni boy stupidity

The mythical "6 million" figure of the so called holocaust has become a sacred number in the collective consciousness of the western nations.

But in reality, the number is more like two hundred thousand people at the most......... :cool:

Wow. Do people not realize that Germans were meticulous record keepers and kept a record of every person kept in a camp? I lived in Germany for 5 years. I have photos of ovens in several camps. I met an old German who was a guard. He said absolutely there were gas chambers but when they realized the war was lost they disposed of the evidence. If even the Germans admit it, why wouldn't we believe them?

Miles of tunnels filled with file cabinets and boxes of nazi documents. They had to protect all that paperwork. Nazi war machine ran on paperwork......and blood
I can see the BDS movement bowing down to her.

A simple matter of enforcing already existing racism laws and the BDS movement would be illegal. They don't have the support to make it political, and any insurgents could face lengthy jail terms
Back to the thread topic:

BDS isn't anti-semitic in any way.

It's just a way to punish a rogue racist state and hopefully bring down it's fascist government. ... :cool:

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