Australian Journalist Perfectly Describes The Trump Debacle At G20 Summit


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The only people who see the Big Orange Idiot in a positive light are the conservative fools living in their fantasy world where facts and truth are denied.

Aussie journalist, Chris Uhlmann's report perfectly describes the sorry performance turned in by Big Orange at the G20 summit in Germany. (Although, a sorry performance has become the most to be expected from Big Orange.)

This one statement by Uhlmann, alone sums up the Big Orange Idiot’s presidency accurately, “ ‘We learned that Mr. Trump has pressed fast forward on the decline of the U.S. as a global leader,’ Uhlmann said. ‘He managed to diminish his nation and to confuse and alienate his allies.’ ”

The G20 nations, as well as any other U.S. allies driven away by Big Orange, should deny the U.S. any form of participation in decision processes when such meetings are held. The U.S. current leader has nothing positive to offer, so being forced to listen to his blather wastes the time of the important world leaders.

“Uhlmann also highlighted the political discord and divide Trump has exacerbated in the United States and elsewhere. He claimed that Trump had identified the ‘illness’ at the heart of the ‘Western democracies,’ but ‘has no cure for it and seems to just want to exploit it.’ ”

This also explains how the long-term goal of the Republicans has been to turn the U.S. into a third-world nation, with a small, wealthy ruling class, the military, and the rest of us. Big Orange is on track to make this conservative goal happen, and in short order.

Ending Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and all other safety net programs, as wanted by the congressional Republicans, creating an ever-widening income gap, and hastening the movement of wealth upward have been the Republican agenda for decades.

Unfortunately, the stupidity of the conservatives has made it easy for the Republicans to succeed, and all average Americans are going to lose. Conservatives are simply too stupid to understand this, and this makes them the biggest joke this country has ever seen.

So, regardless of the fact the fat cats will eventually take all, at least people of reason will always have the conservatives’ appalling stupidity to laugh about.

Australian Journalist's Devastating Take On Trump At G-20 Goes Viral | HuffPost


2 types of Republicans.jpg

Yes, the truth is everywhere, but conservatives refuse to see it.

The question has to be asked, BertramN, did you graduate from high school and if so where?

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