Australian Kids Face Birthday Candle Ban

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
So I guess in Australia you can blow your own candle, but not your buddy's.

Australian children are to be banned from blowing out candles on birthday cakes under new hygiene regulations that have been slammed by the Australian Medical Association as “bubble-wrapping.”

According to Australia’s Daily Telegraph, the guidelines, set by Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), instruct daycare centers to provide birthday boys and girls with their own individual cupcakes to blow the candles out, to avoid the spread of germs.

Read more: Australian children are to be banned from blowing out candles on communal birthday cakes under new hygiene regulations |
So I guess in Australia you can blow your own candle, but not your buddy's.

Australian children are to be banned from blowing out candles on birthday cakes under new hygiene regulations that have been slammed by the Australian Medical Association as “bubble-wrapping.”

According to Australia’s Daily Telegraph, the guidelines, set by Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), instruct daycare centers to provide birthday boys and girls with their own individual cupcakes to blow the candles out, to avoid the spread of germs.

Read more: Australian children are to be banned from blowing out candles on communal birthday cakes under new hygiene regulations |

Sounds logical to prevent spreading germs.

You never met a miniscule, nanny state law you didnt like, did you?

Can you even have an original thought, or do you want someone to regulate that for you?
I respect the Australian government's right to protect its people as it sees fit.

And screw the peoples rights, correct?

Peoples rights? Isn't Australia a democracy?

No, its a consitutional monarchy, where techincally rights flow from the sovrigen, and devolve to the subjects. Unlike a consitutional republic like ours, where rights come from the people, and we send some responsibilities up to the government.

This is a stupid idea because how many people do you really think this helps while being another nail in the coffin of individual freedom.

I always get a kick out of people who rail about corportations trying to tell us what to do, but accept any brain dead idea from the government because "its from the government"
I respect the Australian government's right to protect its people as it sees fit.

That is not the issue. If you did not respect Australia's right to govern itself would not matter anyway.
So I guess in Australia you can blow your own candle, but not your buddy's.

Australian children are to be banned from blowing out candles on birthday cakes under new hygiene regulations that have been slammed by the Australian Medical Association as “bubble-wrapping.”

According to Australia’s Daily Telegraph, the guidelines, set by Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), instruct daycare centers to provide birthday boys and girls with their own individual cupcakes to blow the candles out, to avoid the spread of germs.

Read more: Australian children are to be banned from blowing out candles on communal birthday cakes under new hygiene regulations |

The "ban" is a pure lie.

This is from "Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services (5th Edition)" where the rumor is borne from:

"Staying Healthy is best practice advice to help child care centres make good decisions for children in their care, not a new set of rules. The advice aims to reduce the risk of serious infections and infectious diseases spreading through child care centres to the children’s families, the workers and the community. It’s not about keeping children away from all germs. Assertions that cakes and candles will be “banned” are incorrect"
Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services (5th Edition) | National Health and Medical Research Council
Nanny government.
Because people are too stupid to live without government guidance.
So I guess in Australia you can blow your own candle, but not your buddy's.

Australian children are to be banned from blowing out candles on birthday cakes under new hygiene regulations that have been slammed by the Australian Medical Association as “bubble-wrapping.”

According to Australia’s Daily Telegraph, the guidelines, set by Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), instruct daycare centers to provide birthday boys and girls with their own individual cupcakes to blow the candles out, to avoid the spread of germs.

Read more: Australian children are to be banned from blowing out candles on communal birthday cakes under new hygiene regulations |

The "ban" is a pure lie.

This is from "Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services (5th Edition)" where the rumor is borne from:

"Staying Healthy is best practice advice to help child care centres make good decisions for children in their care, not a new set of rules. The advice aims to reduce the risk of serious infections and infectious diseases spreading through child care centres to the children’s families, the workers and the community. It’s not about keeping children away from all germs. Assertions that cakes and candles will be “banned” are incorrect"
Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services (5th Edition) | National Health and Medical Research Council

I was going to point this out but you beat me to. It's nothing but a suggestion from a booklet. Nothing is being banned.
I respect the Australian government's right to protect its people as it sees fit.

Protect it's people? From germs?

That's like trying to protect yourself from air.

So, when one has the flu it's okay to just go around coughing on other people?

One whould hope the parents would keep the children away from others when they start getting sick.

Ive been to countless birthday parties with countless cakes, and countless birthday person spittle all over the cake.

Still here.

What is stupid, even if only "best practices" is instead of saying "watch out for sick kids and dont do it if they are sick" just "no more birthday cakes, birthday cupcakes!!"

Its a small problem just looking for a big stupid nanny state solution.
So I guess in Australia you can blow your own candle, but not your buddy's.

Australian children are to be banned from blowing out candles on birthday cakes under new hygiene regulations that have been slammed by the Australian Medical Association as “bubble-wrapping.”

According to Australia’s Daily Telegraph, the guidelines, set by Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), instruct daycare centers to provide birthday boys and girls with their own individual cupcakes to blow the candles out, to avoid the spread of germs.

Read more: Australian children are to be banned from blowing out candles on communal birthday cakes under new hygiene regulations |

The "ban" is a pure lie.

This is from "Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services (5th Edition)" where the rumor is borne from:

"Staying Healthy is best practice advice to help child care centres make good decisions for children in their care, not a new set of rules. The advice aims to reduce the risk of serious infections and infectious diseases spreading through child care centres to the children’s families, the workers and the community. It’s not about keeping children away from all germs. Assertions that cakes and candles will be “banned” are incorrect"
Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services (5th Edition) | National Health and Medical Research Council

It might as well be. If cupcakes instead of birthday cakes are considered "best practice" and said best practice is ignored, if a kid gets sick a dies around the time there was a birthday cake, well, shucks, best practices werent followed, its the cakes fault, thus its the party throwers fault and the schools fault, and we should SUE THEM.

So every school that doesnt follow this opens themself up to liability.

A ban doesnt have to be called a ban to actually ban something, this is the weasel way of doing it.
When our government offers advice for a better life - I pay attention. I especially value health advice from CDC and NIH.

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